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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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He could be a false flag.

LOL yeah right, what about the other Times of India article in post #12, where there are literally HUNDREDS of comments along the same lines as the first one.

Hundreds of false flags, outnumbering even the actual posters? I very much doubt that.
LOL yeah right, what about the other Times of India article in post #12, where there are literally HUNDREDS of comments along the same lines as the first one.

Hundreds of false flags, outnumbering even the actual posters? I very much doubt that.

Most people have disagreed to their posts & you don't know TOI You can give your location as Pentagon & they will still post your comment.
Most people have disagreed to their posts & you don't know TOI You can give your location as Pentagon & they will still post your comment.

don't you think those comments are just the reaction to the chinese blocking the banning of terrorists group in pakistan at the UN ,resolution moved by india...
Why the hell are we discussing anonymous comments left on other websites??? Its not allowed, pls check with mods. The guy is only trolling as this news is very inconvenient.

He's trying to equate terrorism supporting actions of his government with anonymous comments left by an individual on the web, that is lame even for him, and thats saying a lot!

Back to topic - whats interesting is that even though pakistan government is practically in the lap of china, still china had to engage in a media attack - just like how the west does (as per pakistanis).

Such public humiliation from another 'superpower' ''friend'' may not be new to pakistan, but it sure has come pretty early in the day!!!

Yes, we know pakistan will act like an obedient ''friend'' and do everything to help china, as if they have a choice!
Such public humiliation from another 'superpower' ''friend'' may not be new to pakistan, but it sure has come pretty early in the day!!!

I'm sure the Pakistani and Chinese members can speak for themselves, they don't need Indians to do so on their behalf.

I don't think you'll find one Pakistani member here, who agrees with your characterization of those remarks as "humiliation". Nor do I think you will find even one Chinese member here, who blames Pakistan for those attacks.

Yes, we know pakistan will act like an abedient ''friend'' and do everything to help china, as if they have a choice!

Everyone has a choice, it has nothing to do with obedience.
Whats interesting is that even though pakistan government is practically in the lap of china, still china had to engage in a media attack - just like how the west does (as per pakistanis).

Such public humiliation from another 'superpower' ''friend'' may not be new to pakistan, but it sure has come pretty early in the day!!!

Media attack??? It is just an "unnamed" official from Kashghar govt who stated that some elements from Pakistan might be involved in that incident??? So just a single statement from some random provincial govt becomes a media attack from China. If that is a media attack than every other country in this world is attacked through media at any point of time in one way or the other. Don't you think your overzealous ranting against Pakistan is too stupid???
I'm sure the Pakistani and Chinese members can speak for themselves, they don't need Indians to do so on their behalf.

I don't think you'll find one Pakistani member, here who agrees with your characterization of those remarks as "humiliation". Nor do I think you will find one Chinese member here who blames Pakistan for those attacks.

Agreed, china's spit is also sweet!

But I'm referring to pakistani posters fav complaint here that western media name pakistan before 'proof' (pakistani definition) is handed over!

Everyone has a choice, it has nothing to do with obedience.

Pakistan needs china, nobody can deny that. Then its not a choice then.
By the way talking about so called "media attack" did mainstream or official Chinese media is reporting this news??? Xinhua or CCNA???
Agreed, china's spit is also sweet!

It is not the style of Chinese diplomacy to reprimand friendly nations in public. If necessary, it will be asked for in private, so the other side can avoid losing face.

And I am sure that the Pakistani nation will be very eager to help us resolve this matter. As they have done many times in the past.
I wonder nobody denied the Chinese allegation or asked for proof...

don't you pak people think that it's a Chinese propaganda to defame Pakistan.
We have 100 Billion $ trade with China. We already rewarding China. China speculative threat like US, Japan, SK, India are rewarding China. Indeed, Pakistan should help more or should come at least 1/5th of India!! lol

OK. Good to see you admitting the truth that you are awarding China in the "trade". Great.
China blames terror camps in Pak for Xinjiang violence

WASHINGTON: China on Monday blamed "extremists" trained in terror camps in Pakistan for orchestrating attacks on civilians in the troubled Xinjiang province, where 20 people, including alleged militants, were killed in violent incidents over two days.

While nine people were killed in a violent attack on Saturday, another 11, including five suspected militants, were killed in another attack on Sunday night.

A statement by the Kashgar municipal government said militants trained by the 'East Turkistan Islamic Movement' in Pakistan were responsible for the recent flare up in violence.

"A group of religious extremists led by culprits trained in overseas terrorist camps were behind the weekend attack on civilians in China's far-western Xinjiang," state run Xinhua news agency quoted the statement as saying.

"Initial probe has shown that the heads of the group had learned skills of making explosives and firearms in overseas camps of the terrorist group East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) in Pakistan before entering Xinjiang to organise terrorist activities," it said.

The Xinjiang region witnessed massive riots in 2009, when almost 200 people were killed in its capital Urumqi, following which China launched a major crackdown against Uyghur Muslim separatists.

On July 18 this year, 14 "rioters" were killed when they reportedly attacked a police station and killed four people in the province's Hotan city.

This is perhaps the first time that China has pointed fingers at its close ally Pakistan while referring to ETIM camps there. Xinjiang shares its borders with Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (***) and a lot of trade between China and Pakistan is routed through Kashghar as it is located close to the border.

There was panic in Kashgar city after militants attacked a restaurant on Sunday evening before setting it on fire. The incident left six civilians and five militants dead. The attack came after nine people were killed in another incident on Saturday.

While five 'suspects' were shot dead by police on Sunday night, four others were caught. Fifteen persons, including three policemen, were injured in the attack, Xinhua reported.

The regional publicity department said in a statement that a "group of armed terrorists" broke into a restaurant in the city centre in Kashghar about 4 pm yesterday and killed the restaurant owner and a waiter besides setting fire it.

"They then ran out and hacked civilians indiscriminately, leaving four dead and 12 injured, while police and fire fighters were striving to put out the fire," it said.

Terming it a "premeditated terrorist attack", it said police opened fire and killed four suspects at the scene, while another suspect died later in hospital.

The area was cordoned off and traffic restrictions were imposed on major roads and squares.

Many people were seen fleeing in horror from the downtown area as police cars, fire engines and ambulances whizzed by to tackle the second violent incident within a day.

The attacks resembled the 2009 riots and following up incidents in which Uyghurs had attacked Chinese Han settlers in Urumqi in what police called "a severely violent terrorism case" organised and premeditated by terrorist groups.

A crackdown ensued by security forces on ETIM, which China accuses of fomenting trouble in the region, besides Uyghur leader Rebiya Kadeer, who lives in US in exile.

Yesterday's attacks were also reportedly directed against Han settlers, and the attacks left the mainland Chinese scared to do business in the province.

China blames terror camps in Pakistan as 20 killed in Xinjiang - The Times of India
I think many Pakistani are not aware what's happening in Xinjiang. I hope everyone should just look over it and check 100's of Videos, News and Articles about the situation. Alas, Lost Muslims of the world is a article, which i read few days back.

Pakistan-China relation will be always good to counter India. I don't have any doubt in that. This is irrelevant But One should know the situation and happening. I still don't know which side is right in Xinjiang. But, Everyone should know the facts to know the ground reality.
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