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WTF? Canadian PM Trudeau just congratulated Pakistan #Independece day

Sir ji, please think normally. If Saudis have given up their rational thinking, at least you can think rational. He is a good guy, and look at his past, he has been very nice to Pakistanis. So, come on man, don't take this wrong.

I respect this man...Canadians are nice people :)

It surely is, but did Trudeau administration gave own version on this brainfart?

Not really :)
What if that resolution was Indian sponsored?
It is 100% possible that is why should be careful in our reaction especially since this resolution does not have much affect on us thus Pakistani ministry of foreign affairs engage Justin Trudeau's administration and provide them facts that there is no such thing while we should raise our voice in the oppression of Sikhs in Indian Punjab and Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. I hope Canada and Pakistan can work together to uplift the lives of oppressed communities in India.
The cardinal startegy for Pakistan must be to abstain from interfernce in affairs that are unrelated to it's cause, while keeping the focus on scaling up its circle of friendly states.
Are you kidding me?

Man...I think we should respond them in kind...Our government, where you are at? Or may be we are little worry due to current Saudi-Canada relations? and our good gesture in kind can irk Saudis? or Trudeau himself trolling Pakistan by congratulating us knowing we took side of Saudis?

hahaha....Hilarious thoughts coming into my mind

@war&peace @Indus Pakistan @Oscar @Arsalan @Zibago

Have you seen the time on his Tweet,if not it says
6:42 PM 14 Aug 2018 on offical CanadianPM twitter handle,
and 7:37 PM 14 Aug 2018 on Justin's personal account
That's due to time zone,we are 9 hours ahead of Canada i.e
12:56 AM Wednesday, in Pakistan is
3:56 PM Tuesday, in Ottawa, ON, Canada
Canda has six time zones.
Please refrain from doing so.
@The Eagle thread needs a closure.
Well, that has to do with some Indian lobby within Canadian establishment. Let's not ruin our relations with Canada. Saudia and Canada will eventually find some way out of the situation.

I'm not asking Pakistan to ruin relationship with Canada or any other country, but we shouldn't carried away over a courtesy call or tweet. And should have our red lines well defined and known to others like any respectable sovereign country.
I think our interests are with the saudis... they helped us many times...
Even a dog doesn’t bite the hand that feeds it.... koi sharam karo

Koi sharam kar, saudis helped as a lot... I don’t like Saudi arabia for other reasons but in the end they are our friends not Canadians
Neither of them are friends, we should go our own way.
Pakistani gov should stay the f out of bilateral issues between different countries.
Are you kidding me?

Man...I think we should respond them in kind...Our government, where you are at? Or may be we are little worry due to current Saudi-Canada relations? and our good gesture in kind can irk Saudis? or Trudeau himself trolling Pakistan by congratulating us knowing we took side of Saudis?

hahaha....Hilarious thoughts coming into my mind

@war&peace @Indus Pakistan @Oscar @Arsalan @Zibago

Thanks but no thanks we are siding with Saudis on issue of interference but we need to be tread this line carefully

f uck saudi arabia bombing yemen and d ickriding Trump's America - so who are they to dictate pakistan's policy . Pakistan can have good relations with whoever they want esp a tolerant country like Canada who welcomes refugees created by Americans wars and never did anything to us.Hell we just had the HUM TV awards in Canada too lol
Canada is using Tarik Phatus to interfere in our country are ypu cool with that?

Are you kidding me?

Man...I think we should respond them in kind...Our government, where you are at? Or may be we are little worry due to current Saudi-Canada relations? and our good gesture in kind can irk Saudis? or Trudeau himself trolling Pakistan by congratulating us knowing we took side of Saudis?

hahaha....Hilarious thoughts coming into my mind

@war&peace @Indus Pakistan @Oscar @Arsalan @Zibago

We should side with Saudis on interference but we also need to respond to positive signals from Canada with positive signals
Saudia is too Important for us right now.
If they re so willing to bail us out and invest in Pakistan..
Are you kidding me?

Man...I think we should respond them in kind...Our government, where you are at? Or may be we are little worry due to current Saudi-Canada relations? and our good gesture in kind can irk Saudis? or Trudeau himself trolling Pakistan by congratulating us knowing we took side of Saudis?

hahaha....Hilarious thoughts coming into my mind

@war&peace @Indus Pakistan @Oscar @Arsalan @Zibago

why r u surprised...its a gesture of goodwill n should be responded in kind!
Neither of them are friends, we should go our own way.
maybe you have been sleeping??
saudi arabia does alot for pakistan....

Pakistan should probably get along with a country that knows how to keep its forests around, and pick up a trick or two
so after one tweet from the canadian pm.. we need to dump the saudis?? u people are something special... if i had to choose the saudis vs canadians?? i would choose saudis they are more important for us economically, culturally and strategically.

f uck saudi arabia bombing yemen and d ickriding Trump's America - so who are they to dictate pakistan's policy . Pakistan can have good relations with whoever they want esp a tolerant country like Canada who welcomes refugees created by Americans wars and never did anything to us.Hell we just had the HUM TV awards in Canada too lol

smh.... one tweet was all it took for you eh?? shows how desperate some pakis are for approval and attention from other countries.... in end of the day who is more likely to be their for pakistan?? canadians or saudis???

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