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2017-12-15 亚心网 查看原网页
January-October this year, Wusu City, Xinjiang New Rural Cooperative Fund expenditure 40.33 million yuan

2017-12-15 Asian Heart Network view original page Zhang Zudong Ren Dazhi (correspondent Zhang Zudong Ren Dazhi)

2017 is the tenth year in Wusu City to implement the new rural cooperative medical system. In the past ten years, Wusu City fully realized the coverage of serious illness insurance, continuously improved its service quality and established a relatively sound system. Effectively reducing the burden of participating in the high medical costs of peasants, preventing poverty from becoming sick and returning to poverty due to illness, and has been widely recognized by all walks of life and farmers. 66-year-old Wang Xiaohua is a villager in Aqic Village, Huanggong Town, Usu City. In early December, her blood pressure was raised due to cooling weather and she was hospitalized in Usu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for 7 days. Recently she was discharged to the city of Usu Chinese medicine hospital settlement NCMS reimbursement of hospitalization fees. Wang Xiaohua said: "Today I went to the hospital to checkout, I was hospitalized for a week, spent more than 2,100 yuan, the new rural cooperative medical reimbursement of 1,777 yuan, and now the party and state policies are good, see a doctor hospital can be reimbursed, thanks Party and government! " Zeng Gang, head of the hospital settlement department of Wusu Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said: "Since the implementation of the new type of cooperative medical system in rural areas and pastoral areas, our hospital has provided farmers with real-time settlement in accordance with the state's policies at a rate of 80% under 65 years of age. Reimbursement of 85% of the elderly over the age of farmers and herdsmen in the window will be able to settle in real time, to reduce the burden on farmers and herdsmen. As of the end of October, Wusu New Rural Cooperative Fund total expenditure of 40.3292 million yuan. Of which: ordinary clinic compensation trips 130,000 passengers, general out-patient compensation amount 3635900 yuan; Inpatient compensation for 19,645 passengers, hospital routine compensation amount 35,563,300 yuan; National health examination expenditure 1.13 million yuan. It is reported that in 2017 the city should participate in the number of 103999 people, the actual participation of 103,270 people, participation rate was 99.3%.
张祖栋 任达志讯(通讯员 张祖栋 任达志)2017年是乌苏市实施新农合制度的第十年,十年里,乌苏市全面实现了大病保险覆盖,不断提升服务质量,建立了较为完善的制度,有效减轻了参合农民高额医药费用负担,防止因病致贫、因病返贫问题,受到了社会各界和农民群众的普遍认可。





People always forget that Xinjiang has a large number of ethnic minorities other than Uyghurs. Kazakhs used to make up at least 1/5 of the population in Xinjiang in the early days of PRC. It's only after China's "genocide" that Uyghur population exploded, from approximately 3.6 million in early 1950's to 12 million today.


If genocide was what China was going for in Xinjiang, then it's the most spectacular failure in history.
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Government official documnet Red Flag River project

Yarlung Tsangpo (sometimes called Yarlung Zangbo or Yarlung Zangbo Jiang (Tibetan: ཡར་ཀླུངས་གཙང་པོ་, Wylie: yar kLungs gTsang po, ZYPY: Yarlung Zangbo), or Yalu Zangbu River (simplified Chinese: 雅鲁藏布江; traditional Chinese: 雅魯藏布江; pinyin: Yǎlǔ Zàngbù Jiāng) is the longest river of Tibet.[1] The part Tsangpo probably originates from the fact that the river flows from or through Tsang- encompassing the part of Tibet west of Lhasa.

It is the upper stream of the Brahmaputra River. Originating at Angsi Glacier in western Tibet, southeast of Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar.

Water will be diverted from Yarlung Tsangpo, Tibet, to Xinjiang.

Wow, what an enormous project! Hope the central government will approve it soonest possible.
"Red Flag River"

Key points from video:
“打开我国未来发展空间的钥匙” “西部大开发” "Key to opening our future development space" "Mega development of the West"


  • Starting in Yarlung Tsangpo around the "big bend", entering multiple rivers (including Yellow River) and crossing mountains with tunnels, splitting to Hami and Kashgar/Hetian. Water flow can be controlled.
  • Total length 6188 km, change in elevation 1252 m
  • Will create 200 million mu/133,333 km square of green agricultural land in North West China
  • Massively reduce population burden
  • While preserving food security, recover the soil and ecological health in Eastern China
  • Opens up more space for economic development in Eastern China
  • North West China will develop green and high tech farming
  • Provide new development space for 150 million people, 200 million population geo-economic re-positioning.
  • Canal will enable vessel transport route from Tianshui (Gansu) to Kashgar (Xinjiang) "mega logistics corridor" and economic corridor 4200 km long, more than twice the length of the ancient grand canal.
  • Connecting Eurasia and jump start Eurasian economic development.
  • To promote global recovery and reversal from desertification through systematic management
  • To change the sole South East migration trend
  • Creating new green eco-corridor stretching from Hetao plain to Urumqi, 1500km long and hundreds of km wide. Kick-starting upstream and downstream supply chain development
  • Catalyst for sustained development of China

  • Since the canal passes through conservation areas, to ensure safe passage of wildlife across the new canal, 400-500 m wide underground natural vegetation lined corridors will be created. The corridor width is needed to decrease the fear the wildlife experiences when faced with a corridor to ensure the migration occurs successfully. The corridor also includes its own lighting systems.
  • Canal will be 145 m wide
  • Creates 2000km long and 100km wide, 200,000 km squared oasis belt.
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India may want to throw a monkey wrench into this thing since it involves the Brahmaputra river.
As I said before, it's a must for China to divert this water to save our drought and to prevent desertification of North West. it's a life or death decision for China's future...don't wait until the our grand children have to pay 100$ for a bottle of drinking water to regret.
This red flag river remind me of the Red river, China can also plant some water diversion on this :rofl:


India may want to throw a monkey wrench into this thing since it involves the Brahmaputra river.

India can cry a river, they claimed that we can't divert water from Tibet because it's not feasible so they're holding their territory bargain that China can't use water as bargain...but I believe China has undertaken this Red Flag River study long time ago. We don't need to bargain with India for now regarding the dispute territory but concentrate first to recover our north west massive land with X% Yarlung Tsangpo river, we can recover the land as big as Indian's North east, then if India persist not to give us land back, we can either divert 100% of water and let India North East in misery.
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