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Would India allow US to use military bases?

How is a refueling in bases equivalent to becoming an American lackey? What you are insinuating is extremely offensive, albeit coated in sweet lingo.

Is it equivalent to becoming a US lackey?

Just read the thread title and tell me what does it sound like? (Be honest).

And tell me why did India call for American help in the 1962 War with China?

Jawaharlal Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - The Times of India

Maybe not a lackey officially, but there seems to be the intention of becoming one.
That's why I always advocated the "webcam method" with Horus.

Seriously how hard is it to have a 5 minute webcam session with Horus, and show him my Hong Kong ID card?

Like I said, only 5 minutes (or less). Easy and foolproof, since ID numbers can be checked with their respective authorities for signs of forgery (something employers often have to do). I can't change my face to match the picture in the HK government's records, can I?

I volunteered for this, and anyone else can do the same. The website administrators are very trustworthy, there is no risk at all.

@Chak Bamu

Did I questioned you? I was just saying how easy it is to conceal one's location? So many use VPNs these days. Hence using IPs to decide whether some is a false flagger can go wrong.
Is it equivalent to becoming a US lackey?

Just read the thread title and tell me what does it sound like?

And tell me why did India call for American help in the 1962 War with China?

Jawaharlal Nehru pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - The Times of India

Maybe not a lackey officially, but there seems to be the intention of becoming one.
That is one the few situations where I must congratulate Nehru. He realised the gravity of the situation. The PLA, which showed no mercy to their fellow countrymen, butchered millions immediately after a very bloody war(actually taking advantage of it) was expected to continue its advance into India. That's what Nehru feared, and rightly so. We appealed to all countries - including Israel, UK, Russia etc.

Even then - you tell me.. 'what does it sound like'?

'Maybe not a lackey officially, but there seems to be the intention of becoming one' - What, pray do you mean by this...pls clarify.
That is one the few situations where I must congratulate Nehru. He realised the gravity of the situation. The PLA, which showed no mercy to their fellow countrymen, butchered millions immediately after a very bloody war(actually taking advantage of it) was expected to continue its advance into India. That's what Nehru feared, and rightly so. We appealed to all countries - including Israel, UK, Russia etc.

Even then - you tell me.. 'what does it sound like'?

India to allow US to use military bases

It sounds like India is giving up their sovereignty to America, as well as their "independent" foreign policy.

What does it sound like to you?
There are already US bases in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and even in Deigo Garcia. Why would United States even think about opening bases in India and increase more military expenditure ?
India to allow US to use military bases

It sounds like India is giving up their sovereignty to America, as well as their "independent" foreign policy.

What does it sound like to you?
Quoting for your benefit - 'draft of the agreements that offer sharing of communication, logistical support and cooperation of basic information'
Under what definition does it infringe upon our sovereignty? Especially because by the same draft doc, we are also going to get the same rights in US bases - comms, logistics(refuelling, food, etc) and basic info.

Also please clarify bringing Nehru and 1962 in this thread. This is 2015 to be precise. I can also drag Mao but will that serve my purpose?
There are already US bases in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and even in Deigo Garcia. Why would United States even think about opening bases in India and increase more military expenditure ?

Military base allow US military footprint in India soil that mean India conduct foreign policy less likely independent from the US foreign policy.

Quoting for your benefit - 'draft of the agreements that offer sharing of communication, logistical support and cooperation of basic information'
Under what definition does it infringe upon our sovereignty? Especially because by the same draft doc, we are also going to get the same rights in US bases - comms, logistics(refuelling, food, etc) and basic info.

Also please clarify bringing Nehru and 1962 in this thread. This is 2015 to be precise. I can also drag Mao but will that serve my purpose?

Everything need a first, these agreement can later translate into US permanent base in India.
Quoting for your benefit - 'draft of the agreements that offer sharing of communication, logistical support and cooperation of basic information'
Under what definition does it infringe upon our sovereignty? Especially because by the same draft doc, we are also going to get the same rights in US bases - comms, logistics(refuelling, food, etc) and basic info.

Also please clarify bringing Nehru and 1962 in this thread. This is 2015 to be precise. I can also drag Mao but will that serve my purpose?

Nehru calling for America's help during the 1962 War seems to show that India's "non-alignment" is more of a facade, that can be thrown away at any given moment.

And now India is allowing (?) America to use their military bases.

I think you are trolling me though, I'm quite sure you're not really interested in my answers. :lol:
@Chinese-Dragon :

I think this is the Indians accepting that they have no chance to ever stand against China in Asia and need US assistance to try to "contain" China - which will anyway fail as China will become overwhelmingly dominant in the Asia continent over the next 2-3 decades.
Nehru calling for America's help during the 1962 War seems to show that India's "non-alignment" is more of a facade, that can be thrown away at any given moment.

And now India is allowing (?) America to use their military bases.

I think you are trolling me though, I'm quite sure you're not really interested in my answers. :lol:

not to mention the indian military participating ( illegally, from human point of view ) in the korea war on the nato side, and in many other western bloc operations since.

it is socialist groups and progressives in india who have always protested these actions by the establishment... india really needs a change... india needs true democracy.
India is not Pakistan. US allowed India to operate from Afghanistan, forgot that?

they also wanted your troops too, why not?
10 years from now you wont be able to say No to any US demands, you will become US bacha

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