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WTF? Canadian PM Trudeau just congratulated Pakistan #Independece day

Anti-Trumpism. Pakistani diaspora. Khalistan. Liberal values. Supporting refugees.

Brother, How is Canada supporting Tarek Fatah? Isn’t he in India?
Anti Trumpism? Nooe our problem is more than Trump what is their view on Kashmir, Middle East, Anti Nationals in Geneva?
Our interests are not the same on many things they wish to interfere in our country through these special interest groups after nga bill this will be a thing of the past

Anti-Trumpism. Pakistani diaspora. Khalistan. Liberal values. Supporting refugees.

Brother, How is Canada supporting Tarek Fatah? Isn’t he in India?
Tarik Fateh is a Canadian national
Canadian PM is a gem... I can only wish the world's politicians be like him.
He and Ensaf Haidri and Canadian assets they are using them to interfere in our affairs we need to have ab acrid response to this

Yes, you are right. I didn’t know this information.

Trudeau definitely comes off as a snake, pretending to be suave and charismatic. It’s all about policies. I read his policies on Israel and Palestinians, he is an enthusiastic Zionist deathly against BDS.
We should have remained neutral, or tried to milk the Saudis, I think its fair considering they abandoned us at FATF
KSA did not abandon Pakistan in FATF.

Yes, you are right. I didn’t know this information.

Trudeau definitely comes off as a snake, pretending to be suave and charismatic. It’s all about policies. I read his policies on Israel and Palestinians, he is an enthusiastic Zionist deathly against BDS.

Interesting.. can you please provide more info about it with links and sources because I want to read about it. It is good know both sides.
Interesting.. can you please provide more info about it with links and sources because I want to read about it. It is good know both sides.

He said something to the effect that Canada will go against BDS to Israelis. You can probably easily find it on google.
BDS Boycott Divestment Sanctions is a popular international pro-Palestinian solidarity movement.



[Q]Where do you stand on the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement?

[A] I’m opposed to the BDS movement. I think that it’s an example of the new form of anti-Semitism in the world, as Irwin Cotler points out, an example of the three “Ds”: demonization of Israel, delegitimization of Israel, and double standard applied toward Israel.

I’m all for freedom of speech and expression in Canada, and we need to be sure we’re defending that. But when Canadian university students are feeling unsafe on their way to classes because of BDS or Israel Apartheid Week, that just goes against Canadian values. And I have said so, not just in news interviews, but in person on university campuses.


... motion "to condemn any and all attempts by Canadian organisations, groups or individuals to promote the BDS movement, both here at home and abroad"...

...Meanwhile, Canadians - at least those already reluctant to speak out against Israel for fear of being labelled anti-Semitic - will be intimidated into total silence now.
Are you kidding me?

Man...I think we should respond them in kind...Our government, where you are at? Or may be we are little worry due to current Saudi-Canada relations? and our good gesture in kind can irk Saudis? or Trudeau himself trolling Pakistan by congratulating us knowing we took side of Saudis?

hahaha....Hilarious thoughts coming into my mind

@war&peace @Indus Pakistan @Oscar @Arsalan @Zibago

He isnt trolling....this is politics
By that logic we should be best buddies with the USA they have provided much more financially then saudi ever did.
What have we gained by infecting the country with wahabbis and their rabid ideology, what have we gained by joining the war on terror?

They camel jockeys can keep their 4 billion, better that all the people that were killed by saudi inspired terrorism were alive today.
if pakistan was smart and they couldve been like all other countries that really were aligned with america... like south korea, turkey ect.
if pakistan was smart and they couldve been like all other countries that really were aligned with america... like south korea, turkey ect.
If you want to be ghulam like s.korea then go for it.
USA is only aligned to their own strategic objectives, everything else is wishful thinking.
If you want to be ghulam like s.korea then go for it.
USA is only aligned to their own strategic objectives, everything else is wishful thinking.
ghulam?? lmfao... i rather be like south korea any day rather then be like current state of pakistan.

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