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Would India allow US to use military bases?

We have the support already, If UNSC ignores us than it will loose it's liability, It's already loosing it. sooner or later it is bound to be extended.

Didn't you read the article?

Delays in UNSC reforms will diminish its relevance: G4 bloc - Economic Times

May 10, 2014, 02.42PM IST

UNITED NATIONS: The G4 bloc of Brazil, Germany, India and Japan has said "status quo" and "artificial delays" in implementing the UNSC reforms will diminish the relevance of the United Nations, even as Pakistan called the grouping a "minority" that wants to reconfigure the Security Council to secure "their national interests."


The UNSC P5 have been "artificially delaying" the reforms for over a decade now. :lol:

And anyway, since Japan is a part of the proposed reforms, the reform resolution will be vetoed by China regardless.

We even vetoed things that meant nothing to us, like the Syria resolution (which made the US outraged).

And don't tell me India will be more angry with a veto, than with the "hundreds of Chinese incursions" over the past few years into Indian territory. :P If India cries yet again, what is the difference except that this time it's not an incursion?
He has already checked it, trust me. His been on my case every since I showed him up here. That fella has even tried to get me to join him on a one on one webcam session. Creeped me out! Must be a g thing in his neck of the woods
Well, it's not enough. You repeatedly state stuff that mods don't want to read/don't want others to read. Especially because you write them without using any of the vulgar slangs that usually accompany such diatribe. Your sustained opposition to Pakistani policy also raises suspicion. Over that, you are somewhat pro India, though you do criticize India from time to time - but that's not sufficient. And we all know who on this planet have reservations about Pakistan. Only the Indians.

So in the end, I am surprised that you are not banned yet. I have seen many Pakistanis reporting your posts (from the Live feed) and I am sure many asked for what CD has been pointing to. But still you stay! But he says you are JayATL, so you must be him. Sorry.

We have the support already, If UNSC ignores us than it will loose it's liability, It's already loosing it. sooner or later it is bound to be extended.
India was one of the first countries to recognize People's Republic of China - way back in 1949. When China's seat was offered to India(after the ROC defeat), Nehru turned down the offer stating that it should be ideally offered to the PRC. Now the Chinese are doing exactly what they should be doing - establishing hegemony. That is what smart nations do. We have missed the bus and not about to catch it in the near future. On the other hand China will veto all Indian moves in this direction. Have no doubts about that.
whats all the hostility? even if he is a false flag so what? thats one indian.

while half the chinese here like steakhouse hide under the flags of other countries
LOL all the members here already know you're an Indian. :P

As if your constant use of the word "jamati" against the Bangladeshi members wasn't enough, or you yourself admitting you can speak Hindi/Urdu. :lol:

There is something not quite right about @US_statedept_retired when I look at his IPs. That is all I am prepared to say about him for now. On the other hand @mujhaidind is definitely posting from India. I have clarified that a number of times, and I issued warnings to @ito & @Kinetic for this reason. How many times does a Moderator have to issue clarifications?
Just ignore green hat wearing ancestral turtles here :D

Sooner or later you will get the seat, along with a couple others, or the U.N body will have a meltdown.

@Horus @Chak Bamu @WebMaster @Developereo

For your reference, calling someone a "turtle" in Chinese means a "bastard" (turtle egg as well).

18 generations of ancestors refers to an extremely rude insult in Chinese that JayAtl loves, which is "F*ck your ancestors for 18 generations".

Green hat means your wife is cheating on you.

So basically in every post he is calling Chinese people bastards who have their wives cheating on them and also cursing our ancestors for 18 generations. :lol:

You can check all this stuff out yourself on the internet (which is where JayAtl learned all this), or ask any Chinese person you know. :wave:

Btw make sure you compliment @Chinese-Dragon on his green hat when he speaks with you on webchat. It's important for him and symbolic :D

I have a rule, never be upset with those who show that their stupidity is inherited from their forefathers. especially when it is 18 generations deep.

@Chinese-Dragon ;)

Is any of that acceptable according to forum rules? Just asking. :azn:

These are all conversations from the previously banned member @JayAtl by the way, we carried on exactly where we left off, at the 18 generations bit.

He's no longer even bothering to hide that he is JayAtl, he even uses the wink smiley every time he references one of our old conversations.
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Didn't you read the article?

Delays in UNSC reforms will diminish its relevance: G4 bloc - Economic Times

May 10, 2014, 02.42PM IST

UNITED NATIONS: The G4 bloc of Brazil, Germany, India and Japan has said "status quo" and "artificial delays" in implementing the UNSC reforms will diminish the relevance of the United Nations, even as Pakistan called the grouping a "minority" that wants to reconfigure the Security Council to secure "their national interests."


The UNSC P5 have been "artificially delaying" the reforms for over a decade now. :lol:

And anyway, since Japan is a part of the proposed reforms, the reform resolution will be vetoed by China regardless.

We even vetoed things that meant nothing to us, like the Syria resolution (which made the US outraged).

And don't tell me India will be more angry with a veto, than with the "hundreds of Chinese incursions" over the past few years into Indian territory. :P If India cries yet again, what is the difference except that this time it's not an incursion?
I have told you already, you can jump up and down on this forum with your veto power but the fact is we have the support of almost every P-5 nation and other UN members, even your CPC master aren't opposing it.
Well, it's not enough. You repeatedly state stuff that mods don't want to read/don't want others to read. Especially because you write them without using any of the vulgar slangs that usually accompany such diatribe. Your sustained opposition to Pakistani policy also raises suspicion. Over that, you are somewhat pro India, though you do criticize India from time to time - but that's not sufficient. And we all know who on this planet have reservations about Pakistan. Only the Indians.

So in the end, I am surprised that you are not banned yet. I have seen many Pakistanis reporting your posts (from the Live feed) and I am sure many asked for what CD has been pointing to. But still you stay! But he says you are JayATL, so you must be him. Sorry.

India was one of the first countries to recognize People's Republic of China - way back in 1949. When China's seat was offered to India(after the ROC defeat), Nehru turned down the offer stating that it should be ideally offered to the PRC. Now the Chinese are doing exactly what they should be doing - establishing hegemony. That is what smart nations do. We have missed the bus and not about to catch it in the near future. On the other hand China will veto all Indian moves in this direction. Have no doubts about that.

Not that China don't want India to be a one of the member of P5, just India join P5 will indirectly conflict with China interest. Would China be foolishly agree with the arrangement?

I have told you already, you can jump up and down on this forum with your veto power but the fact is we have the support of almost every P-5 nation and other UN members, even your CPC master aren't opposing it.

Not so fast CPC still hold the veto power, India can't demand China to accept something they don't agree with.
Well there is a reason why we are in Chinas camp. They are our biggest ally and the trust between two nations is thousand times more strong as compared to america. So its not fair to compare china with usa. They were our ally they are our ally and they will always be. But the same thing cant be said for USA, as they now thinks that they cant gain more from Pakistan so thats the sole reason why they have picked up india inspite of fact that they were more inclined towards russia.

Gwadar is crucial for both countries. Honestly speaking we gained more from Gwadar than chinese. If we havent given our port to them, it wouldnt have been completed by now or not even in the next three or four decades. And more importantly we gave them for our own security and for keeping check on indias growing influence over the indian ocean. And they are also gaining from it as they have now got an easy access to arabian and african countries via our port.
This all comes in the definition of the mutual corporation.

And sir you are just analysing things from one side of the coin, you need to realize that it was also usa policy which made us far apart from them. Anyway good luck with your relations with india. I hope american relation with them prosper and flourish with time.

We are not upset sir! we are actually happy. You have to accept the reality that Pakistan is no more american ally and now the new ally which came into USA hand is india. In world politics the focus never remains or revolves around in the single point only. Countries cruise along with the interest. And interest shifts!

You have a fundamental misunderstanding here. We have not " picked" India because of Pakistan. We've picked India because of India. We are the ones who are helping you kill the terrorists and paying you. They are not. You are important to us but not that important to this decision. A decision which has been play for almost 10 years now.

China is beyond an ally for you. Pakistan has been trying for the longest to have China's have many military bases in Pakistan. You don't sell off a port because you are just an ally. You don't give another full access to your sovereign land because you are just an ally. That is precisely what you've done Gwadar and in the North too.

They built that port, charged you a heavy interest on that loan, made sure 90% of workers were imported from China and 100% of no bids contracts went to Chinese only companies. And then they have taken over it.

Now to my knowledge( which 6 months or more before I retired), they had yet to move their naval assets to the port and on a permanent basis. But it is only matter of time before that happens. Problem is that Chinese are of two minds on this, they are worried about the optics and security .
I have told you already, you can jump up and down on this forum with your veto power but the fact is we have the support of almost every P-5 nation and other UN members, even your CPC master aren't opposing it.

Yeah because you are already a P5 member right?

Despite asking for it for over a decade? :lol:

Tell me which country promised to give "veto" power to India? None.

Maybe you have a chance at a permanent seat WITHOUT veto power. No member of the P5 wants to expand veto powers, have you seen how difficult it is to get anything done even with the current setup?

Tell me why on Earth would any of the P5 want 4 more veto powers there?
Not that China don't want India to be a one of the member of P5, just India join P5 will indirectly conflict with China interest. Would China be foolishly agree with the arrangement?
Yes, I know that. I dont try to mean anything else. It is obvious that even if all other states agree, China will definitely veto India's entry. I have realistic expectations.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding here. We have not " picked" India because of Pakistan. We've picked India because of India. We are the ones who are helping you kill the terrorists and paying you. They are not. You are important to us but not that important to this decision. A decision which has been play for almost 10 years now.

China is beyond an ally for you. Pakistan has been trying for the longest to have China's have many military bases in Pakistan. You don't sell off a port because you are just an ally. You don't give another full access to your sovereign land because you are just an ally. That is precisely what you've done Gwadar and in the North too.

They built that port, charged you a heavy interest on that loan, made sure 90% of workers were imported from China and 100% of no bids contracts went to Chinese only companies. And then they have taken over it.

Now to my knowledge( which 6 months or more before I retired), they had yet to move their naval assets to the port and on a permanent basis. But it is only matter of time before that happens. Problem is that Chinese are of two minds on this, they are worried about the optics and security .

Pakistan allow China to access their port not any of Indian business, you should not lecture why should or shouldn't Pakistan to conduct their business. Keep your bullshit to yourself.
Yes, I know that. I dont try to mean anything else. It is obvious that even if all other states agree, China will definitely veto India's entry. I have realistic expectations.

Firstly, any "reform resolution" of the UNSC will include Japan, which means we will veto the entire reform resolution anyway. We don't need more US influence in the UNSC.

Secondly, the UNSC reforms have been "artificially delayed" for over a decade, with no progress at all. We can keep it up indefinitely if needed, since none of the P5 really want to dilute their own "veto" power, given how difficult the current vetoes make everything already.
@Horus @Chak Bamu

For your reference, calling someone a "turtle" in Chinese means a "bastard" (turtle egg).

18 generations of ancestors refers to an extremely rude insult in Chinese that JayAtl loves, which is "F*ck your ancestors for 18 generations".

Green hat means your wife is cheating on you.

So basically in every post he is calling Chinese people bastards who have their wives cheating on them and also cursing our ancestors for 18 generations. :lol:

You can check all this stuff out yourself on the internet (which is where JayAtl learned all this), or ask any Chinese person you know. :wave:

Is any of that acceptable according to forum rules? Just asking. :azn:

Wait. You said calling someone those in Chinese. I never said it chinese I'm using english words. You going to ban the word Green/ turtle / 18 generations now?

There was your fella chinese abusing and using vulgar words in this thread multiple times and you ignored him and went for me using the word Green and turtle! ?
Wait. You said calling someone those in Chinese. I never said it chinese I'm using english words. You going to ban the word Green/ turtle / 18 generations now?

There was your fella chinese abusing and using vulgar words in this thread multiple times and you ignored him and went for me using the word Green and turtle! ?
When you are fighting a case for survival against CD on PDF - this is a poor defense. :tsk:
You: 0, CD: 1

You may begin bashing India for a start.
@Horus @Chak Bamu

For your reference, calling someone a "turtle" in Chinese means a "bastard" (turtle egg).

18 generations of ancestors refers to an extremely rude insult in Chinese that JayAtl loves, which is "F*ck your ancestors for 18 generations".

Green hat means your wife is cheating on you.

So basically in every post he is calling Chinese people bastards who have their wives cheating on them and also cursing our ancestors for 18 generations. :lol:

You can check all this stuff out yourself on the internet (which is where JayAtl learned all this), or ask any Chinese person you know. :wave:

Is any of that acceptable according to forum rules? Just asking. :azn:

These are all conversations from the previously banned member @JayAtl by the way, we carried on exactly where we left off, at the 18 generations bit.

I've just confirmed what @Chinese-Dragon has said from this source:

Chinese Swear Words | Chinese Language Blog

It is obvious that @US_statedept_retired has been breaking forum rules on this thread at least. For this reason, he shall be handed infractions for each instance of foul language.
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