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Yemeni air defenses down yet another US-made Saudi attack drone(MQ-9 Reaper)


Jul 8, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Yemen has successfully targeted an attack drone belonging to Saudi Arabia, as the country continues to develop a deterrence against Riyadh's continued drone raids and surveillance flights over cities and civilian targets.

The Yemeni Army and Popular Committees downed the drone on Thursday afternoon in al-Jabaliyah in the country's west coast.

A source in the Air Defense unit told the al-Masirah news network that the drone was a US-made MQ-9 Reaper.

The Saudi air force launched a series of airstrikes on the wreckage of the drone to destroy it before it fell to the hands of the Yemeni fighters, the source added.

Yemeni forces seem to have developed a sophisticated air defense network to fight off Riyadh's drone raids.

They downed an MQ-1 Predator last month, another US-made drone, using a surface-to-air missile.


The wreckage of a US-made Saudi-operated drone downed over Yemen in 2017 (file photo)
The media bureau of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement announced in April that Yemeni air defense forces and their allies had shot down a Chinese-built medium-altitude and long-endurance Wing Loong drone with a surface-to-air missile.

Yemen's air defenses also downed three more Saudi spy drones of unspecified models in various parts of the country.

In late March, Yemeni soldiers and fighters from Popular Committees intercepted and shot down another MQ-1 drone in the Hamdan district of Sana’a province.

The development comes as Yemeni fighters have achieved great strides in developing domestic attack drones and using them to orchestrate devastating retaliatory attacks on oil facilities and other vital Saudi targets.

Last month, the Houthi movement said about 300 critical targets in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as well as in Yemen were in its crosshairs.

The warning came after the Yemeni army launched retaliatory drone attacks on a major oil pumping station deep inside Saudi Arabia, forcing state crude giant Aramco to temporarily shut down the pipeline.

The ability to shoot down enemy drones and conduct drone offensives is the latest game-changing development in a years-long war by Saudi Arabia and its regional allies -- mainly the UAE.

PressTV-Vowing retaliation, Yemen buries victims of Saudi raids
Yemeni mourners hold a mass funeral for victims of last week's Saudi aerial assault on the capital Sana'a.

They had already stirred fear in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi by developing a formidable arsenal of ballistic missiles and conducting regular missile attacks against strategic targets in aggressor countries such as the Riyadh international airport.

Saudi Arabia and its allies launched the war on Yemen in March 2015 in an attempt to reinstall the Riyadh-allied former regime and crush the Houthis -- objectives that have failed to materialize due to Yemenis’ stiff resistance.

Since the war began, there have been tens of thousands of civilian casualties. Millions of Yemenis now subsist beneath the poverty line and hundreds of thousands of children are suffering and dying from malnutrition.

The Western-backed military aggression, coupled with a naval blockade, has also destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure and led to a massive humanitarian crisis.







Yemen has successfully targeted an attack drone belonging to Saudi Arabia, as the country continues to develop a deterrence against Riyadh's continued drone raids and surveillance flights over cities and civilian targets.

The Yemeni Army and Popular Committees downed the drone on Thursday afternoon in al-Jabaliyah in the country's west coast.

A source in the Air Defense unit told the al-Masirah news network that the drone was a US-made MQ-9 Reaper.

The Saudi air force launched a series of airstrikes on the wreckage of the drone to destroy it before it fell to the hands of the Yemeni fighters, the source added.

Yemeni forces seem to have developed a sophisticated air defense network to fight off Riyadh's drone raids.

They downed an MQ-1 Predator last month, another US-made drone, using a surface-to-air missile.


The wreckage of a US-made Saudi-operated drone downed over Yemen in 2017 (file photo)
The media bureau of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement announced in April that Yemeni air defense forces and their allies had shot down a Chinese-built medium-altitude and long-endurance Wing Loong drone with a surface-to-air missile.

Yemen's air defenses also downed three more Saudi spy drones of unspecified models in various parts of the country.

In late March, Yemeni soldiers and fighters from Popular Committees intercepted and shot down another MQ-1 drone in the Hamdan district of Sana’a province.

The development comes as Yemeni fighters have achieved great strides in developing domestic attack drones and using them to orchestrate devastating retaliatory attacks on oil facilities and other vital Saudi targets.

Last month, the Houthi movement said about 300 critical targets in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as well as in Yemen were in its crosshairs.

The warning came after the Yemeni army launched retaliatory drone attacks on a major oil pumping station deep inside Saudi Arabia, forcing state crude giant Aramco to temporarily shut down the pipeline.

The ability to shoot down enemy drones and conduct drone offensives is the latest game-changing development in a years-long war by Saudi Arabia and its regional allies -- mainly the UAE.

PressTV-Vowing retaliation, Yemen buries victims of Saudi raids
Yemeni mourners hold a mass funeral for victims of last week's Saudi aerial assault on the capital Sana'a.

They had already stirred fear in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi by developing a formidable arsenal of ballistic missiles and conducting regular missile attacks against strategic targets in aggressor countries such as the Riyadh international airport.

Saudi Arabia and its allies launched the war on Yemen in March 2015 in an attempt to reinstall the Riyadh-allied former regime and crush the Houthis -- objectives that have failed to materialize due to Yemenis’ stiff resistance.

Since the war began, there have been tens of thousands of civilian casualties. Millions of Yemenis now subsist beneath the poverty line and hundreds of thousands of children are suffering and dying from malnutrition.

The Western-backed military aggression, coupled with a naval blockade, has also destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure and led to a massive humanitarian crisis.






Thats some sensitive American tech , i hope its in good condition so that Russians or maybe chinese get it and reverse engineer that baby ....
So they "apparently" managed to shot down a drone while losing 10.000's upon 10.000's of fighters and their strongholds being destroyed and living in misery while not a single inch of KSA is under their control and 85% of Yemen is in control of the Arab coalition and the legitimate Yemeni government.

Some victory!

Meanwhile in the real world:


I have to say it, Yemen has been a great testing ground for us.
So they "apparently" managed to shot down a drone while losing 10.000's upon 10.000's of fighters and their strongholds being destroyed and living in misery while not a single inch of KSA is under their control and 85% of Yemen is in control of the Arab coalition and the legitimate Yemeni government.

Some victory!

Meanwhile in the real world:


I have to say it, Yemen has been a great testing ground for us.
I wonder who is in charge of the light green Al-Qaeda or Hadi mercenaries ?

By the way do you really believe the first part of your posts specially those 10000s upon 10000s part.
I wonder who is in charge of the light green Al-Qaeda or Hadi mercenaries ?

By the way do you really believe the first part of your posts specially those 10000s upon 10000s part.

KSA. After all we control ISIS, AQAP, HTS, Taliban, Gulen, PKK, MEK etc.

That is not what I believe that is a fact already admitted by Houthi leadership. The same leadership that has been decimated by large.
So they "apparently" managed to shot down a drone while losing 10.000's upon 10.000's of fighters and their strongholds being destroyed and living in misery while not a single inch of KSA is under their control and 85% of Yemen is in control of the Arab coalition and the legitimate Yemeni government.

Some victory!

Meanwhile in the real world:


I have to say it, Yemen has been a great testing ground for us.
al-hasani, you're repeating this 85% almost for 3 years now, if not more. Why not 86% after 3 years (1% more)?

Also I would like to know your source about 10000's upon 10000's death AnsarAllah fighters..
al-hasani, you're repeating this 85% almost for 3 years now, if not more. Why not 86% after 3 years (1% more)?

Also I would like to know your source about 10000's upon 10000's death AnsarAllah fighters..

Because the truth must be written. KSA and allies have been victorious in Yemen (almost all objectives have been met) with minimal material, personal and economic losses while the Houthis have not had a single of their objectives met yet. In fact they are on losing side constantly and the only thing that saves them from further misery is the international community as seen in Hodeidah.

Take a close look at this map. It speaks for itself and besides that it is a beautiful map.


That source has been posted hundreds of times. A simple Google search and common logic (losing almost all of Yemen and losing 100's of battles) should do the rest.

11,000+ killed (Arab Coalition claim; as of Dec. 2017)[58]


Half of their leadership has been wiped out as well.

Yemen a country the size of Syria and Iraq combined. Population over 30 million. One of the most mountainous countries in the world. With a population that have little to lose. Notoriously difficult to control for any outsider throughout history and even for the Yemeni government Against the most heavily armed militia in the world armed with ballistic missiles. In foreign lands (Yemen) albeit Arabia as well. So obviously this 85% must be emphasized as propagandist on PDF like to claim that the number is 1% in reality and that Houthis and regular Yemeni army units loyal to them are "barefoot" beggars.:lol:

Meanwhile mighty USA are doing much worse in Afghanistan against a weaker opponent. For 18 years now. Likewise Iran in Syria albeit getting help from a superpower in Russia who is carpet bombing all of Syria unlike what KSA is doing in Yemen although we could easily do the same. Those are facts that must be spoken about in a horde of propaganda on PDF where mainly the same 5-6 Iranian users are doing the propaganda and no Arab users can counter it due to 99,9% of all Arab users leaving PDF for well-known reasons much like most Turks left.
chit bhee inkee aur pat bhee inke kuch aslaha yemen ko baach kar saudiyon ko nuqsaan dete hain phir saudiyon koo arboon dollars ka aslaha batchte hayn looto jee dono hathon say.
So they "apparently" managed to shot down a drone while losing 10.000's upon 10.000's of fighters and their strongholds being destroyed and living in misery while not a single inch of KSA is under their control and 85% of Yemen is in control of the Arab coalition and the legitimate Yemeni government.

Some victory!

Meanwhile in the real world:


I have to say it, Yemen has been a great testing ground for us.
Man , thats harsh , how could you say that , you sand dwellers live in comfy homes and bomb those innocent Children , shame on you ...
Man , thats harsh , how could you say that , you sand dwellers live in comfy homes and bomb those innocent Children , shame on you ...

Yes, poor terrorist cultist in the form of Houthis. Is "sand dweller" supposed to be an insult, lol? You do realize that KSA has every imaginable landscape and that our mountainous areas (an example) are bigger than all of Pakistan combined? And that except for your North (mountains) and the lands just nearby the Indus all your land is arid and made up mostly of desert?

Spare me the tears. You obviously belong to a certain sect (the username gives it away) and obviously have sympathy for Houthi terrorist cultists. The same cult that destroyed Yemen. But understand this simple fact. Saudi Arabians and Yemenis are fellow Arabians and Arabs. Our bond is much stronger than your imaginary bond with them. We are neighbors (permanent) and will live in peace as throughout most of recorded history once the terrorist cult causing havoc in Yemen have been dealt with. Only few areas left as seen in my posts in this thread.

As for KSA, I suggest visiting this thread to cure your ignorance. Beautiful thread of a beautiful country (KSA).

So they "apparently" managed to shot down a drone while losing 10.000's upon 10.000's of fighters and their strongholds being destroyed and living in misery while not a single inch of KSA is under their control and 85% of Yemen is in control of the Arab coalition and the legitimate Yemeni government.

Some victory!

Meanwhile in the real world:


I have to say it, Yemen has been a great testing ground for us.

Welcome back, Arabian horse loving member of 500 million Arab people with the oldest civilization known to humankind and the greatest dates of all.
Welcome back, Arabian horse loving member of 500 million Arab people with the oldest civilization known to humankind and the greatest dates of all.

I do indeed love Arabian horses and they are the most expensive and majestic horses and the race of horses that have influenced most horse races in the world. Ask any horse breeder and horse expert. There are indeed 500 million Arabs worldwide making Arabs the second biggest ethnic group in the world after the Han Chinese.

The oldest recorded civilizations are indeed found in the Arab world, more precisely Arabia, Sham and Mesopotamia.

Dates from KSA, in particular Hijaz and Madinah and nearby areas have indeed the best reputation and most number of different date sorts can be found in KSA as well.

Thank you my Kurdish friend. How is life going in Germany and what is your reaction to the mess that Erdogan has created inside Turkey, mainly the economy?
I wasnt aware that saudis brough reaper... I mean they brough some chinese armed drones (300 chinese armed drones if I am not mistaken) but reaper? It is weird... so weird...
Yes, poor terrorist cultist in the form of Houthis. Is "sand dweller" supposed to be an insult, lol? You do realize that KSA has every imaginable landscape and that our mountainous areas (an example) are bigger than all of Pakistan combined? And that except for your North (mountains) and the lands just nearby the Indus all your land is arid and made up mostly of desert?

Spare me the tears. You obviously belong to a certain sect (the username gives it away) and obviously have sympathy for Houthi terrorist cultists. The same cult that destroyed Yemen. But understand this simple fact. Saudi Arabians and Yemenis are fellow Arabians and Arabs. Our bond is much stronger than your imaginary bond with them. We are neighbors (permanent) and will live in peace as throughout most of recorded history once the terrorist cult causing havoc in Yemen have been dealt with. Only few areas left as seen in my posts in this thread.

As for KSA, I suggest visiting this thread to cure your ignorance. Beautiful thread of a beautiful country (KSA).

Well i hate to break it you but i am a sunni , just because my name is Hasnain does'nt mean that i am a shia , atleast i am not a sectarian maniac like you , i only respect Arabs because our Prophet (PBUH) was one of them , but looking at your condition now , i say we Ajmis are way better than you , you still evaded my point , i did'nt say i have sympathy for houthis , i said why do you bomb Children ?
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