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WTF? Canadian PM Trudeau just congratulated Pakistan #Independece day

Pakistan... Remain neutral in the Saudi - Canada fued ...

Even America (Canada biggest trading partner and strategic Allie) and the European have remained silent ...
Are you kidding me?

Man...I think we should respond them in kind...Our government, where you are at? Or may be we are little worry due to current Saudi-Canada relations? and our good gesture in kind can irk Saudis? or Trudeau himself trolling Pakistan by congratulating us knowing we took side of Saudis?

hahaha....Hilarious thoughts coming into my mind

@war&peace @Indus Pakistan @Oscar @Arsalan @Zibago

Is he wishing or Mocking....I think 15th Aug is independence day of India not Pakistan.
What's so 'WTF' about it ? Its customary to congratulate any nation on their important dates. Just backing Saudis does not mean we are backing out with our relations with Canada. Relations with Canada, will remain the same which they always have been over the years.
I think our interests are with the saudis... they helped us many times...
Even a dog doesn’t bite the hand that feeds it.... koi sharam karo

Koi sharam kar, saudis helped as a lot... I don’t like Saudi arabia for other reasons but in the end they are our friends not Canadians

And What that Help is exactly? N secind bro, We are and independent Nation, Not a DOG of Saudis, as u suggested :-) I dont think our Policy should be to boot licking of Saudis, Rather we should have an independent and neutral stance until unless OUR state is at stake.
Pakistan Relations with Canada have nothing to Do with Saudi Arabia. Its a matter of Canada-Saudi Relations we are irrelevant their.
Grow up people. These are countries we are talking about not Some Muhalley ke Bachey. "Wo mere dost ko nai bulata to mei usey nai bulata"
We have our own foreign policy. Just like every other SANE country have not Following "Friends". The only thing you can do for friendly countries is Don't make any policy that harm them and give them maximum benefit from your capacity thats it.
Thanks Canadian PM for this gesture
maybe you have been sleeping??
saudi arabia does alot for pakistan....

so after one tweet from the canadian pm.. we need to dump the saudis?? u people are something special... if i had to choose the saudis vs canadians?? i would choose saudis they are more important for us economically, culturally and strategically.

smh.... one tweet was all it took for you eh?? shows how desperate some pakis are for approval and attention from other countries.... in end of the day who is more likely to be their for pakistan?? canadians or saudis???
The saudis have done nothing for us, they only care about money.
The only thing that they did, was fund wahabi mosques o_O
You are wrong about FATF and FYI it's corrupt Pakistani leaders who have been begging for financial support from them since last 71 years, not them. they only asked us once for military support which we denied, still they support us. check your facts and have some historical background before you post such self-humiliating statements.

Not about money, simply reciprocity, they use and abuse us like they did at FATF, we should return the favor.
maybe you have been sleeping??
saudi arabia does alot for pakistan....

so after one tweet from the canadian pm.. we need to dump the saudis?? u people are something special... if i had to choose the saudis vs canadians?? i would choose saudis they are more important for us economically, culturally and strategically.

smh.... one tweet was all it took for you eh?? shows how desperate some pakis are for approval and attention from other countries.... in end of the day who is more likely to be their for pakistan?? canadians or saudis???

Don't project your feelings onto others maybe you like Saudi approval and attention that's why you are so desperate for us to take their side and irked when people dare to suggest that they should not interfere in Pakistan's relations with Canada .
Money is not everything America gave us lots of financial aid too. Do you have any idea how Pakistanis are treated by Gulf Arabs ? When Gulf Arabs THREATENED Pakistan for not supporting them in Yemen what did Saudis say ? did they ever make a statement or take a stance against trump when he tweeted his anti-Pakistan statements ? did they help when we were placed on the FATF list ? Wake up and come out of your Ummah bubble Saudi Arabia is on the same side as the USA and Israel . Come and talk about who will be there for Pakistan when we see Saudis acting just like the Turks do.
And What that Help is exactly? N secind bro, We are and independent Nation, Not a DOG of Saudis, as u suggested :-) I dont think our Policy should be to boot licking of Saudis, Rather we should have an independent and neutral stance until unless OUR state is at stake.
Choosing a side isn’t boot licking jus like one tweet isn’t the reason we should dumb Saudi Arabia

The saudis have done nothing for us, they only care about money.
The only thing that they did, was fund wahabi mosques o_O
So the 4 billion about to come Pakistan is from Canada??
Choosing a side isn’t boot licking jus like one tweet isn’t the reason we should dumb Saudi Arabia

So the 4 billion about to come Pakistan is from Canada??
By that logic we should be best buddies with the USA they have provided much more financially then saudi ever did.
What have we gained by infecting the country with wahabbis and their rabid ideology, what have we gained by joining the war on terror?

They camel jockeys can keep their 4 billion, better that all the people that were killed by saudi inspired terrorism were alive today.
If we play our cards well, we can bring a good investment from Canada in future and we may work together to increase our trade. In my opinion, we need to keep our relationships balanced with Saudi Arabia and Canada. I see alot of potential for Pakistan to bring our agricultural (fruits/vegetables/rice) and textile products to Canadian market that may add billions of dollars to our economy. We may get a chance to learn alot from them in terms of technology, transportation, urban and environmental planning, etc etc.
Are you kidding me?

Man...I think we should respond them in kind...Our government, where you are at? Or may be we are little worry due to current Saudi-Canada relations? and our good gesture in kind can irk Saudis? or Trudeau himself trolling Pakistan by congratulating us knowing we took side of Saudis?

hahaha....Hilarious thoughts coming into my mind

@war&peace @Indus Pakistan @Oscar @Arsalan @Zibago

He's just being nice, like most Canadians. Good man....need to toughen up as a leader.

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