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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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It's you who can't answer any of my questions Tiki. :azn:

(And I answered that question several pages back. You don't reward social unrest with autonomy.)

You've even resorted to calling all Chinese people "congenital liars".

So we were all born as liars right?
Does that clear the cobwebs and cataract in your eyes?

Where is the involvement of the Pakistani state?

Do you even understand what that word means? I.e. The Pakistani government.

And you have the nerve to call all Chinese people "congenital liars". :lol: That's all you're capable of Tiki.
It's you who can't answer any of my questions Tiki. :azn:

(And I answered that question several pages back. You don't reward social unrest with autonomy.)

You've even resorted to calling all Chinese people "congenital liars".

So we were all born as liars right?

Have I not proved it right form your claim that 98% of Chinese are Han in China?

Apart from proving your lies, I also asked a simple question that such a huge country has 98% as one ethnic race?

I know Chinese love to fancify history, but 98% is a bit too thick.

All the same race and ethnicity.

You love inventing history and issues to show you are ever so different and the whole world is full of barbarians.

That too, I proved.

I not only have the nerve, but the guts to say so, and give proof too!

No empty daydreams!

Check the thread on Tibet.

I have no time to re-educate you.

Go to a Chinese re-education centre!

Now take it easy, lie down, sip a Cola and then come back!
State is doing what it is supposed to do and the past is a testimony to it. You can believe otherwise but Chinese don't.

If China understand that State is doing what it shoudl do then being a friend they wont come up in front of world blaming you but they did unlike they supported you during OBL case. Is n't it a biggest proof in itself?

Anyways, Yes we believe you did it less in our cases, less during US demanded, Nothing in Afghanistan and i am also not sure about Chinese cases. It is just starting, lets see what happens in the future.
If you guys kept on trolling, more infractions will follow as well as bans too.

Keep the discussion to the topic.

I know Indians are very excited, but they should keep the excitement to themselves and show in on their own forums, not here.

Any more trolling, off topic / no value posts, penalty would be paid.
Like I said, India couldn't even prove Pakistani state involvement in the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

And they certainly have no proof here.
It's you who can't answer any of my questions Tiki. :azn:

(And I answered that question several pages back. You don't reward social unrest with autonomy.)

You've even resorted to calling all Chinese people "congenital liars".

So we were all born as liars right?

Don't bother responding to people that call Chinese liars, bro.

To Indians, why so much hate for the Chinese people? I don't remember Chinese and Indians ever clashing throughout history of both civilizations nor do they have any historical hatred.

Here's a thought for the Indians.. the government of China makes policies that works best for it's country, that's all there is to it. Most Chinese people are working hard for the betterment of their own life's with little concern for government foreign policies or India for that matter.

Ask any Chinese on the street, if he hates Indians, you'll probably get a puzzled look. Chinese people are among the least racist and most industrious people around :tup:

You can hate the government all you want, but don't go around calling Chinese people liars.
First find a direct quote from an official Chinese spokesperson.

Before we run away with assumptions.

The articles seem to alternate between direct quotes and interpretations a lot.

Ahh... now with the semantics. So what else does the statement means when it says that the terrorist was trained in Pakistan. What are you objecting to. The word terrorist training camp? Do you want to call it a terrorist training center instead. Please be more clear as to what exactly do you want to find a deduction to? About the vaccilations, Xinhua my friend! I thought that you would by now pick it like the back of your hand. :)
As usual never to the point.

So typically Chinese.

Obfuscate and deflect and not even have the courtesy to quote lest you are found out to be fraudulent!


It would be wise for a professional to act in the same manner and avoid getting personal or insulting comments.
Don't bother responding to people that call Chinese liars, bro.

To Indians, why so much hate for the Chinese people? I don't remember Chinese and Indians ever clashing throughout history of both civilizations nor do they have any historical hatred.

Here's a thought for the Indians.. the government of China makes policies that works best for it's country, that's all there is to it. Most Chinese people are working hard for the betterment of their own life's with little concern for government foreign policies or India for that matter.

Ask any Chinese on the street, if he hates Indians, you'll probably get a puzzled look. Chinese people are among the least racist and most industrious people around :tup:

You can hate the government all you want, but don't go around calling Chinese people liars.

Indians don't hate Chinese either. Don't go by what you see on anonymous internet forums. Lot of false flags around who start mudslinging, and the saner ones get involved in it sooner or later and from there on its a chain reaction. People insulting each others countries, hence the bitterness.

Why are Indians going batsh*t crazy in this thread? Cause we feel that Pakistan meddling in Kashmir in the name of Muslim Ummah and not making a whimper in the case of Muslim Xinjiang is quite hypocritical.

We would rather have Pakistanis say Kashmir is of strategic importance for Pakistan and thats why we are meddling in Kashmir.
Like I said, India couldn't even prove Pakistani state involvement in the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

And they certainly have no proof here.

And why is India finding proof important? May be you forgot that we are discussing Chinese statement here and not the usual Indian allegation :rofl: But I love the way you turn things on the head. Uighurs are NOT asking for independence from India. It is a Chinese thing. Just to reiterate so that we can keep the discussion focussed.
Stop avoiding my question Tiki. :lol:

Now you are getting desperate.

Indian extremist and propaganda machine at work, too keen, eager and too easy to tell. Desperation and lashing out with silly claims, making assumptions and derogatory insults follow when they are not getting anywhere :azn:
It would be wise for a professional to act in the same manner and avoid getting personal or insulting comments.

And what is your suggestion to deflect personal and national affronts, not based on facts?

I shall comply.
Ahh... now with the semantics. So what else does the statement means when it says that the terrorist was trained in Pakistan. What are you objecting to. The word terrorist training camp? Do you want to call it a terrorist training center instead. Please be more clear as to what exactly do you want to find a deduction to? About the vaccilations, Xinhua my friend! I thought that you would by now pick it like the back of your hand. :)

Just one single "direct" quote, from an official Chinese spokesperson.

In order to make sure we are debating on something that was actually said, as opposed to something that was interpreted by the media.

Surely not much to ask for?
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