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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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All the more reason for us to increase border cooperation with Pakistan.

Pakistan has always extradited ETIM militants back to us, whenever we have asked them to do so. I'm sure they will put in 110% effort to help us with this issue. :tup:

The guyz who got trained in the tribal area camps in Pakistan are infact run by RAW, CIA, Mosaad and MI6 jointly ...that is why Pakistan is trying its best to tap on these foreign agents working udercover of diplomats or business pplz and eastablishing a worldwide terrorists network. The local Pakistani agents working for these foreign agencies hold dual citizenships from the corresponding countries so that they can move freely worlwide.......The bestway to monitor/filter out these agents moving in and out of the country is to take their finger prints while entering and leaving the country..... :coffee:
China blames Muslim extremists for attack in Xinjiang

BEIJING — China said on Monday that Islamic militants mounted an attack in the restive western region of Xinjiang that left 11 people dead and where the government announced a crackdown on "illegal religious" activities at the start of the Muslim fasting month.

The attack in Kashgar city on Sunday afternoon was the latest violence to shake the region where Muslim Uighurs have long resented the presence of Han Chinese and religious and political controls imposed by Beijing.

It came less than 24 hours after two small blasts hit the city, which is dominated by Uighurs.

"The malign intention behind this violent terror was to sabotage inter-ethnic unity and harm social stability, provoking ethnic hatred and creating ethnic conflict," the Kashgar government said on its website (喀什市政府网站).

Captured suspects confessed that ringleaders had earlier fled to Pakistan and joined the separatist "East Turkestan Islamic Movement", and received training in making firearms and explosives before infiltrating back into China, the Kashgar government said.

"The members of this group all adhere to extremist religious ideas and adamantly support Jihad," said the statement, referring to the Arabic term for struggle used by advocates of militant Islam to describe their cause.

Police shot dead five people and arrested four others after they stormed a restaurant, set in on fire after killing the owner and a waiter, and then ran onto the street and hacked to death four people, Xinhua news agency reported.

For the ruling Communist Party, the latest violence presents a tricky test of its control in Xinjiang, where Uighur and Han Chinese residents view each other with suspicion.

Beijing has been wary of contagion from uprisings across the Arab world inspiring challenges to Party power in China.

"I think it's a testament to how tense the region remains, and the fact that you have increased polarization between ethnic groups," said Nicholas Bequelin, a researcher on China for Human Rights Watch, a New York-based advocacy group.

"There's a lot of pent-up anger and resentment of Chinese policies in Kashgar," added Bequelin, noting a controversial program to raze homes in traditional Uighur neighbourhoods and relocate them to housing under firmer official control.

The top Communist Party official in Xinjiang, Zhang Chunxian, announced a crackdown on religious extremism and vowed harsh punishment for those found guilty of attacks, according to Xinjiang's official news website (?????? - ???).

"(We will) resolutely attack religious extremist forces and effectively curb illegal religious activities," Zhang said.


Kashgar lies in Xinjiang's south, where Uighurs predominate, and is divided between Uighur and Han Chinese areas.

"There are very few people on the streets, and unless it's something urgent, I won't go out," a Han Chinese businesswoman in Kashgar told Reuters by phone, adding that there was a heavy police presence in the city. She would give only her surname, Jiang.

China sees Xinjiang as strategically vital, and Beijing has shown no sign of loosening its grip on the territory, which accounts for a sixth of the country's land mass and holds deposits of oil and gas.

In July 2009, the regional capital, Urumqi, was rocked by violence between majority Han Chinese and minority Uighurs that killed nearly 200 people, many of them Han Chinese.

Uighurs are a Turkic-speaking people who have usually not embraced stricter forms of Islam, but in recent years religious traditionalism has made inroads.

Critics of Chinese policy in Xinjiang and advocates of Uighur self-rule say that Beijing has exaggerated the influence of terror groups, and its tough policies have deepened Uighur anger by smothering avenues for peaceful protest.

Bequelin, the human rights researcher, said he was skeptical about Chinese suggestions that the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement" (ETIM) was behind the attack.

"It's now an umbrella term used by China for any kind of Uighur separatist or anti-state activity," Bequelin said of ETIM, which was designated as a terrorist organization by the United States in 2002.

Earlier on Sunday, Chinese media reported that two men wielding knives attacked a truck driver and then a crowd of people following two explosions in Kashgar on Saturday night, leaving eight people dead including one of the attackers.

Eighteen people including 14 "rioters" were killed in an attack on a police station in Xinjiang on July 18, according to the government.


China blames Muslim extremists for attack in Xinjiang
pathatic ,
Captured suspects confessed that ringleaders had earlier fled to Pakistan and joined the separatist "East Turkestan Islamic Movement", and received training in making firearms and explosives before infiltrating back into China,

and here chinese and pakistani members fighting it out against the indian members ...
The point is not that u fight with each other but the point is pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism, which is proved beyond the point.

The point is that you are spewing BS Pakistan about and is unable to back it up. Enlighten us that how Pakistani state support ETIM and help yourself and others on this thread.;)

That's exactly what I said in the original thread. Just because he isn't Pakistani does not mean he could not have crossed over and trained in Pakistan. People are denying that by saying things like he is not a Pakistani national or he trained in Afghanistan.

I never denied that he might have not trained in Pakistan. But the fact is it doesn't make Pakistan a terrorist state nor it proves any complicity of the Pakistani establishment in handling these guys as many of your fellow countrymen are vehemently trying to prove right now.
Captured suspects confessed that ringleaders had earlier fled to Pakistan and joined the separatist "East Turkestan Islamic Movement", and received training in making firearms and explosives before infiltrating back into China,

This further shows the importance of cooperation between China and Pakistan. As the terrorists were able to cross over the border and both Pakistan and China failed to stop them. Hopefully in future such incidents can be avoided.
I never denied that he might have not trained in Pakistan. But the fact is it doesn't make Pakistan a terrorist state nor it proves any complicity of the Pakistani establishment in handling these guys as many of your fellow countrymen are vehemently trying to prove right now.

Read all my posts. Let me know if I've said anything irrational. I like debates as long as it's logical.
As far as the Pakistani establishment bashing is concerned, it's inherent to both nationalities to kick the other when he's down and it's a little difficult to forget the "death by a thousand cuts" doctrine that was put in place. But frankly off late I've seen a lot of Pakistani members here having no faith in it either.
This further shows the importance of cooperation between China and Pakistan. As the terrorists were able to cross over the border and both Pakistan and China failed to stop them. Hopefully in future such incidents can be avoided.

True, there was a very big failure from the Chinese side.

We allowed these guys to exit the border in the first place.

We really need to increase control over the border.
alright enough of emotions now lets get back to basics will ya READ & ANALYSE

The WOT has cost the U.S a' lot in term of financial strains is still the no.1 but is having a lot of financial difficulties now who does generally of the the big five US.,France,U.K,Russia & China does the u.s faces a competition the geo-political divide that is going on the u.s has the gulf,is there some what in central asia & the asia pacific

well it China & to some extant Russia & Of course Iran the U.S wants to get out of afghanistan & keep a permanent bases there buts its costing it high 14 trillions dollars of debt is no joke so the longer u.s struggles in Afghanistan the more financial expense it has to bear in another words it gets weekend now the question is who gains from this tactic think about there is nothing better then an competitor trapped isn't it exactly so the longer the u.s is in the afghanistan the better it is for China & to some extant Russia & Of course Iran now hold your breath on the contrary who wants the U.S out of afghanistan as it sees the u.s presence is against it national interest its obvious its Pakistan so while pakistan wants the U.S out like wise China & to some extant Russia & Of course Iran wants it to stay as it benefits their national interest in the long run now on the topic the u.s is going through a serious financial crisis,unemployment sky high debt in trillions there were even talks of a risk default usd dollar value weakening now so can China & to some extant Russia & ofcaurse Iran lets such a vulnerable opportunity go i don't think so, so now all that is needed to fuel the fire is a READ: PRETEXT (@ subject) the more pretexts the better because as it will help keep u.s embroiled in afghanistan which will be of benefit to China & to some extant Russia & Of course Iran in the long run now so here one might ask isn't pakistan china's israel as said by a chinese general once well it may be but in this their interest goes the opposite direction

welcome the world of Real geo-politics in which case the rules are

sorry nothing personal its just interest
Pakistan army's thinking behind developing the terrorist appratus was to cause destruction in Kashmir and other states of India. China thought that its interest are best served by keeping India in a low equilibrium of turmoil and so supported all these terrorists from Pakistan even overtly in the UN. Now with the exports getting closer to home, the strategy will start to backfire. I am sure the alarms are not going just yet. It is still acceptable level of internal conflict versus the reward sought for pitting Pakistan against India but over the years as was the case with Pakistan, this strife will only get intense and then probably the risk reward will be adverse.

On the other hand, China is a bhai mulk and also Turkey is a bhai mulk. So this dichotomoy of handling two bhai mulks and the brotherly sandwich situation will also be quite a predicament for Pakistan. It is okay to ignore the Balwaristan issue because there is no maibaap for those people but the Uighurs have the Turks! Interesting to see the tight ropewalk of the maiden on this one.
what's wrong with you indians?it seems that you are all very excited about innocent chinese get killed,i haven't seen a single chinese media blame pakistan for this two attacks?but now i can't help but wonder who is really supporting and funding these terrorists?CIA?RAW?
what's wrong with you indians?it seems that you are all very excited about innocent chinese get killed,i havn't seen a single chinese media blame pakistan for this two attacks?but now i can't help but wonder who is really supporting and funding these terrorists?CIA?RAW? i think it fit your interests more anyone's


You steal their land and you pretend you are innocent?

At least in Kashmir, no none Kashmiri is allowed to own land, property or carry out business.

If we went the Chinese way of changing demography, then Kashmir would have been history.

We care for our people, their culture and their singularity!
In a relationship where there is one way traffic, it never gets shattered, it gets defunct. There is nothing to shatter. Just to outgrow the usefulness. That is the problem with being a client state. The relationship cowers the client in to acquisceing to things that it otherwise would not have with anyone else. Now on the face of it, it is okay because it is more a federal issue but the public opinion cannot be kept going in favour of a state which is killing muslims. Afterall Pakistan is supposed to be saviours of muslims all over the world! ( I mean except Shias and Ahmediyyas and such loosely created subset).

Nothing new for you people to twist the facts to suit your argument. Islam does not support the wrong-doings of Muslims towards non-Muslims just because they are Muslims.

In fact, in many instances the The Prophet (Salalaho Alaihi Wasalam) gave judgments in favor of Jews and against Muslims. Hence, in this case,as reported on this article: China blames Pakistan-trained militants for attack - Yahoo! News , the attacker killed the restaurant owner, waiter and many other people in a knife attack, so even according to Islam the Chinese government has justifiably killed the attackers.
what's wrong with you indians?it seems that you are all very excited about innocent chinese get killed,i havn't seen a single chinese media blame pakistan for this two attacks?but now i can't help but wonder who is really supporting and funding these terrorists?CIA?RAW? i think it fit your interests more anyone's

I thought your Govt was linking them to Al Queda.

The Indian perception here is merely surprised at the contradictory policy of the Chinese Govt.On one hand your Govt attempts to link these militants to Al-Queda ,while on the other hand for 3 times has prevented/stalled the UN designation of Lashkar-e-Taiba(a group affiliated with Al-Queda) as a terrorist organization

However the Indian people and Govt will support China's side
no big deal here!!all these camps and training centers were made by the US with the money from the SAUDIS inorder to topple the SOVIETS!! as for china it knows that it is not our state policy to sponsor terrorism!!! and terrorist has no caste or creed or nation!
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