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Yatsenyuk Rewrites History: ‘USSR Invaded Germany’


Jun 23, 2013
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Russian Federation
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has amazed the world with his knowledge of history: in his interview with the German TV channel ARD, the politician said that "all of us still clearly remember the Soviet invasion into Ukraine and Germany," referring to the Second World War.
MOSCOW, January 9 (Sputnik) – Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has demonstrated his knowledge of history to the world.

On Thursday, while on an official visit to Berlin, the bespectacled young politician was interviewed live by the German TV channel ARD, where he claimed that the USSR had kicked off the Second World War by invading Germany.

"All of us still clearly remember the Soviet invasion of Ukraine and Germany," he said. "We need to avoid it."

"Nobody has the right to rewrite the results of the Second World War," he added. "Russia's President Putin is trying to do exactly this."

Yatsenyuk, however, did not clarify what particular results of the Second World War President Putin is trying to rewrite. The TV host seemed uninterested in pursuing the matter.

Prior to the Second World War, most of Ukraine, including Kiev, was part of the USSR although what was to become western Ukraine was split between Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Romania.
Yatsenyuk Rewrites History: ‘USSR Invaded Germany’ / Sputnik International
Statement of one moron who is representative of the moronic state ...
That's unbelievable. Those are the folks who are supported by the extremely enlightened, democratic and freedom-loving Western countries. They see no hypocrisy, no inconsistency here.

1) - I'm so fearless that was not afraid to attack the USSR.
- You're lying! Yatsenyuk said that the USSR invaded Germany and Ukraine.
2) But I am....
The German attack was self defence,The Russians would have invaded anyway by 1943.He's partially right,the USSR had it coming.
The German attack was self defence,The Russians would have invaded anyway by 1943.He's partially right,the USSR had it coming.
do you know anything about history.. Yes I think Romania is going to invade Russia and i should tell the Russian PM that... forget that there is no fact in what i am saying but well i guess we are playing stupid things people say daily
@Akheilos you wasted your time arguing with him?
so, lets just say that USSR invaded Germany in WWII, what's wrong with that? is he defending Nazis?? o_O am I missing something here??
WTF did I just read? Can you give me an official document that is recognized by German historians in this regard? If not, STFU, bloody Nazi!
do you know anything about history.. Yes I think Romania is going to invade Russia and i should tell the Russian PM that... forget that there is no fact in what i am saying but well i guess we are playing stupid things people say daily
@Akheilos you wasted your time arguing with him?
lolz...sorry but that was funny :D
I understand the ideological differences between Stalin and Hitler would have been eventual war anyway. Hitler was hoping to get UK and USA on his side against "the East." Stalin was rapidly industrializing and soon "could" bring the full industrial might of USSR and Eastern Bloc against the Third Reich. Both sides made peace when necessary but neither dropped their guard. Again, it went back to Nazi ideology versus communism.
I understand the ideological differences between Stalin and Hitler would have been eventual war anyway.
would have is different then actually happening.... history can not be rewritten by changing facts with thoughts sir
would have is different then actually happening.... history can not be rewritten by changing facts with thoughts sir
I was responding to the post below. While not defending the poster, what he posted is actually an interesting point and I think consistent with WW2 history.
The German attack was self defence,The Russians would have invaded anyway by 1943.He's partially right,the USSR had it coming.
I was responding to the post below. While not defending the poster, what he posted is actually an interesting point and I think consistent with WW2 history.
not all friction will end in war. Plus the history we see in most western books is biased. The USSR was totally unprepared for a German war and did not expect it. Stalin's later non trusting nature was attributed to this incident of betrayal.
WTF did I just read? Can you give me an official document that is recognized by German historians in this regard? If not, STFU, bloody Nazi!

Cam down fictional German citizen who's really a paid troll.Reality upon you:

Stalin's Secret WarPlans: Why Hitler Invaded the Soviet Union. RichardTedor.

not all friction will end in war. Plus the history we see in most western books is biased. The USSR was totally unprepared for a German war and did not expect it. Stalin's later non trusting nature was attributed to this incident of betrayal.

Friction,miction...Soviet armies were amassing for an invasion of Europe,"Ze Germans" were quicker.Unfortunately only half of Europe was saved in the end,half had to live with those rapists for 45 years.

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