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Yasser Arafat "the Champion of Palestine"

no he was not, nor is the current head of PA Abbas who is a traitor to Allah and to Palestine and to Islam and to Muslims, the true lions of Palestine are simply the mujahedines whom the prophet salla Allahu aleihi wa sallam called in the Hadith (the victorious group) and described their location being in the surrendings of Quds, and here is their late leader shahid Sheikh Ahmed Yassin rahimahu Allah .

get ur facts straight !!
I think the man tried every avenue, regional coalition
  • United Nation
  • Signing Peace accords
  • Resistance




However, to most Muslims outside of American continent, it was difficult to understand why the blind support for Israel it was only after I reached a certain age that it became obvious why USA blindly supported Israel

a) The Religious ideology that many folks in USA believe Jesus will come if Israel is created
b) It is part of religious "mind" the religious lunatics in USA who will look the other way as Israel commits crimes
c) The absolute support of Israel no matter what war crimes it commits
d) Jews personally don't believe Christians are jews but it helps their cause so they are generally ok with that

That is, of course, the main reason, why Israel gets F35 and F16 and F15 from Big brother

Of course, there were other reasons such as Pro Israeli groups control USA politics and Movie industry and pretty much the news outlets

Gradually the Media started to call Palestinian resistance fighters as "Terrorist" while not acknowledging Palestinian's fight for their own lands taken away from them in 50's

I saw that transition in my lifetime , every time a Palestinian dies they use the world for it
"Militant" not a freedom fighter and not a warrior not someone who is trying to free his people or homeland

Even today we see Big Brother sanctioning various freedom groups in Palestine/Israel as militant groups

It's all being done because there is some religious undertones and bias

The proposed deal of century by Trump was an example of such none sense

So-called Deal of Century from Trump



USA can't be a trusted partner in the Palestinian struggle for peace because they have their own religious bias connected to Israel their Jesus won't come unless Israel is fully functional and dominant

For Muslims this whole story is shady becasue , we know Jesus was never liked by Jews infact they outcasted him

Now going 360 degree

Now we are back to the statue ... what is it about this simple statue which pisses off Jews very simple IRAN is 100% behind the creation of Palestine state 100% support an that just does not flies with Jews and their controlled entity USA
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Is this the guy who cooperated with communist comrades pkk??? @Timur
I think he is
so based on that i can only wish him good vacation in hell
Is this the guy who cooperated with communist comrades pkk??? @Timur
I think he is
so based on that i can only wish him good vacation in hell

If the west or kuffar loves someone than be sure there is something really wrong
Ha ha, you mean devout / pious Muslims like al-Qaeda, Taliban, FSA, NTC etc who in reality were creations / stooges of Western governments ??

Please read this thread of mine which is actually an article by the Pakistani journalist, Nadeem Paracha, about Progressive activism among Muslims in the past decades. I had posted that thread in 2016. Try to understand why I used the word "pious" in the thread's title.

At least he was better than the Hamas mullahs who were encouraged by Israel and the Western governments. :)

The PLO is the legitimate voice of Palestine. In the past decades, international revolutionaries and Progressive governments sided with the PLO and not the Hamas.

As for the Palestine struggle, I believe that the One State Solution is the proper one. All Jews, the Muslims and the Christians living in a single democratic state.

Good collections of pics.
You are delusional first liberate yourself from Hindus than talk about Palestine and we know Arafat was nothing but businessman who made successful investment in the thing called the Palestinian cause.

Is this the guy who cooperated with communist comrades pkk??? @Timur
I think he is
so based on that i can only wish him good vacation in hell
He and his organization are responsible for destabilizing the region from supporting and training Kurds to support and arm Iranian groups to overthrow the shah which created the big shit in the Middle East.
You are delusional first liberate yourself from Hindus than talk about Palestine and we know Arafat was nothing but businessman who made successful investment in the thing called the Palestinian cause.

He and his organization are responsible for destabilizing the region from supporting and training Kurds to support and arm Iranian groups to overthrow the shah which created the big shit in the Middle East.

He was so good at owning Coca Cola bottling plants in Palestine and getting moolah from gullible Muslims around the world great businessman shitty leader for the Palestinians the underated dude for the Palestinians was George Habash
You are delusional first liberate yourself from Hindus than talk about Palestine and we know Arafat was nothing but businessman who made successful investment in the thing called the Palestinian cause.

He and his organization are responsible for destabilizing the region from supporting and training Kurds to support and arm Iranian groups to overthrow the shah which created the big shit in the Middle East.
What liberate from Hindus? Muslims were already "liberated" in 1947 itself. They got their promised land. India was promised for non muslims yet Muslims were allowed to stay
and we know Arafat was nothing but businessman who made successful investment in the thing called the Palestinian cause.

1. So who poisoned him ??

2. Who is the real voice of the Palestinians ??

If the west or kuffar loves someone than be sure there is something really wrong

FSA, NTC, MB, AQ etc ??
1. So who poisoned him ??

2. Who is the real voice of the Palestinians ??

FSA, NTC, MB, AQ etc ??

Arafat was just a opportunistic scum if you are genuine leftist as you claim to be, George Habash of the PFLP was the real deal even when the Eastern Bloc evaporated and the USSR fell in the early 1990s, Habash and the PFLP never gave up on a one state solution in fact they are the only non-Islamists group fighting left also
despite their ideological differences and disagreements with Hamas they tend to get along for sake of unity of the Palestinian cause they also get support from Iran as well.For Arafat the dude was playing all sides the Guflies,the Iranians,Israelis,Soviets and Americans he basically was scum who took advantage of real resistenece fighters and leaders after Eastern Bloc fell he pushed for this crappy two state solution nonsense and the Palis are in this mess since Oslo of 1993
Just like always when they decide to get rid of their old dogs.

You can Ask Saddam the same question
The only thing he achieved was to become a billionaire by skimming Palestinian aid for himself and have his wife live in the penthouse suite of the Paris Ritz for years on end.
even when the Eastern Bloc evaporated and the USSR fell in the early 1990s, Habash and the PFLP never gave up on a one state solution

I didn't know that.

And yes, I respect the PFLP. This group has been fighting in Syria alongside the Syrian government forces. It has also this piece of history :
The Japanese Red Army, Nihon Sekigun from 1971 had very close ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Wadie Haddad. By 1972 the United Red Army in Japan was finished and the Shigenobu group dependent on the PFLP for financing, training and weaponry.
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