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Would India allow US to use military bases?

How will India get China to vote for India UNSC membership? Not up to India to decide.

United States, Britian, France, Russian Federation and even China agrees for Permanent seat for India.

Sep 26, 2014, During his recent visit to India, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a statement that he will support India for a permanent membership in the UN Security Council (UNSC).

All the five permanent members—the US, the UK, France, Russia and China which enjoy veto power— endorse India's candidature. US President Barack Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron recently said they would support India's case for permanent UNSC membership. France and Russia too are not averse to supporting India.
United States, Britian, France, Russian Federation and even China agrees for Permanent seat for India.

Sep 26, 2014, During his recent visit to India, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a statement that he will support India for a permanent membership in the UN Security Council (UNSC).

All the five permanent members—the US, the UK, France, Russia and China which enjoy veto power— endorse India's candidature. US President Barack Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron recently said they would support India's case for permanent UNSC membership. France and Russia too are not averse to supporting India.

Up to China and Russia not veto India to join UNSC.
He is talking abt how we refused the lease of land for an american base in Deosai plateau for spying on china around 2005. Abt Gwadar; Americans are basically jealous that Pak has handed it over to China instead of America since they were also optimistic abt this.....But instead we have stationed them in Ormara.

Americans basically still cant swallow the fact that pakistan has snubbed double time america for china.......So what he is talking abt ''we dont give access to north-south because we are ally'' is actually this.........
Desosai is a declared wild life national park .... Omara? lol .. When did that happen .. JNB was constructed by PN which is stationing its assets there and is still not fully complete.

Fatman opened a nice thread about his visit to Jinnah Naval Base...
Dont worry & take it easy.
After all, your both countries mission against Mulims are same!
While you may be partially correct , I am an Indian Muslim and i live in place where i am a minority , but no one really cares about my beliefs and religion .

Their are always a few "not so good" people in every place , it does not mean you can stereotype the entire region based on that small number of "not so good" people.

All i was saying in my first post in this thread was , i would not want our soldiers to be used for the American corporate interests .
But according to many Indian journalist, India will be a superpower by 2020. It's former president even state that India will be a superpower by 2012.

I personally don't think US should post any soldierin India. But if we do, male soldiers only. We do not want harassment of our servicewomen.

You do forget quite a few of your MALE soldiers have harassed local women in Korea, Japan, Philippines and tons of cases in Vietnam War era where soldiers on R&R in Thailand resorted to all sorts of illicit activities - not to mention leaving behind a thousand or so 'bastards' ?
seems to be false news..as just now MEA clarified that there has not been any talk about logistic support to USA.
Do you know what you are talking ? Dissolution of UN wont happen.

how about radical change in uno... muammar gaddafi full speech in the uno general assembly, september 2009...

please also answer to my other questions.
Nehru calling for America's help during the 1962 War seems to show that India's "non-alignment" is more of a facade, that can be thrown away at any given moment.

And now India is allowing (?) America to use their military bases.

I think you are trolling me though, I'm quite sure you're not really interested in my answers. :lol:
Your answer is here.
seems to be false news..as just now MEA clarified that there has not been any talk about logistic support to USA.

I am not the one trolling with a 1962 post in 2015. :)
India is to throw open its military,air and naval bases to the US. In return India can use the US military facilities including communication setup. India can also get US to fight alongside it in case of a war. This move was mooted during UPA time and it was shot down by allies then like the Left parties. Defence Minister Antony too had vetoed it saying that it would compromise security of India. These clauses would come under the renewal of Defence pact signed in 2005. Under this pact, US had supplied India around $10 billion worth arms.

US had given draft of the agreements that offer sharing of communication, logistical support and cooperation of basic information. Sharing of communication would give US access to India’s secured communication systems. The advantage the defence ministry argues is that in turn Indian ships can get real time information through US networks which is not possible today. NDA ministry terms these agreements as just making it formal for an arrangement that is operational. It points out that Indian ships in Gulf waters do refuel from US ships in sea and neither countries have objected. Now that US has shifted base to Asia, India is seen as a partner by US.

Modi has told the defence ministry to complete the paperwork before Obama’s visit and get ready to push it through. Critics say that giving US the right to use Indian soil for their military adventures in Asia could take away the non aligned stance policy.

As the new regime in Sri Lanka has not dumped China and restoring all rights to ex-Army Chief Sarath Fonseka who led the army against Tamils and a pro-China man, India feels that it is time that the paranoia towards US be dropped. Left parties that were against the agreement are marginalized. Reactions from China and Russia to this new agreement have to be watched.

India to allow US to use military bases | idrw.org

is it good...??

@sancho @levina @OrionHunter @utraash @DRAY @nair @sreekumar @kurup @Soumitra @SarthakGanguly @Echo_419 and others

It's good since it will not grant the Americans permeant rights to establish a base or place troops on our territory

But they are never great or regional power. India trying to be a regional power by allowing US/foreign military presence for strategic uses is devaluing herself.

In that case, India will never be a great power.

Calm down we are just giving them the rights to Refuel & re supply here,which we will also get at American bases granting our Navy a Global reach capability
How will India get China to vote for India UNSC membership? Not up to India to decide.

China will have to give a substantial reason for not supporting indian membership.
India-china trade of billions which is in chinese favour can go boom in no time.
Nehru calling for America's help during the 1962 War seems to show that India's "non-alignment" is more of a facade, that can be thrown away at any given moment.

And now India is allowing (?) America to use their military bases.

I think you are trolling me though, I'm quite sure you're not really interested in my answers. :lol:

Both Pakistan & China have done this (allow Foriegn powers to use their bases & waging wars on their neighbours by getting outside help).so I think the Chinese & the Pakistani members need to stop pretending that they have done sort of moral high ground
is it good...??
It sure is. It's only the Left parties who are against this. There's nothing to lose in allowing US ships to berth here. Doesn't mean it impinges on one's sovereignty!
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