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Yemeni air defenses down yet another US-made Saudi attack drone(MQ-9 Reaper)

So they "apparently" managed to shot down a drone while losing 10.000's upon 10.000's of fighters and their strongholds being destroyed and living in misery while not a single inch of KSA is under their control and 85% of Yemen is in control of the Arab coalition and the legitimate Yemeni government.
You claim to have 85% of Yemen, yet have to bring mercenaries from around the world to fight for you in Yemen.
Saudis and their allies have no friend in Yemen, not even in the occupied territories, Yemeni people are your number one enemy, that's why we hear this report:
An estimated 24 million people – close to 80 per cent of the population – need assistance and protection in Yemen, the UN warned on Thursday

Yemeni's defense minister Mohammed Nasser al-Atifi visited their front lines deep in Saudi Arabia near the city of Najran.
Pictures and video - farsnews

LOL, not a single inch :omghaha:. keep reading your fake news!
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