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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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then how can pak help china.

Read the history dear. It is Pakistan which helped China the most regarding ETIM. Yeah we don't need certificate from you for that.;)
As I said please provide us the credible proof that Pakistani state or the establishment or the military is involved in supporting ETIM. A credible proof is welcome unless it would be considered as a rant from a Bharati.

Instead of asking me here, why not look for the facts over which the Chinese based their assertion. They clearly said that the mastermind recieved training at a terror camp in Pakistan. Now if the terror camp is existing, it is the responsibility of the Pakistani state to shut it down. Now ask them for the proof and stop directing your drivel towards me.

Of course terrorists have no caste or creed.

But if the agenda is the ummah, pan Islam, and the like, then what is it?

Please educate!

well 2 things you need to look at

1) why are the so called "muslim warriors(which i don't think they are either muslim or warriors)" getting sympathizers and carrying out such atroctieis? ANSWER: everywhere you look from ISRAEL to kashmir muslims are opressed! can you say the same about christians or jews?

2) secondly these terrorists are a minoirty of extreme idiots! and every religion has them hindus have their BAJRANG DAL & SHIV SENA, christians have their (guy in norway or crusdaers) jews have men who go aorund hunting nazis!

so yes terrorism cannot be just said to be a muslim phenomenon!! it is rampant in the muslim world due to opression by non muslims!
There is a huge differece between wishing and doing, you said we r wishing militant attack on china but sir your people doing it.

As I said there is no proof that any Pakistani national is involved in this incident. Even the news you guys are quoting says it was most probably a Uighur who is the mastermind of this attack.
Credible proof from where?? India? china or Pakistan????

Anyone who thinks Pakistani state is supporting terrorism in China. Chinese don't believe anything like this, if you believe it,give us the proof.
Being Muslim and having some Chinese blood in me, even I can't decide who is right or wrong in this situation. I don't advocate creating separate countries just due to difference in race and religion, but to me, the Uighur people are nothing like Chinese people (there were 2 Uighur students in my university and they were more like central asian people)

I need to do some wikipedia research on the history of Uighur people to decide that.

To answer your question, separatist/terrorism of any form should be crushed down. The Chinese government has done a good job on keeping the integrity of the nation.

your opinion don't count , it's more importent how the extermists groups & fundamentalists preachers in pakistan took the situation in Xinjiang , and to my understanding these groups are least impressed by the pakistan-china relation as religion is a more compelling force for them...
Anyone who thinks Pakistani state is supporting terrorism in China. Chinese don't believe anything like this, if you believe it,give us the proof.

Pakistan would like to be the flag bearer of Islam where it wants, but not so with China.

The reason is not so hard to find.

One must know which side of the bread is buttered!
Instead of asking me here, why not look for the facts over which the Chinese based their assertion. They clearly said that the mastermind recieved training at a terror camp in Pakistan. Now if the terror camp is existing, it is the responsibility of the Pakistani state to shut it down. Now ask them for the proof and stop directing your drivel towards me.

I am asking you since it is you who is coming with the "grand" idea that Pakistani state is supporting terrorism. Now it is for you to come up with a proof that Pakistani state or establishment is supporting terrorism in China.

A so called camp inside some "hut" in some remote village doesn't prove Pakistani state involvement in China.
Haha, been a while, buddy. Maybe you're the right person to ask. I assume you know quite some facts about Chinese history. Have the Uighur people always been part of Chinese civilization? Or were they more to Turkic/Central asian people? What does Chinese history teach? :)

On the CPC cracking down hard, to me a freedom fighter becomes a terrorist the moment he causes the dead of innocent people. Regardless of what he is fighting for, however noble it is, the moment children and women are killed.. His justification holds no value.

The Chinese identity is very much based on assimilation. :)

Most Han Chinese today, were at one point not considered to be Han. But rather Northern/Southern/Eastern barbarians. Who eventually adopted Han culture, and thus became Chinese. And the Chinese nation today, is composed of many different ethnicities and religions.

I'm not that knowledgeable about Xinjiang in particular, but the land and people are commonly viewed here as part of the Chinese civilization. They are one of the largest recognized minority groups in China.

PS: Just curious, by any chance, are you mixed/muslim too? You're very supportive of Pakistan lol

No buddy, I'm not mixed. Ancestral village in Guangdong, and of Hakka descent.

Now 100% Hong Konger. :azn:
I am asking you since it is you who is coming with the "grand" idea that Pakistani state is supporting terrorism. Now it is for you to come up with a proof that Pakistani state or establishment is supporting terrorism in China.

A so called camp inside some "hut" in some remote village doesn't prove Pakistani state involvement in China.

how remote are these arers that traniees can learn fire arms /bombs and no body takes notes of such prolong activities...
Anyone who thinks Pakistani state is supporting terrorism in China. Chinese don't believe anything like this, if you believe it,give us the proof.

You cannot be so naive! Did you not read the statement from the Chinese ministry that started this whole thread. It clearly says that the mastermind got training in a terrorist camp in Pakistan. Now whether it means any connivance of Pakistani state is immaterial because the least that it says is that there are terror camps in Pakistan and the state cannot feign inaction on it. These are facts.

The objective is to show sense that terror training schools in Pakistan are serving no purpose to anyone in the region whether it be China, Pakistan or India. Read my post again and tell me how it means anything else than what I claim.

Again for this part you are more than welcome to proof that Pakistani state is supporting terrorism inside China. A so called training center in some village doesn't prove anything. Same can be said for China that it failed to stop those terrorists coming into Pakistan. What if these guys involved in some terrorist incident in Pakistan. Should we call China a terrorist state.

So stop this BS of we used to say the same and now china..........

If you have something better give us the proof or accept Pakistani state has helped China in fighting ETIM.
Because your countrymen like always take the honor to spread Bullsh!t. That's why India is mentioned in this thread.

China has spread a lot of butter.

All are slipping from the reality of the situation!

That Oslo chap must be the only one applauding with glee at the massacre of Uighurs!

And we condemn him.

Matter of Convenience, what?

Arguments of convenience lack integrity and inevitably trip you up.
Of course terrorists have no caste or creed.

But if the agenda is the ummah, pan Islam, and the like, then what is it?

Please educate!

well 2 things you need to look at

1) why are the so called "muslim warriors(which i don't think they are either muslim or warriors)" getting sympathizers and carrying out such atroctieis? ANSWER: everywhere you look from ISRAEL to kashmir muslims are opressed! can you say the same about christians or jews?

2) secondly these terrorists are a minoirty of extreme idiots! and every religion has them hindus have their BAJRANG DAL & SHIV SENA, christians have their (guy in norway or crusdaers) jews have men who go aorund hunting nazis!

so yes terrorism cannot be just said to be a muslim phenomenon!! it is rampant in the muslim world due to opression by non muslims!
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