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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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And yet we have indian members worrying about Muslims in China ... interesting how they don't voice this concern for Muslims in Kashmir and Palestine. LOL!

No one is worried. Indian must support China to Kill all terrorist of Xinjiang.
World community , especially its neighbours, should help Pakistan in controlling its area ..............after India, Iran, afghanistan now China is complaining of terrorist training facilities in Pakistan.
You cannot be so naive! Did you not read the statement from the Chinese ministry that started this whole thread. It clearly says that the mastermind got training in a terrorist camp in Pakistan. Now whether it means any connivance of Pakistani state is immaterial because the least that it says is that there are terror camps in Pakistan and the state cannot feign inaction on it. These are facts..

First of all it was the statement of the provincial govt which issued the statement. And it isn't immaterial. It is very much related with this whole issue. The fact is that some Chinese militant crossed from China to Pakistan. He allegedly received training in Pakistan. And then he moved back to China and committed this incident. Now the fact that comes in this scenario is that China failed to stop militants coming into and Pakistan failed to arrest them and stop receiving them training inside it's country. Now it only shows that both states were failed to some extent but it doesn't shows state sponsor for terrorism.

If you think otherwise prove it with something credible. :)
Again for this part you are more than welcome to proof that Pakistani state is supporting terrorism inside China. A so called training center in some village doesn't prove anything. Same can be said for China that it failed to stop those terrorists coming into Pakistan. What if these guys involved in some terrorist incident in Pakistan. Should we call China a terrorist state.

So stop this BS of we used to say the same and now china..........

If you have something better give us the proof or accept Pakistani state has helped China in fighting ETIM.

Exactly right buddy. :tup:

It was China who let those militants escape into Pakistan, by failing to properly control the border.

These are Uighurs who are Chinese nationals. The responsibility was on our shoulders, and we failed.

It is ridiculous to blame Pakistan, for the actions of Chinese nationals in Chinese territory.
Till what time, we are going to listen the same tune about Non state actors?

If you know that state actors are involved in this particular incident then please enlighten us about it. Or else believe what is apparent and explicit. It is the act of non state actors.
well 2 things you need to look at

1) why are the so called "muslim warriors(which i don't think they are either muslim or warriors)" getting sympathizers and carrying out such atroctieis? ANSWER: everywhere you look from ISRAEL to kashmir muslims are opressed! can you say the same about christians or jews?
Muslim warriors are always quoted due to number of Terrorist attacks done by one religion be it Iranian attack in UK, Algerian Muslims in French hijacking, 9/11 in US, 7/7 in Uk or 26/11 etc. Now what about Somalians killing each other, Syria, Sudan and God knows how many African Muslim countries where they are fighting. No Ummah, No Suppression?? hypocrisy??
2) secondly these terrorists are a minoirty of extreme idiots! and every religion has them hindus have their BAJRANG DAL & SHIV SENA, christians have their (guy in norway or crusdaers) jews have men who go aorund hunting nazis!

so yes terrorism cannot be just said to be a muslim phenomenon!! it is rampant in the muslim world due to opression by non muslims!
Yes there are few in every religion, You missed Jews, I add them. But if You see quantities of minority on majority of them, you will find who are having on issues. Above to that, Ideologies the way accepted by Muslims is getting dangerous in some part of world. Just to let you know, Few Muslims want Sharia to be applied in Muslim populated areas in UK.
I am asking you since it is you who is coming with the "grand" idea that Pakistani state is supporting terrorism. Now it is for you to come up with a proof that Pakistani state or establishment is supporting terrorism in China.

A so called camp inside some "hut" in some remote village doesn't prove Pakistani state involvement in China.

You have to read everything once again. I really do not think that you are talking to me. Rather talking at me.

I claimed that Pakistani army terror camps were installed with a view to spread terrorism in Kashmir and other India states. This is very well documented. Your army and leaders have agreed to it and now just say that the policy of abetting terrorism has been ceased. That is why LeT and other organizations were banned. There is so much literature on this.

Then I said that China was always trying to cull the anti India terror resolutions in UN with Veto. So when the pain is closer home, I am sure that China will have to have a rethink. It has lost the moral right to Veto these resolutions against India centric terror emanating from camps and individuals in Pakistan.

Now refer to the Chinese statement which says that the terrorist was trained in terror camps in Pakistan. That is a Chinese statement and I am sure that gospel truth for you by now. So do you still want proof that there are terror camps in Pakistan? That is what India has been claiming. Is it not?

Finally w.r.t your attempt to wash it off the Pakistani hands claiming that a camp inside some hut does not prove state involvement. I AGREE that it does not prove Pakistani state involvement but it proves Pakistani state inaction. In fact, your next statement could be that Pakistani state cannot do anything for every camp in a hut. Let me pre-empt it and then ask that given that scenario, the droning will be the next acceptable step?

If you know that state actors are involved in this particular incident then please enlighten us about it. Or else believe what is apparent and explicit. It is the act of non state actors.

Selected an intentional line, missed rest. Anyways, If state is not properly taking care of such incidents then wait for moments stronger will come to clean the mess. Refer case of OBL.
@ Chinese Dragon hypocrisy is at best. He never replied single time weather Muslims of Xinjinag are right in Independence or Hans killing is right. He is good in trolling and talking some other thing which convenience the terms of Pakistan.

He Doesn't understand What goes around what comes around. :)

LOL, I already answered it several pages back. :lol:

Here I'll quote it again:

I am torn as well, on the issue of right and wrong in this case.

Of course, terrorists/criminals should be hunted down. However, innocent people are often caught in the crossfire, this is an unavoidable fact of life.

Sometimes I think the CPC cracks down too hard... sometimes not, depending on the particular scenario.

Like most such situations, where nations fight againt terrorism, the morality issue is a grey area.
Finally w.r.t your attempt to wash it off the Pakistani hands claiming that a camp inside some hut does not prove state involvement. I AGREE that it does not prove Pakistani state involvement but it proves Pakistani state inaction. In fact, your next statement could be that Pakistani state cannot do anything for every camp in a hut. Let me pre-empt it and then ask that given that scenario


I won't answer the part about IOK or UN resolution since I consider it to be irrelevant. Now since you have accepted that Pakistani state isn't involved in this incident I would talk about the inactive part of your post. How did you realized the inaction of the Pakistani state. It is Pakistan among all the 50+ muslim states which has supported China on Xinjiang issue. It is Pakistan which extradite all the most wanted militants of ETIM back to China. As the member Chinese Dragon said it is because of Pakistani state that China is low on terrorism risk index. Even the religious organizations like Jamat e Islami opposed any militant movement in Xinjiang. In short Pakistani state has done more action against ETIM than all the verbal bla bla of the Indians on this thread. :lol:

I don't see any inaction here.

the droning will be the next acceptable step?

Obviously no. Since it is some Chinese citizens who were involved in this incident and state of Pakistan is more than willing to quell any such group who is involved in such incidents. China knows how to make it safe and it knows bombing someone else territory is not the way to make itself safe.
Selected an intentional line, missed rest. Anyways, If state is not properly taking care of such incidents then wait for moments stronger will come to clean the mess. Refer case of OBL.

State is doing what it is supposed to do and the past is a testimony to it. You can believe otherwise but Chinese don't.
Exactly right buddy. :tup:

It was China who let those militants escape into Pakistan, by failing to properly control the border.

These are Uighurs who are Chinese nationals. The responsibility was on our shoulders, and we failed.

It is ridiculous to blame Pakistan, for the actions of Chinese nationals in Chinese territory.

What this act of terrorism will do is united and make us stronger. We will learn from this together making us more united than ever. You are fully aware anything Pakistan can do they will do to prevent this.
I also find it ironic as soon as our neighbors get a tiny chance to twist the knife in they come running out of their holes. Don't worry they will go back and hibernate quickly!

Chinese Dragon,

You are from Hong Kong.

You have autonomy and still doing well for China.

Why don't the Chinese Govt give autonomy to Tibet and Xinjaing?

They are also Chinese, right?

That will solve the problem!

You don't reward social unrest with autonomy. That could end up adding fuel to the fire.

I hope all regions of China will gain more social liberties one day. But for the time being (next decade or so), we need to sort out the problems first.
I won't answer the part about IOK or UN resolution since I consider it to be irrelevant. Now since you have accepted that Pakistani state isn't involved in this incident I would talk about the inactive part of your post. How did you realized the inaction of the Pakistani state. It is Pakistan among all the 50+ muslim states which has supported China on Xinjiang issue. It is Pakistan which extradite all the most wanted militants of ETIM back to China. As the member Chines Dragon said it is because of Pakistani state that China is low on terrorism risk index. Even the religious organizations like Jamat e Islami opposed any militant movement in Xinjiang. In short Pakistani state had done more action against ETIM than all the verbal bla bla of the Indians on this thread. :lol:

I don't see any inaction here.

Obviously no. Since it is some Chinese citizens who were involved in this incident and state of Pakistan is more than willing to quell any such group who is involved in such incidents. China knows how to make it safe and it knows bombing someone else territory is not the way to make itself safe.

Guess why?

Money speaks.

The same way the Drones are not material!!
You don't reward social unrest with autonomy. That could end up adding fuel to the fire.

I hope all regions of China will gain more social liberties one day. But for the time being (next decade or so), we need to sort out the problems first.

Tell me where is religious fundamentalist not adding fuel to the fire?

Your hope does not fuel religious oppression.

Do you want me to append links of how Islam is being crushed under the Chinese boot in East Turkmenistan?

Give them autonomy as Hong Kong has, and all will be well.

Let us discuss why autonomy is not being given.

Let it be an eye-opener for the opportunist Muslims here of Pakistan who abandon their Muslim brothers in Xinjaing, but are so active for other parts of the world!

They talk of Palestine and Kashmir, so why are they so shy about Uighure Muslims?

Uighur Muslims are from Mars?
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