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Xi: Get used to an assertive China - you have no choice

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China is a nation that has attacked, invaded and taken over Tibet. It has a long history of attacking other neighbors.

A history of sharing Nukes with pakistan and missiles with Pakistan. Support to North korea horrible regime. China is a problem nation ...simple. You are the bad guys ...no amount of propaganda can white wash this fact.

Oh I love your black and white jaded views on this planet. In the past China invaded others, mainly because the nomads were invading them; it's more or less a counter invasion to stop them from invading China.

The only war like period in Chinese history is the Han and Tang ( not including the fragmented periods) after that China has never invaded any other Kingdoms except for Vietnam - I guess they did that just to flex their military muscles after a long period of not doing anything military - only counter invading the Mongols and Manchu during the Ming Dynasty.

The Qing succeeded the Ming and as you know they were ruled by Manchus and not Han, and under their rule they brought Tibet and Xinjiang under Chinese hegemony but that's still over a thousand years of not invading anyone except for Vietnam. So long history of invading neighbors? WRONG :lol:

China supports North Korea because they don't want the US bordering China, simple as that but they can't invade North Korea to change the government because the world will label China as a warmonger but they can't stop supporting North Korea completely because the people will starve.

And whats wrong with China sharing nukes with Pakistan, they are very close allies much like the US and Israel share nukes but you turn a blind eye on that fact because you apply double standard just like your country has a long history of applying double standards... no amount of propaganda can white wash that fact :lol: :lol: :lol:
how about India.invaded Kashmir and annxed sikkim and goa,has conflicts with many of your neigbors,almost every country in your immediate neighborhood hates you.PR blunder.

Nop that propaganda does not work. The world will still continue to see china as the bad guys.

Oh I love your black and white jaded views on this planet. In the past China invaded others, mainly because the nomads were invading them; it's more or less a counter invasion to stop them from invading China.

The only war like period in Chinese history is the Han and Tang ( not including the fragmented periods) after that China has never invaded any other Kingdoms except for Vietnam - I guess they did that just to flex their military muscles after a long period of not doing anything military - only counter invading the Mongols and Manchu during the Ming Dynasty.

The Qing succeeded the Ming and as you know they were ruled by Manchus and not Han, and under their rule they brought Tibet and Xinjiang under Chinese hegemony but that's still over a thousand years of not invading anyone except for Vietnam. So long history of invading neighbors? WRONG :lol:

China supports North Korea because they don't want the US bordering China, simple as that but they can't invade North Korea to change the government because the world will label China as a warmonger but they can't stop supporting North Korea completely because the people will starve.

And whats wrong with China sharing nukes with Pakistan, they are very close allies much like the US and Israel share nukes but you turn a blind eye on that fact because you apply double standard just like your country has a long history of applying double standards... no amount of propaganda can white wash that fact :lol: :lol: :lol:

whatever makes you happy kid.
Nop that propaganda does not work. The world will still continue to see china as the bad guys.

whatever makes you happy kid.

I don't think you know what propaganda means
how about India.invaded Kashmir and annxed sikkim and goa,has conflicts with many of your neigbors,almost every country in your immediate neighborhood hates you.PR blunder.

When did India invade Kashmir?

King of Kashmir came to India signed over the document accession of J&K to Indian union, in return for India sending it troops to Kashmir to defend against Pakistani Tribal forces, who were raping and pillaging his land.

Goa was Indian territory captured Portuguese, after British left in 1947, Portuguese were also asked to withdraw from Indian lands, but they preferred to be kicked out.

After prime minister of Sikkim approached India, for it to become a part of Indian union. A referendum was held where people of Sikkim voted to part of Indian and abolition of Monarchy.

Except Pakistan India has very friendly relations with all the countries in the neighborhood and luke warm relations with China..Don't go by. what you see on a Pakistani internet forums. It does not represents the majority opinion in their country and certainly not their govt's.
If you knew what it meant you wouldn't see China as the bad guy

....as long as pakistan has chinese nukes and missiles, India is forced to make that call. Same is true for all your other neighbors as well.
Since when did China's other neighbors have any issues with Pakistan? Pakistan wanting nukes is just a response to India having nukes.
No...because The British and Japanese never ruled China, they only occupied bits of it. India on the other hand is the continuation of the British rule

Which bits? The populus bits of East China?

And China wasn't colonised? loool Xianbei rule? Manchu Rule? and Mongol rule? Add them all and It is more than 1000 years. And yeah this doesn't even include 'A Century of Humiliation' by Brits and Japs, who butchered your countrymen in millions.

Plus Khitans themselves are not Han-Chinese they are a Mongolic race. So be proud of your identity :)

So please get off that moral high ground. Because, you don't have one.

And as for India being continuation of British India? Yes, India is De Facto successor of British India, so what's your point?

Since when did China's other neighbors have any issues with Pakistan? Pakistan wanting nukes is just a response to India having nukes.

Which was a response to China having nukes.
Which bits? The populus bits of East China?

And China wasn't colonised? loool Xeibei rule? Manchu Rule? and Mongol rule? Add them all and It is more than 1000 years. And yeah this doesn't even include 'A Century of Humiliation' by Brits and Japs, who butchered your countrymen in millions.

So please get off that moral high ground. Because, you don't have one.

And as for India being continuation of British India? Yes, India is De Facto successor of British India, so what's your point?

yes the bits where the populous relocated to the hinder lands to continue their resistance against the Japanese.

LOL, do you know what colonization means? Colonization implies the nation that one conquers becomes them, but did the Manchu, Mongols, and Xianbei ( which by the way did not conquer all of China) do that? NO, they became Chinese. Did the Mongols that rule China called themselves ruler of Mongolia, no they called themselves emperor of China not the Khan of Mongolia; The Xianbei became so sinicized that they even force their own people to be Chinese; The Manchus, did they called their nation: Empire of Manchuria, no they called it: Empire of China, they used the Chinese governing system and basically everything Chinese.

btw adding those periods does not equal to a thousand years... It would be around 300 so years

What Colonist would call themselves after the people they conquered much less move their capital to a Chinese a city.

My point was in response to the other poster who said China was the continuation of Japanese and Britain...What was your point of adding The century of Humiliation and the British and Japanese cutting Million of Chinese to bits? How is that relevant to colonization? That's just war and in wars people die.
yes the bits where the populous relocated to the hinder lands to continue their resistance against the Japanese.

LOL, do you know what colonization means? Colonization implies the nation that one conquers becomes them, but did the Manchu, Mongols, and Xianbei ( which by the way did not conquer all of China) do that? NO, they became Chinese. Did the Mongols that rule China called themselves ruler of Mongolia, no they called themselves emperor of China not the Khan of Mongolia; The Xianbei became so sinicized that they even force their own people to be Chinese; The Manchus, did they called their nation: Empire of Manchuria, no they called it: Empire of China, they used the Chinese governing system and basically everything Chinese.

What Colonist would call themselves after the people they conquered much less move their capital to a Chinese a city.

My point was in response to the other poster who said China was the continuation of Japanese and Britain...What was your point of adding The century of Humiliation and the British and Japanese cutting Million of Chinese to bits? How is that relevant to colonization? That's just war and in wars people die.

No Mongols' and Xianbeis' empires are not known as Empire of China. :disagree: And they didn't rule over all of modern day China which one can argue consists of lands of 'Tibet, Xianjing, inner Mongolia and so on' but they did over rule over most of the Ethnic Chinese (read Han) populous.
Probably Manchus' did call their empire Empire of China.

So the point is Qing Dynasty which CPC sees as a predecessor of modern day Chinese state and lays its' claims on Tibet and Xianjing itself wasn't ethnically Chinese dynasty.

Yeah my bad, mentioning innocent civilians who laid their lives.

So the one point is calling India 'Embracer of British rules' is just as absurd.

I do think sihks represent the whole India as you know the chinese calling A'san is refer to them. Without respect.

The pride and arrogance in not being able to spll 'Sikhs' right is quite evident.

See how your countrymen are talking? By the way one doesn't have to go too far to look for a racial slur for Chinese as well. But I tend to believe, we are civilised and our 5000 years old culture and 'Sanskruti' won't allow to stoop that low. I thought Chinese also had one of the oldest continued civilisation? What happened?
No Mongols' and Xianbeis' empires are not known as Empire of China. :disagree: And they didn't rule over all of modern day China which one can argue consists of lands of 'Tibet, Xianjing, inner Mongolia and so on' but they did over rule over most of the Ethnic Chinese (read Han) populous.
Probably Manchus' did.

So the point is Qing Dynasty which CPC sees as a predecessor of modern day Chinese state and lays its' claims on Tibet and Xianjing itself wasn't ethnically Chinese dynasty.

Yeah my bad, mentioning innocent civilians who laid their lives.

So the one point is calling India 'Embracer of British rules' is just as absurd.

See how your countrymen are talking? By the way one doesn't have to go too far to look for a racial slur for Chinese as well. But I tend to believe, we are civilised and our 5000 years old culture and 'Sanskruti' won't allow to stoop that low. I thought Chinese also had one of the oldest continued civilisation? What happened?

I meant the Xianbei did not rule all of China proper. I never said the Mongols and Xianbei called themselves the Empire of China because back then the word China didn't exist but they were definitely were a Chinese empire with a Chinese dynasty name not to mention declaring themselves as a Chinese emperor. I know its confusing.

Chinese is a nationality not a race much like American is a nationality. The modern concept of being Chinese was invented during the Qing dynasty. When the Manchu conquered China proper, the Manchu said that the Manchu and Han were now one; Chinese.

Even when the Manchu Dynasty were doing treaties with foreign powers, they called themselves the Qing Empire of CHINA. Today China is called the People's Republic of CHINA which is why the communist claim Tibet and Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia and whatever, because even though the Qing was not an ethnic Han Empire it was most certainly a Chinese empire.

I never said India were "the embracer British rule".

Both Chinese and Indians on this forum are guilty of using racial slurs against one another. What are you implying, The Indians are civilized and not making fun of anyone of this forum while the Chinese are the opposite?
I meant the Xianbei did not rule all of China proper. I never said the Mongols and Xianbei called themselves the Empire of China because back then the word China didn't exist but they were definitely were a Chinese empire with Chinese dynasty name not to mention declaring themselves as a Chinese emperor. I know its confusing.

Chinese is a nationality not a race much like American is a nationality. The modern concept of being Chinese was invented during the Qing dynasty. When the Manchu conquered China proper, the Manchu said that the Manchu and Han were now one; Chinese.

Even when the Manchu Dynasty were doing treaties with foreign powers, they called themselves the Qing Empire of CHINA. Today China is called the People's Republic of CHINA which is why the communist claim Tibet and Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia and whatever, because even though the Qing was not an ethnic Han Empire it was most certainly a Chinese empire.

I never said India were "the embracer British rule".

Both Chinese and Indians on this forum are guilty of using racial slurs against one another. What are you implying? The Indians are civilized and not making fun of anyone of this forum?

Thank you for proving my point for me. So next time HongWu/Beijingwalker/Chinatoday/ChineseCentruy and so on says 'India was ruled by Mughuls for 600-700 years.' I can also say 'They did not rule much of India' and 'They called their empire, Empire of India and referred to themselves as Emperors of India'

Ermm... yess correct. But Chinese tend to go over board with their insults. And on this forum there are many dark areas where we would not like to go to but let's talk about this thread. Who started insulting? This is a pattern which is apparent in almost all threads involving words India and China.
Thank you for proving my point for me. So next time HongWu/Beijingwalker/Chinatoday/ChineseCentruy and so on says 'India was ruled by Mughuls for 600-700 years.' I can also say 'They did not rule much of India' and 'They called their empire, Empire of India and referred to themselves as Emperors of India'

Ermm... yess correct. But Chinese tend to go over board with their insults. And on this forum there are many dark areas where we would not like to go to but let's talk about this thread. Who started insulting? This is a pattern which is apparent in almost all threads involving words India and China.

Yes...that you can though I'm not too familiar with Indian history. I'm not one of those members that go out of my way to make fun of India though I admit I sometimes do cross the line a little bit when the Indians bad mouth China.

I don't know who started the insulting, I was just correcting the poster before you.
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