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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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what's wrong with you indians?it seems that you are all very excited about innocent chinese get killed,i haven't seen a single chinese media blame pakistan for this two attacks?but now i can't help but wonder who is really supporting and funding these terrorists?CIA?RAW?

I do not know for others but I am not excited with the killings. The objective of my comments has been simple that there should not be a two faced approach from Pakistan when addressing the terrorism export to India versus that to China. On the other hand, some of your Chinese friends even at the start of the thread have been advocating exactly the opposite = Pakistan training terrorists who are anti India is justified as long as Pakistan does not allow the same for China. I hope that you will be able to understand the comments better now.
Any "denials" as of yet from official sources?/
Great post buddy. :tup:

I am torn as well, on the issue of right and wrong in this case.

Of course, terrorists/criminals should be hunted down. However, innocent people are often caught in the crossfire, this is an unavoidable fact of life.

Sometimes I think the CPC cracks down too hard... sometimes not, depending on the particular scenario.

Like most such situations, where nations fight againt terrorism, the morality issue is a grey area.

Haha, been a while, buddy. Maybe you're the right person to ask. I assume you know quite some facts about Chinese history. Have the Uighur people always been part of Chinese civilization? Or were they more to Turkic/Central asian people? What does Chinese history teach? :)

On the CPC cracking down hard, to me a freedom fighter becomes a terrorist the moment he causes the dead of innocent people. Regardless of what he is fighting for, however noble it is, the moment children and women are killed.. His justification holds no value.

There can be no justification for the loss of life of innocent people.

PS: Just curious, by any chance, are you mixed/muslim too? You're very supportive of Pakistan lol
Pakistan army's thinking behind developing the terrorist appratus was to cause destruction in Kashmir and other states of India. China thought that its interest are best served by keeping India in a low equilibrium of turmoil and so supported all these terrorists from Pakistan even overtly in the UN. Now with the exports getting closer to home, the strategy will start to backfire. I am sure the alarms are not going just yet. It is still acceptable level of internal conflict versus the reward sought for pitting Pakistan against India but over the years as was the case with Pakistan, this strife will only get intense and then probably the risk reward will be adverse.

On the other hand, China is a bhai mulk and also Turkey is a bhai mulk. So this dichotomoy of handling two bhai mulks and the brotherly sandwich situation will also be quite a predicament for Pakistan. It is okay to ignore the Balwaristan issue because there is no maibaap for those people but the Uighurs have the Turks! Interesting to see the tight ropewalk of the maiden on this one.

Humm. Can we consider your "sane" analysis a dream of a Bharati for more terrorist attacks inside China. Is it something different from those guys who were wishing 9/11 for China. I don't think so.

By the way so called Balawaristan is more like a non issue than an issue. Maibaap or not doesn't matter.
Help is confirmed. No doubt about it. Their is no place for anyone in Pakistani soil who wants to operate against China. Looks like some idiots haven't learned anything from the past.

Militant attack on any country is an unexcusable thing,even it was on friend or on foe no matter pakistan must kick militant azz. But unfortunatly those attack's is common in pakistan, then how can pak help china.
Let me make it clear, 90% Indians would support Chinese action again Uighur Muslims.

99% Pakistani won't support in reality but can't say anything due to embarrassed. :tup:

yes and india supports israel when it has the largest minority of muslims! so before saying anything look at yourself! and 90% indias are clearly after muslim blood according to your statement! hence kashmir opression,israel support & support to china to kill muslims!
Nothing new for you people to twist the facts to suit your argument. Islam does not support the wrong-doings of Muslims towards non-Muslims just because they are Muslims.

In fact, in many instances the The Prophet (Salalaho Alaihi Wasalam) gave judgments in favor of Jews and against Muslims. Hence, in this case,as reported on this article: China blames Pakistan-trained militants for attack - Yahoo! News , the attacker killed the restaurant owner, waiter and many other people in a knife attack, so even according to Islam the Chinese government has justifiably killed the attackers.

There is no twist here. The underlying fact is that terrorist camps and schools exist in Pakistan. It has been India claiming it so far and now China just joined in. Irrestpective of the angle of the relative bending over to appease the different nations, the fact amongst the whole gibberish is that there are terror camps in Pakistan which needs to be shut down and state inaction needs to cease. Also, it will now be interesting to see China veto a anti India terrorist resolution in the UN next time.
no big deal here!!all these camps and training centers were made by the US with the money from the SAUDIS inorder to topple the SOVIETS!! as for china it knows that it is not our state policy to sponsor terrorism!!! and terrorist has no caste or creed or nation!

Of course terrorists have no caste or creed.

But if the agenda is the ummah, pan Islam, and the like, then what is it?

Please educate!
read post #142

Its not about what Islam supports, its what the contemporary Muslim supports in the name of Islam. Islam is against killing innocent civilians, doesn't stop these terrorists from doing so does it?

You steal their land and you pretend you are innocent?

At least in Kashmir, no none Kashmiri is allowed to own land, property or carry out business.

If we went the Chinese way of changing demography, then Kashmir would have been history.

We care for our people, their culture and their singularity!

since you only here to troll, it will be my honor to accompany .it's not like you don't want to steal Kashmiri ,it's your army too suck .....what is your culture?you mean your caste system ,what is your singularity ?indian is only race like to sh*t on the street......you care for your people?you gotta be kidding me ,you have the largest poor people in the world ,but most of you are excited like fools when you see your govt spending $10 billion on mrca....
There is no twist here. The underlying fact is that terrorist camps and schools exist in Pakistan. It has been India claiming it so far and now China just joined in.

As I said please provide us the credible proof that Pakistani state or the establishment or the military is involved in supporting ETIM. A credible proof is welcome unless it would be considered as a rant from a Bharati.
Humm. Can we consider your "sane" analysis a dream of a Bharati for more terrorist attacks inside China. Is it something different from those guys who were wishing 9/11 for China. I don't think so.

By the way so called Balawaristan is more like a non issue than an issue. Maibaap or not doesn't matter.

You are accustomed to conditioned vision. Nothing that I wrote had anything to do with encouraging violence in China by the muslim extremists. The objective is to show sense that terror training schools in Pakistan are serving no purpose to anyone in the region whether it be China, Pakistan or India. Read my post again and tell me how it means anything else than what I claim.

Also there is a message for China here. What is good for the geese is good for the gander. If China wants to continue its policies of using veto against India centric terrorism emanating from Pakistan then it is clearly doing it over its own peril because the terrorism will seep in to China too. Cannot channel the monster for a long time you see. But I am sure that Pakistan knows that already.
As I said please provide us the credible proof that Pakistani state or the establishment or the military is involved in supporting ETIM. A credible proof is welcome unless it would be considered as a rant from a Bharati.

Credible proof from where?? India? china or Pakistan????
Humm. Can we consider your "sane" analysis a dream of a Bharati for more terrorist attacks inside China. Is it something different from those guys who were wishing 9/11 for China. I don't think so.

By the way so called Balawaristan is more like a non issue than an issue. Maibaap or not doesn't matter.

There is a huge differece between wishing and doing, you said we r wishing militant attack on china but sir your people doing it.
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