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WTF? Canadian PM Trudeau just congratulated Pakistan #Independece day

Wish granted, now castrate yourself and go enjoy some dogmeat noodles. :wave:
its not a wish for you to grant... only stupid idiot like your self would want to be a failed third world country instead of being a developed , happy, technologically advanced free country... stay in england... dont ever come back to pakistan.
ghulam?? lmfao... i rather be like south korea any day rather then be like current state of pakistan.

With the war in Afghanistan, Indian involvement, US support for India in Kashmir, friendship with a China, TTP, BLA, BLF, NDS, Daesh, RAW, it is simply not possible.
its not a wish for you to grant... only stupid idiot like your self would want to be a failed third world country instead of being a developed , happy, technologically advanced free country... stay in england... dont ever come back to pakistan.
Currently in wales, thinking of coming back around november time when its a bit colder.
Pakistans not developed in terms of infrastructure like water, electricity and roads which should be a priority for the government.
Happiness is quite arbitrary and differs alot from person to person. Generally speaking good paying jobs, access to affordable housing and educational opportunities across the board.
Technological advancement is good and hopefully we can work out a way to develop things indigenously and not rely on foregin powers.

The only reason I have an issue with being like s.korea is that their foreign policy is dictated via the USA.
All their good fortunes came about due to their industrial prowess and focus on education, NOT because the USA gave it to them.(ok maybe military wise the US helped alot but not within the social and industrial spheres).
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