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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Xinjiang is a very earthquake prone region and government has been working for years trying to get rural poor into newly built earthquake resistant houses.











A beautiful socialist country. :enjoy:
Xinjiang's new energy power generation soars in Q1
Xinhua, April 15, 2018

New energy power generation surged in northwest China's Xinjiang Province in the first quarter of the year as local authorities sought to improve the energy mix.

Wind and solar power generation rose 35 percent and 38 percent year on year to 7.6 billion kwh and 2.3 billion kwh, respectively, according to the State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd.

Xinjiang's wind and solar power generating capacities totalled 27.4 million kw, accounting for around 30 percent of its total installed power generating capacity.

But due to higher costs, poor grid connections and the grid's preference for more predictable coal-generated power, 21.7 percent of the installed wind power generating capacity and 21 percent of the solar power generating capacity in Xinjiang were left idle last quarter.

The two rates went down 12.3 percentage points and 16.2 percentage points in the first quarter year on year as local authorities encouraged more local consumption and worked with Beijing, Guangdong and Shanghai authorities to transmit more clean electricity to these regions.

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and tackle air pollution, China has been trying to use more renewable energy.

The doctors are in! Herders in a cold highland area in #Xinjiang have long struggled to see doctors and obtain medicine. Chang Hongbo and his wife have traveled there every month to offer medical assistance ever since they first visited the area four years ago. #everydayhero



Another violation of free choice human rights, In Urumqi, Xinjiang, the government forces preschool kids to have one free milk everyday, 240,000 preschool kids don't seem to have a choice but to deal with it.
Good move.

If it were India or Pak , people of a certain religion would suspect the governments motives & claim the milk is spiked with things to make the kids impotent!

Polio drops are sometimes seen this way !
And if you refuse to send your kids to school , the government officials will keep visiting your home and talking to you until your relent, you don't seem to have a choice.

Xinjiang implements kindergarten to high school 15 years free education
Another violation of free choice human rights, In Urumqi, Xinjiang, the government forces preschool kids to have one free milk everyday, 240,000 preschool kids don't seem to have a choice but to deal with it.

This is really great. My thumbs up chinese government who implemented this
This is COMMUNISM! But I like it!
中国特色社会主义/Socialism with Chinese characteristics, not exactly communism.

If the nation has the capacity, all children should be given a solid foundation to grow upon and compete with. The most important of which is the health and development of their bodies. "身体是革命的本钱/The body is the capital of revolution".
Chinese central government allocated 465 million Yuan and Xinjiang local government 100 million Yuan to have had all children living in poor underdeveloped far western regions in Xinjiang covered by free nutrition meals program ( balanced nutrition meals must contain meat, milk, eggs, vegetables etc) . The kids in those regions have already long enjoyed free education to high school and all other benefits such as free books , accommodation , All the cost is paid by the government.

Free school bus rides for Xinjiang students
Uyghur girl singing
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Snow leopard goes into a residential area of xinjiang to rescue snow leopard
I love snow leopards. :smitten:
Before 2003, the total wild snow leopard population was estimated at 4,080 to 6,500 individuals. In 2016, the global population was estimated at 4,678 to 8,745 individuals, suggesting that the total number of snow leopards was larger than previously thought.


Afghanistan 100–200
Bhutan 100–200
China 2,000–2,500
India 200–600
Kazakhstan 180–200
Kyrgyzstan 150–500
Mongolia 500–1,000
Nepal 300–500
Pakistan 200–420
Tajikistan 180–220
Uzbekistan 20–50
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