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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

with an ancient Chinese
Its an ancient and outdated idea at the best. Next we will have chinese creating aesops fables supporting chinese occupation.

As usual chinese posters have resorted to going off topic to save the truth.

“If that was the case … Marco Polo visited China—can we say that China belongs to Marco Polo and the Italians?” he asked.
lol, for chinese that logic wont apply here.
The Uighur came far later than Han Chinese. No mention of Uighur in Han dynasty. And Uighur hegemony in Xinjiang was established only after Manchus defeated the Dzungar Mongols.

As a matter of fact, Xinjiang was Mongol land and Buddhist even as late as Qing.

Uyghur were a dominant populace of xinjiang 'Autonomous' region. Even today they are in majority. Han migration is changing demographics.
china has completely changed the demography of xinjiang. Another decade , uighurs percentage will be in single digit.
china has completely changed the demography of xinjiang. Another decade , uighurs percentage will be in single digit.

China is the only country that can assimilate Islam and create neo-Muslims, to the chagrin of so many Sunni muslims.

Xinjiang is in Han Chinese hand because the Hui Muslims hated Uighur independence movement and sacrificed to pacify Xinjiang. Check out Hui Muslim general Ma Zhongying.

The world map today is not a product of historians. It takes thousands of battles and ocean of blood to build a country. If historians to be believed , last night I quit smoking but today I have smoked five cigarettes. China became so big country because their ancestors had to work hard for it. They did not get it as a gift from someone.
Oh yeah and Chinese propaganda sites like Global Times are all okay, right? :lol: :rofl: Chinese and their duplicity. BTW why don't you change your flags to their right color.

So where were ancestors of today Indian 2,000 years ago?
and where were ancestors of today white American 2000 years ago.

Taking history records from 2000 years for today territorial claim is just laughable, and even China does not use this tactics for Xinjiang. Whether Han dynasty was in Xinjiang or not, it does not change the fact that Xinjiang is an integral part of China now and the world recognize it.

However, Kashmir and many states belong to India or not is still controversial. There was no country called India just 100 years ago. British India was surely not about today India. The India term at that time was similar to Africa, i.e. about geography rather than statehood.
Map from:-
Tang Dynasty 700 AD from "The T'ang Dynasty, 618-906 A.D.-Boundaries of 700 A.D." Albert Herrmann (1935). History and Commercial Atlas of China. Harvard University Press.


1765 AD Qing Dynasty China Map, from CIA:-
This image is a work of a Central Intelligence Agency employee, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a Work of the United States Government, this image or media is in the public domain in the United States.

British map of China. 1844 AD:-

China and Japan in 1844, by John Nicaragua Dower. Published in 1844 World Atlas by Henry Teesdale and Co., London. Provinces of China proper are in various colors with "Chinese Tartary" (Manchuria, Korea, Mongolia, and Tibet) in blue-green

So where were ancestors of today Indian 2,000 years ago?
and where were ancestors of today white American 2000 years ago.

Taking history records from 2000 years for today territorial claim is just laughable, and even China does not use this tactics for Xinjiang. Whether Han dynasty was in Xinjiang or not, it does not change the fact that Xinjiang is an integral part of China now and the world recognize it.

However, Kashmir and many states belong to India or not is still controversial. There was no country called India just 100 years ago. British India was surely not about today India. The India term at that time was similar to Africa, i.e. about geography rather than statehood.
Well said, people come and go, the land remains, what matters is the present. back couples of hundred ago the world biggest country Russia was just a city state. demographic always changes and never stays the same. Uighurs themselves are not indigenous to Xinjjiang as well , they came from Mongolia, Indians really should spend a little time to learn some basic history.
So where were ancestors of today Indian 2,000 years ago?
and where were ancestors of today white American 2000 years ago.

Taking history records from 2000 years for today territorial claim is just laughable, and even China does not use this tactics for Xinjiang. Whether Han dynasty was in Xinjiang or not, it does not change the fact that Xinjiang is an integral part of China now and the world recognize it.

However, Kashmir and many states belong to India or not is still controversial. There was no country called India just 100 years ago. British India was surely not about today India. The India term at that time was similar to Africa, i.e. about geography rather than statehood.

I will only leave the following for your viewing pleasure! Upshot is all the countries have gone through historical upheaval of being divided and united, including China.


Indian is a derogatory word. Even the native Americans didn't want anything to do with it. But the Indians in India embraced it completely and proud of it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
@Shajida Khan
@The Eagle @waz @WebMaster looks our little puppy is too hurt and has resorted to troll. Put him down please and out of his misery. Post reported!
I will only leave the following for your viewing pleasure! Upshot is all the countries have gone through historical upheaval of being divided and united, including China.

View attachment 445497

@The Eagle @waz @WebMaster looks our little puppy is too hurt and has resorted to troll. Put him down please and out of his misery. Post reported!
You ever heard of Newton's third law? You troll and expect no reaction? Your thread is a troll thread. Your thread deserves nothing but troll.
You ever heard of Newton's third law? You troll and expect no reaction? Your thread is a troll thread. Your thread deserves nothing but troll.
Nope my thread is not a troll thread. It was merely a report published which takes a critical view on China's oft repeated 'historical claim'. It was only you who started violating forum rules and calling Indian will all sorts of names.
The idiocy of Indians is legendary.
I will only leave the following for your viewing pleasure! Upshot is all the countries have gone through historical upheaval of being divided and united, including China.

View attachment 445497

@The Eagle @waz @WebMaster looks our little puppy is too hurt and has resorted to troll. Put him down please and out of his misery. Post reported!

The idiocy of Indians is legendary. This particular bloody idiotic Indian might as well question the existence of the US since it started with only 13 states, all of them stolen from the indigenous peoples. And then, what about the other 37 states that became part of the US? The people who lived there were not of European stock. As a matter of fact, they were holocausted to mere 1% of the total population of the US.

Heck, 2000 years ago, southern Germany up to the river Main was part of the Roman empire and there was no German state anywhere. Is he going to question Germany's existence as well?
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Indian is a derogatory word. Even the native Americans didn't want anything to do with it. But the Indians in India embraced it completely and proud of it. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
@Shajida Khan
. Lol, so true. They rather be called indigenous people or red skin. They don't want to be associated with low class Hindus.
The article posted by the thread opener Shajda Khan is nothing but a propaganda aimed at helping seperatist terrorists to break up China. The source of the news is RFA (Radio Free Asia).

Now, about RFA (Radio Free Asia):-

Radio Free Asia

The CIA launched Radio Free Asia (RFA) in 1951 as an extension of its global anti-Communist propaganda radio network. RFA beamed its signal into mainland China from a transmitter in Manila, and its operations were based on the earlier Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberation From Bolshevism model.

The CIA quickly discovered that their plan to foment political unrest in China had one major flaw: the Chinese were too poor to own radios.


Here’s a bit from a fantastic three-page spread published by The New York Times in 1977, investigating the CIA’s role in global propaganda efforts, including Radio Free Asia: Radio Free Asia began broadcasting to mainland China in 1951 from an elaborate set of transmitters in Manila. It was an arm of the Committee for Free Asia [later changed to "The Asia Foundation"], and the C.I.A. thought of it as the beginning of an operation in the Far East that would rival Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty….

The Asia Foundation was headed for years by the late Robert Blum, who, several sources said, resigned from the C.I.A. to take it over. The foundation provided cover for at least one C.I.A. operative and carried out a variety of media-related ventures, including a program, begun in 1955, of selecting and paying the expenses of Asian journalists for a year of study in Harvard's prestigious Neiman Fellowship program….

It was only after Radio Free Asia's transmitters were operating, according to sources familiar with the case, that the C.I.A. realized that there were almost no radio receivers in private hands in mainland China. An emergency plan was drawn up.

Balloons, holding small radios tuned to Radio Free Asia's frequency, were lofted toward the mainland from the island of Taiwan, where the Chinese Nationalists had fled after the Communist takeover of the mainland in 1949. The plan was abandoned when the balloons were blown back to Taiwan across the Formosa Strait. The CIA supposedly shuttered Radio Free Asia in the mid-1950s, but another Radio Free Asia reappeared a decade later, this time funded through a CIA-Moonie outfit called the Korean Culture and Freedom Foundation (KCFF) — a group based in Washington, D.C. that was run by a top figure in South Korea's state intelligence agency, Colonel Bo Hi Pak, who also served as the “principle evangelist” of cult leader Rev. Sun-Myung Moon of the Unification Church.

This new Moonie iteration of Radio Free Asia was controlled by the South Korean government, including the country’s own CIA, the "KCIA." It enjoyed high-level support from within the first Nixon Administration and even featured then-Congressman Gerald Ford on its board. According to an FBI file on Rev. Moon, Radio Free Asia “at the height of the Vietnam war produced anti-communist programs in Washington and beamed them into China, North Korea and North Vietnam.”

Radio Free Asia got busted in a widespread corruption scandal in the late 1970s, when the South Korean government was investigated for using the Moonie cult to influence US public opinion in order to keep the US military engaged against North Korea. Back in the 1970s, the Moonies were the most notorious cult in the United States, accused of abducting and "brainwashing" countless American youths. How it was that the CIA's Radio Free Asia was handed off to the Moonies was never quite explained, but given laws banning the CIA (or the KCIA) from engaging in psychological warfare in the US, the obvious thing to do was to bury Radio Free Asia long enough for everyone to forget about it.

No sooner had Radio Free Asia vanished amid scandal than it reappeared again, Terminator-like, in the 1990s — this time as a legit “independent” nonprofit wholly controlled by the BBG and funded by Congress.

Although this latest version of Radio Free Asia was supposed to be a completely new organization and was no longer as covert and B-movie spooky, its objectives and tactics remained exactly the same: To this day it beams propaganda into the same Communist countries, including North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, and Burma, and fiddles around in the same sorts of spooky adventures.
The article posted by the thread opener Shajda Khan is nothing but a propaganda aimed at helping seperatist terrorists to break up China. The source of the news is RFA (Radio Free Asia).

Now, about RFA (Radio Free Asia):-

Radio Free Asia

The CIA launched Radio Free Asia (RFA) in 1951 as an extension of its global anti-Communist propaganda radio network. RFA beamed its signal into mainland China from a transmitter in Manila, and its operations were based on the earlier Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberation From Bolshevism model.

The CIA quickly discovered that their plan to foment political unrest in China had one major flaw: the Chinese were too poor to own radios.


Here’s a bit from a fantastic three-page spread published by The New York Times in 1977, investigating the CIA’s role in global propaganda efforts, including Radio Free Asia: Radio Free Asia began broadcasting to mainland China in 1951 from an elaborate set of transmitters in Manila. It was an arm of the Committee for Free Asia [later changed to "The Asia Foundation"], and the C.I.A. thought of it as the beginning of an operation in the Far East that would rival Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty….

The Asia Foundation was headed for years by the late Robert Blum, who, several sources said, resigned from the C.I.A. to take it over. The foundation provided cover for at least one C.I.A. operative and carried out a variety of media-related ventures, including a program, begun in 1955, of selecting and paying the expenses of Asian journalists for a year of study in Harvard's prestigious Neiman Fellowship program….

It was only after Radio Free Asia's transmitters were operating, according to sources familiar with the case, that the C.I.A. realized that there were almost no radio receivers in private hands in mainland China. An emergency plan was drawn up.

Balloons, holding small radios tuned to Radio Free Asia's frequency, were lofted toward the mainland from the island of Taiwan, where the Chinese Nationalists had fled after the Communist takeover of the mainland in 1949. The plan was abandoned when the balloons were blown back to Taiwan across the Formosa Strait. The CIA supposedly shuttered Radio Free Asia in the mid-1950s, but another Radio Free Asia reappeared a decade later, this time funded through a CIA-Moonie outfit called the Korean Culture and Freedom Foundation (KCFF) — a group based in Washington, D.C. that was run by a top figure in South Korea's state intelligence agency, Colonel Bo Hi Pak, who also served as the “principle evangelist” of cult leader Rev. Sun-Myung Moon of the Unification Church.

This new Moonie iteration of Radio Free Asia was controlled by the South Korean government, including the country’s own CIA, the "KCIA." It enjoyed high-level support from within the first Nixon Administration and even featured then-Congressman Gerald Ford on its board. According to an FBI file on Rev. Moon, Radio Free Asia “at the height of the Vietnam war produced anti-communist programs in Washington and beamed them into China, North Korea and North Vietnam.”

Radio Free Asia got busted in a widespread corruption scandal in the late 1970s, when the South Korean government was investigated for using the Moonie cult to influence US public opinion in order to keep the US military engaged against North Korea. Back in the 1970s, the Moonies were the most notorious cult in the United States, accused of abducting and "brainwashing" countless American youths. How it was that the CIA's Radio Free Asia was handed off to the Moonies was never quite explained, but given laws banning the CIA (or the KCIA) from engaging in psychological warfare in the US, the obvious thing to do was to bury Radio Free Asia long enough for everyone to forget about it.

No sooner had Radio Free Asia vanished amid scandal than it reappeared again, Terminator-like, in the 1990s — this time as a legit “independent” nonprofit wholly controlled by the BBG and funded by Congress.

Although this latest version of Radio Free Asia was supposed to be a completely new organization and was no longer as covert and B-movie spooky, its objectives and tactics remained exactly the same: To this day it beams propaganda into the same Communist countries, including North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China, and Burma, and fiddles around in the same sorts of spooky adventures.
Who listens to RFA? RFA like VOA are tools used by Indians on PDF as legit source when they have no points to add to. Chanakya's art of bullshit to trick the idiots
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