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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Today, Xianjiang is a part of China. If anyone who thinks it's not, can bring their dispute to the United Nations.

PLA Helicopter flight training in Xinjiang
Two Z-9 attack helicopters attached to an army aviation brigade under the PLA Xinjiang Military Command (MC) lift off during a recent coordinated tactical flight training exercise in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Wu Shike)
Source:China Military Online
Two Z-9 attack helicopters attached to an army aviation brigade under the PLA Xinjiang Military Command (MC) lift off during a recent coordinated tactical flight training exercise in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Wu Shike)3
A transport helicopter attached to an army aviation brigade under the PLA Xinjiang Military Command (MC) hovers in the air under complex weather condition during a recent coordinated tactical flight training exercise in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Wu Shike)4
Attack and transport helicopters attached to an army aviation brigade under the PLA Xinjiang Military Command (MC) lift off for a recent coordinated tactical flight training exercise in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Wu Shike)5
A group of transport helicopters attached to an army aviation brigade under the PLA Xinjiang Military Command (MC) lifts off in emergency during a recent coordinated tactical flight training exercise in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Wu Shike)6
A group of transport helicopters attached to an army aviation brigade under the PLA Xinjiang Military Command (MC) lifts off in emergency during a recent coordinated tactical flight training exercise in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Wu Shike)7
A group of transport helicopters attached to an army aviation brigade under the PLA Xinjiang Military Command (MC) lifts off in emergency during a recent coordinated tactical flight training exercise in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Wu Shike)8
Attack and transport helicopters attached to an army aviation brigade under the PLA Xinjiang Military Command (MC) hover at an ultra-low altitude during a recent coordinated tactical flight training exercise in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Wu Shike)9
Attack and transport helicopters attached to an army aviation brigade under the PLA Xinjiang Military Command (MC) conduct a coordinated tactical flight training exercise in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Wu Shike)
Copyright @China Military. All rights reserved.
Look at all of the existing remnants of Chinese Han Dynasty construction in Xinjiang Province from 2,000 years ago (e.g. watchtower, parts of the Great Wall, fire beacon tower, tombs, etc.). There is absolutely no question whatsoever that China had claimed Xinjiang Province since the Han Dynasty.

China doesn't need Han Dynasty "literature" to claim Xinjiang. Chinese Han Dynasty CONSTRUCTION are still there today for you to see with your own eyes (see photographs below). China relies on HARD PROOF CONSTRUCTION for its claim to Xinjiang.

Two thousand years into the future, future historians will point to China's high-speed rail construction in Xinjiang province as proof of today's Chinese sovereignty over Xinjiang province.

Xinjiang has been Chinese territory for the last 2,000 years

The Han Dynasty exercised sovereignty over Xinjiang.

Xinjiang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In the 2nd century BC, Han China sent Zhang Qian as an envoy to the states in the region, beginning several decades of struggle between the Xiongnu and Han China over dominance of the region, eventually ending in Chinese success. In 60 BC Han China established the Protectorate of the Western Regions (西域都護府) at Wulei (烏壘; near modern Luntai) to oversee the entire region as far west as the Pamir. Tarim Basin was under the influence and control of the Han dynasty."

Govt. White Papers - china.org.cn

"The Xiongnu entered Xinjiang mainly around 176 B.C. The Han was one of the earliest peoples to settle in Xinjiang.

In 101 B.C., the Han empire began to station garrison troops to open up wasteland for cultivation of farm crops in Luntai (Bügür), Quli and some other places. Later, it sent troops to all other parts of Xinjiang for the same purpose. All the garrison reclamation points became the early settlements of the Han people after they entered Xinjiang. Since the Western Regions Frontier Command was established in 60 B.C., the inflow of the Han people to Xinjiang, including officials, soldiers and merchants, had never stopped."



"two-thousand-year-old Han dynasty watchtower, outside Kuqa (Xinjiang)"

Source: Bradley Mayhew: Travels in Xinjiang



"Han Dynasty Great Wall in the desert.

Great Wall in the Desert

The remnants of Han Dynasty (206 B.C. – 220 A.D.) Great Wall can be found in the Gobi desert. The section that we will look at is part of a stretch that crossed the desert from Hami to Jiuquan, the Great Wall in this area was made out of layers of reeds and rammed earth and gravel. Two thousand years later, some of the wall remains in reasonable—but weathered—condition. The wall here, and the soldiers who garrisoned it, made the area safer for the traders and pilgrims on the Silk Road."

Source: Beijing Hikers - Special Trips



"Ruins of a beacon tower of the Han Dynasty in Lop Nur, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

As the symbol of the strong politics and economy of the Qin (221 BC - 206 BC) and Han (206 BC - 220) Dynasties, Great Wall of the Qin and Han Dynasties was built on the sites of the northern Great Walls of the Qin, Zhao and Yan States of the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), stretching for over 6,000 kilometers (3,728 miles) from east to west. Related Intro: Qin Dynasty Great Wall, Han Dynasty Great Wall"

Source: Pictures of China Great Wall in Qin and Han Dynasties


1,700-year-old Han Style Tombs Discovered in Xinjiang : Confucius Online – Chinese Culture and Chinese Philosophy.

1,700-year-old Han Style Tombs Discovered in Xinjiang
By nimeitu on 10/1/2010

Several 1700- year-old Han style tombs were unearthed in Kuqa County of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at a construction site of an underground business street. This is the first time Han style tombs at that age have been found in Xinjiang.

Comparing with tombs discovered in Jiangsu, Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan and Shanxi provinces, these tombs were identified as being built during the Qiuci Kingdom, between the middle of 3rd century and 4th century.

The discovery of these tombs fills a gaping hole concerning the ancient Qiuci Kingdom. They are significant for researching intimate political, commercial and cultural relationships between the Xiyu (western regions) Areas, the ancient Xinjiang region, and central China.


The corridor and a door of a side room in the No. 1 tomb


The No. 2 tomb, 2.5 meters high


Skeletons discovered in the tomb


Skeletons discovered near the front door of the No. 1 tomb
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Nope my thread is not a troll thread. It was merely a report published which takes a critical view on China's oft repeated 'historical claim'. It was only you who started violating forum rules and calling Indian will all sorts of names.

Yes, you are. By posting West post garbage like this you just claim only critic, you only CAN critic if you know about China, do you live in China? You just hide inside dirt hole somewhere in India, next time you WANT to critic, use your own opinion, argumentation-expertise based on FACT on the ground, is more sensible if you live in China for long time or acquired Chinese citizenship. Do you think by posting tons of anti-China garbage like this make your critic look LEGIT? By the way kiddo your 'critic' landed on the wrong planet, send somewhere else please? Call back Houston!
Direct shipment of Pakistan seafood to Xinjiang a milestone in connectivity
By Hu Weijia Source:Global Times Published: 2018/2/12 0:03:39

The first shipment of about 1,150 kilograms of seafood imported directly from Pakistan has arrived in Urumqi, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Pakistani newspaper the Express Tribune said. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has received an increasing amount of attention due to its role in promoting infrastructure facilities in the South Asian country. But now, detailed plans are necessary to upgrade the "software" such as quarantine services to open a green channel for imports from Pakistan.

In 2017, exports to Pakistan from China stood at $18.3 billion, while China's imports from Pakistan totaled $1.8 billion. With upgraded "software," the CPEC, a flagship project of China's Belt and Road (B&R) initiative, might help Pakistan boost exports and slash its trade deficit with China.

Most observers agree that seafood and fruit can become bright spots in Pakistan's exports to China, and the only question is how this potential can be realized. Although the CPEC is designed to connect the Gwadar Port in Southwest Pakistan with Kashgar, most of the seafood sold in Xinjiang is transferred from the southeast coast of China, which is thousands of kilometers away.

Before Urumqi airport became licensed as a designated port of entry for imported chilled and fresh aquatic products last year, it took seven to 10 days for such imports to be transferred to inland Xinjiang after arriving on the southeast coast. The 1,150 kilograms of seafood represents the first time that Urumqi's airport was allowed to handle fresh goods from Pakistan, after a chilled and fresh aquatic products import port was granted in the city last year. It is now feasible to meet Xinjiang consumers' demand for seafood with Pakistan's high-quality products, and this will certainly expand China's imports from the South Asian country.

More international air cargo routes between Pakistan and China's inland cities are needed. Further, to ensure the smooth operation of the route, local authorities must improve the customs-clearing process by streamlining the quarantine, examination and approval procedures. Besides the CPEC, the same measures should be taken to upgrade the "software" of the B&R initiative, as China and countries and regions along the route step up efforts to streamline quarantine procedures and create unified standards by discussing free trade agreements.

The author is a reporter with the Global Times. bizopinion@globaltimes.com.cn
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