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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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Is it just me or is this thread discussing everything but the issue of the Xinjiang terrorists??

I don't understand why the Indian members are getting excited. How does it matter to us if they came from Pakistan and attacked China?

or why Pakistani members are in denial. Is it that difficult to imagine terrorist groups doing this to a friendly nation when they are fighting against your own army? They don't care about your diplomatic status with China. For those claiming that you will co-operate and extradite them, how can you track them unless the state knows about them? And can you stretch you resources so far??
I don't understand why the Indian members are getting excited. How does it matter to us if they came from Pakistan and attacked China?

Haven't you seen Bharat Rakshak, or the Times of India comments page? They are practically drooling... though this is hardly the first time. They do the same thing every time anything happens in Xinjiang.

In a way, I almost understand it. It's fairly logical from their point of view, though of course any Chinese person with a good grasp of English who reads such things, would be horrified.

or why Pakistani members are in denial. Is it that difficult to imagine terrorist groups doing this to a friendly when they are fighting against your own army? They don't care about your diplomatic status with China. For those claiming that you will co-operate and extradite them, how can you track them unless the state knows about them? And can you stretch you resources so far??

I don't think they are in denial, they have said many times that Pakistan should do everything they can to help us, and this has been bourne out by their previous actions (helping us with ETIM).
Pakistan has had its problems with terrorism, and many terrorist groups operate within its tribal areas. However, the Pakistani government has always been cooperative with China in combating terrorism in Xinjiang. If the Indians think this somehow will make China distance itself from Pakistan, they're way off.

In addition, violence in Xinjiang is mostly limited to Southern Xinjiang. While I wouldn't call the area safe, it's not a terror hotbed like the media make it out to be either.
As the pakistan's trained terrorists are involved in the attacks.. Isn't it their moral responsibility to not allow anyone to use their territory for terrorism ? They have failed again in doing that.

Drugs dealers use American/Chinese/Indian/British/Russian "territory" to make drugs.

Yes, the government has a responsibility to crack down on them, but some things are bound to slip through.

All it means is that we should be helping the Pakistani state more than we currently are. They need additional resources to close down these camps.
Haven't you seen Bharat Rakshak, or the Times of India comments page? They are practically drooling... though this is hardly the first time. They do the same thing every time anything happens in Xinjiang.

In a way, I almost understand it. It's fairly logical from their point of view, though of course any Chinese person with a good grasp of English would be horrified from their own point of view.

Well,to be honest the internet population is not a very good representation. But I have to admit there is a lot of mistrust regarding China, more so because of the Stapled Visa issue and the UNSC membership. No rational Indian would makesuch comments. But with a population of over a billion (just like you guys) even 1% of such people is a lot.

I don't think they are in denial, they have said many times that Pakistan should do everything they can to help us, and this has been bourne out by their previous actions (helping us with ETIM).

I have read a few posts which mentioned that they were not in Pakistan but in Afghanistan or that the nationality has not been verified etc etc. Those members are certainly in denial. I'm sure being diplomatically friendly to China, Pakistan would want to stop it. My question is can they stretch their resources so wide?
What are the Indian members flooding this thread with videos for?

Control your excitement for half a second, and stop flooding the thread.
I never heard of this . when the last time pakistani government complained about this ? Pls provide the link :rofl:

Lolzz. The Punjab rangers always brought it up with BSF in the meetings. Anyways where is the proof that Pakistan supports militants inside China. You were supposed to provide us don't you?? :azn:
I have read a few posts which mentioned that they were not in Pakistan but in Afghanistan or that the nationality has not been verified etc etc. Those members are certainly in denial. I'm sure being diplomatically friendly to China, Pakistan would want to stop it. My question is can they stretch their resources so wide?

Denial??? Can you show us that the "mastermind" is a Pakistani and not some Uighur who crossed from China into Pakistan. Do you have any proof?
Well,to be honest the internet population is not a very good representation. But I have to admit there is a lot of mistrust regarding China, more so because of the Stapled Visa issue and the UNSC membership. No rational Indian would makesuch comments. But with a population of over a billion (just like you guys) even 1% of such people is a lot.

No, I think it is perfectly rational for them to say such things.

Just distasteful from my own point of view.
Denial??? Can you show us that the "mastermind" is a Pakistani and not some Uighur who crossed from China into Pakistan. Do you have any proof?

The attackers were Uighurs, so they were Chinese nationals.

Definitely not Pakistani nationals, I wouldn't worry about that.
The attackers were Uighurs, so they were Chinese nationals.

Definitely not Pakistani nationals, I wouldn't worry about that.

And if someone from Pakistan who has supported them than definitely he is going to pay for it like in the past.:)

And stop flooding this thread with videos and grow up Bharatis.
And if someone from Pakistan who has supported them than definitely he is going to pay for it like in the past.:)

Don't worry, we all know that we can always trust Pakistan to help us. :cheers:

The Indians here, will try to turn Chinese and Pakistanis against each other, but we are not so stupid to fall for it.
Pakistan has had its problems with terrorism, and many terrorist groups operate within its tribal areas. However, the Pakistani government has always been cooperative with China in combating terrorism in Xinjiang. If the Indians think this somehow will make China distance itself from Pakistan, they're way off.

In addition, violence in Xinjiang is mostly limited to Southern Xinjiang. While I wouldn't call the area safe, it's not a terror hotbed like the media make it out to be either.

Yep, China is very good at assimilation, even Baiyue ethnic in South China (close to Viet's blood) were assimilated also, I think Uighurs will have No chance to get rid of Hans culture.
ETIM and IMU, both are now loosely integrated with the TTP and they all pool in their tangible and intangible assets together to help with each others' causes. There is barely any Afghanistan or Pakistan in the Khowst, Paktika and FATA areas. These organizations and their resources are housed there, mostly on Pakistan side. Anyone saying it's not in Pakistan, or only in Afghanistan hasn't taken the requisite time read about it.
Denial??? Can you show us that the "mastermind" is a Pakistani and not some Uighur who crossed from China into Pakistan. Do you have any proof?

That's exactly what I said in the original thread. Just because he isn't Pakistani does not mean he could not have crossed over and trained in Pakistan. People are denying that by saying things like he is not a Pakistani national or he trained in Afghanistan.
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