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Yes, thank China for food aid, but learn from her

I don't think we are helping them,Africa is helping China in some way,that's business.it's different from aid and assistance.

To put things into perspective for you....how can you say it is bad propaganda? You dont like truth be told?

We are still the largest trading partners with Africa by country. Eat that!

China has also donated a million dollar brand new HQ building to the Africans. Has it collapsed yet?

Where is india, your ethnic cheerleaders, in these perspectives?

Why is China not helping their deeper than ocean friend Pakistan when she need it more than African countries

Has russia your "ally" provides you with any help when your economy was close to total collapse in 1991?

Just yell, Pakistanis, we will help when you are in need!
I don't think we are helping them,Africa is helping China in some way,that's business.it's different from aid and assistance.

We are helping Africa

When they are in trouble, they are not required to fill out forms before our aid reaches them. We built their trans-naiton railways during the Mao's era. As regard to trade, they have the option of not entering into contracts with us. But for these humanitarian aid, no contracts are signed.
We are still the largest trading partners with Africa by country. Eat that!

True, but i think you are overestimating your influence.

has also donate a brand new HQ building to the Africans。 Has it collapsed yet?

Dont blame me for bad constructions, im just the messenger.

is india, your ethnic cheerleaders, in these perspectives?

idk, im guessing their trade isn't that big if it didnt make it on that list.
Ye, im crying tears of laughter when i read a hospital Chinese built was constructed so poorly it had to be closed down in a few months.

let the general African people talk about what they feel about China,not you.

China's biggest share of favorable opinions is from Africa,it's from the general public,not the governmets.


Global views of China improved in 2011 from 2010. Among the countries surveyed both in 2010 and 2011, an average of 44 per cent say that China has a positive influence in the world, compared to 40 per cent in 2010. The proportion of people holding the opposite view remained steady (38%).

Despite this overall improvement, the spread by country is split (as was the case in 2010): 13 countries hold positive views, 13 hold negative views, and one is divided.

The most favourable views towards China are found in Nigeria (85%, up 12 points), Ghana (72%, up 9 points), and Kenya (73%). In Latin America, views of China are also generally very positive, with majorities in Chile (61%), Peru (57%), and Brazil (55%) having positive views of China's influence.


Global views of China improved in 2011 from 2010. Among the countries surveyed both in 2010 and 2011, an average of 44 per cent say that China has a positive influence in the world, compared to 40 per cent in 2010. The proportion of people holding the opposite view remained steady (38%).

The most favourable views towards China are found in Nigeria (85%, up 12 points), Ghana (72%, up 9 points), and Kenya (73%). In Latin America, views of China are also generally very positive, with majorities in Chile (61%), Peru (57%), and Brazil (55%) having positive views of China's influence.

22 Nation Poll Shows China Viewed Positively by Most Countries,China Seen More Favorably Than US, Russia


let the general African people talk about what they feel about China,not you.

Want me to link that article again, where African people speak and not me? In text size 3+ like you did?
Here's something different, president of SA talking.....

Jacob Zuma, the South African president, has warned that the unbalanced nature of Africa’s burgeoning trade ties with China is “unsustainable” in the long term.
The South African leader was speaking to the China-Africa Forum in Beijing just after China’s president pledged $20bn in loans to Africa, doubling the amount Beijing agreed to give Africa three years ago at the same forum.


Also i love the way how you quoted only half of the list and not pasting a link to it, so i can paste the other half where it says, how many countries dropped in their "liking of China". You simply copied the upper half into the lower half....
You really thought i would not notice?

13 countries hold positive views, 13 hold negative views, and one is divided.
EU is not a country,asking Europeans about their opinions about EU is like asking Beijingers favorable rate about China.

Want me to link that article again, where African people speak and not me? In text size 3+ like you did?

We here have the poll,the general public,not from any individuals,if you are hell bent to find some China hater,of cause you can find them anywhere in this world,but the general public opinions show that China is viewed more positive than US especially in African countries.
I gave the link already,you can open the link,China is viewed most favorable and very positive by the Africa's general public.that states the truth,and the poll was made by the west.
EU is not a country,asking Europeans about their opinions about EU is like asking Beijingers favorable rate about China.

lol, but when it goes to seek new trade deals it behaves like a country, dont forget that.

We here have the poll,the general public,not from any individuals,if you are hell bent to find some China hater,of cause you can find them anywhere in this world,but the general public opinions show that China is viewed more positive than US especially in African countries.

Polls can be tailor made to be exploited in just about any direction. With carefully selected questions one can manipulate the results.

I gave the link already,you can open the link,China is viewed most favorable and very positive by the Africa's general public.that states the truth,and the poll was made by the west.

post the other half.....be honest once in a while....

More size 3.....you think your point gets across better if you change text size?
To me it is just a desperate attempt of smoke and mirrors tactic...
Polls speak volume and is much reliable than any individual biased stories,I think all people agree with this simple fact.

I can find a thousand anti US stories in africa if I want to do that,but it means nothing,a simple poll shows everything,it's the general public's opinion.I don't know why you still argue about that simple fact.
Polls speak volume and is much reliable than any individual biased stories,I think all people agree with this simple fact.

I can find a thousand anti US stories in africa if I want to do that,but it means nothing,a simple poll shows everything,it's the general public's opinion.I don't know why you still argue about that simple fact.


Polls can be made to say anything you want.....anticipating size 4!
China's help is very sincere and no strings attached,that's why we won the hearts and minds of African countries.

Even if there is a string attached, I applaud your help to the poor in Africa.

Polls can be made to say anything you want.....anticipating size 4!

so you stories are much better than those many polls made by international polling groups?? you are just becoming impossible...pathetic.
so you stories are much better than those many polls made by international polling groups?? you are just becoming impossible...pathetic.


When will you post the other half of the survey?

Also, my stories included words from the president of Africa's most developed nation...hardly an opinion that you can discard as some shopkeeper not being happy with cheap China made goods.
But im guessing you will try anything now, as you have already started with personal attacks.
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