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Xi: Get used to an assertive China - you have no choice

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On January 28, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping set out his views on China's pursuit of a path of peaceful development. Although Chinese scholars understand Xi's speech as a reflection of the continuity of China's diplomacy, some foreign media interpreted his views in a different way. They highlighted Xi's "toughness," as Xi said, "No country should presume that we will engage in trade involving our core interests or that we will swallow the 'bitter fruit' of harming our sovereignty, security or development interests" when emphasizing China's peaceful development.

If such statements were made by other countries' leaders, they would not be regarded as anything special. Some countries are judging China with excessive standards. They expect China to trade its core interests for peaceful development. This way, they are able to reap illegitimate benefits.

Criticizing China for becoming tougher in its diplomacy is not new. China is sincere in pursuing peaceful development, but achieving this requires cooperation and interaction from other countries. If they think Xi's statements on peaceful development are unacceptable, it's they themselves rather than China that should make an adjustment.

China's determination to not waive its legitimate interests and not sacrifice its core interests should be clearly understood by those countries. This is one of the preconditions for developing diplomatic relations with China.

Exaggeration of "China toughness" or "China threat" will not result in anything. China will stick to its strategies. Currently, as China is on the back foot in the battle of ideas, there are various negative sentiments toward China's rise in the West. China is willing to try its best to address these sentiments, but it won't do so at the cost of its own interests.

China is not the provocative side in disputes with Japan and the Philippines that have occurred in recent years. If Japan hadn't nationalized the Diaoyu Islands, or if the Philippines naval vessels hadn't dispersed Chinese fishermen around Huangyan Island, these crises wouldn't have broken out. China is the biggest power in East Asia, and it's also the main advocate of putting aside disputes and jointly developing disputed areas. As long as other countries don't provoke the status quo, a peaceful relationship with China can be maintained.

If China had really taken assertiveness in its strategy as a national policy, Asia wouldn't be what it looks like today.

The outside world is perhaps unable to understand why China is so keen on balance and stability. The possibility that in the future China will become tougher cannot be excluded, but this depends on how proactive external forces will be. A few countries and forces press too much on China's interests, and should be clear about China's bottom line. As long as they deal with China in realistic terms, they will find China is kind and tolerant.

Xi?s message shows consistent diplomacy - Globaltimes.cn

Ah... Deng Xiaoping would have been so much smarter with his words there. The reservior even when full will need continually water to flow to remain full. We must fill more than we draw to leave it full for the next generation.

Strength is not in arms. Strength is in friends.
I got different storis about sikkim and Kashmir,if only you like to go over them..
Well I once read in a Chinese aricle said that the sikkim congress have decided to join into China so India smashed it and made a be controled voting.

As usual, you should ignore such things written in chinese media. Sikkim is a beautiful place and they are happy to be in india.
Most of them are nepali though, so they might have affinity towards nepal, not china. :)

Kasmir is different, some want to be part of India, some pakistan and some independent country.
Get used to backlash from neighbors - you have no choice

backlash from which neighbors?
I am sure you are referring to India, what has India's backlash against Pakistan achieved so far
Well I once read in a Chinese aricle said that the sikkim congress have decided to join into China so India smashed it and made a be controled voting.

is it really true that Chinese media says such stupid thing to fool Chinese?

just use ur brain and dont go by ccp propaganda.

if Sikkim wanted to merge with China and China knows this. Then is it possible that India capture Sikkim by force and China wont attack India?
Well its their way of controlling their people what can expect from this people. Aggression is like the foundations of their country.
Thank you for proving my point for me. So next time HongWu/Beijingwalker/Chinatoday/ChineseCentruy and so on says 'India was ruled by Mughuls for 600-700 years.' I can also say 'They did not rule much of India' and 'They called their empire, Empire of India and referred to themselves as Emperors of India.'
India was ruled by foreign conquerors for 800 years and they crushed the indigenous Hindus like bugs. Han Chinese fought neighboring tribes including Mongols on and off for hundreds if not thousands of years. In the end, only one tribe remained dominant -- the Han Chinese -- and the others disappeared into history forever :)

you are not the only one with nukes.. :)
Actually we are. You can try your puny 15 kiloton nukes on us (with our ballistic missile defense capability too) but our multi-megaton yield DF-25 thermonuclear MIRV warheads are something that will make India shine like the light from 1000 suns.
Actually we are. You can try your puny 15 kiloton nukes on us (with our ballistic missile defense capability too) but our multi-megaton yield DF-25 thermonuclear MIRV warheads are something that will make India shine like the light from 1000 suns.
1000 suns? can this world tolerate one Sun if it becomes too close. :rofl:
India was ruled by foreign conquerors for 800 years and they crushed the indigenous Hindus like bugs. Han Chinese fought neighboring tribes including Mongols on and off for hundreds if not thousands of years. In the end, only one tribe remained dominant -- the Han Chinese -- and the others disappeared into history forever :)

800 years???Rofl..learn history kiddo..

Actually we are. You can try your puny 15 kiloton nukes on us (with our ballistic missile defense capability too) but our multi-megaton yield DF-25 thermonuclear MIRV warheads are something that will make India shine like the light from 1000 suns.

thats what we call "Chinese Megaton F@@@rt".. :rofl:
China is a nation that has attacked, invaded and taken over Tibet. It has a long history of attacking other neighbors.

A history of sharing Nukes with pakistan and missiles with Pakistan. Support to North korea horrible regime. China is a problem nation ...simple. You are the bad guys ...no amount of propaganda can white wash this fact.

your beloved master the british empire invaded almost every country on earth and yet english is india official language:D may be time to make chinese your official language too?
Actually we are. You can try your puny 15 kiloton nukes on us (with our ballistic missile defense capability too) but our multi-megaton yield DF-25 thermonuclear MIRV warheads are something that will make India shine like the light from 1000 suns.
keep bullying small countries mate, they will be more pro US (even myanmar is becoming one). As for India, your leaders know pretty well, we are no pushovers, hence we continue to host dalai lama and are still in arunachal pradesh.
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