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Would India allow US to use military bases?

I have told you already, you can jump up and down on this forum with your veto power but the fact is we have the support of almost every P-5 nation and other UN members, even your CPC master aren't opposing it.

Certain people like @Chinese-Dragon live in the now. If you don't have a permanent seat today, means you won't ever. It's remarkably Ig___
Yes, I know that. I dont try to mean anything else. It is obvious that even if all other states agree, China will definitely veto India's entry. I have realistic expectations.
Wait. You said calling someone those in Chinese. I never said it chinese I'm using english words. You going to ban the word Green/ turtle / 18 generations now?

There was your fella chinese abusing and using vulgar words in this thread multiple times and you ignored him and went for me using the word Green and turtle! ?

Because those words translate in Chinese seriously insult someone family. He read your intention to insult his family so he have the right to give you the negative rating.
There is something not quite right about @US_statedept_retired when I look at his IPs. That is all I am prepared to say about him for now. On the other hand @mujhaidind is definitely posting from India. I have clarified that a number of times, and I issued warnings to @ito & @Kinetic for this reason. How many times does a Moderator have to issue clarifications?

What happens if someone is using VPN to conceal his location? I mean I can be in India and post as if I were in China.
I've just confirmed what @Chinese-Dragon has said from this source:

Chinese Swear Words | Chinese Language Blog

It is obvious that @US_statedept_retired has been breaking forum rules on this thread at least. For this reason, he shall be handed infractions for each instance of foul language.

Quoting from your source:

王八 (wáng bā) – This can be translated roughly as “bastard.” Be careful when telling a cab driver that you want to go to an Internet bar (网吧 – wǎng bā), as this word has similar pronunciation. In Chinese, 王八 is slang for “tortoise,” and as a tortoise is associated with promiscuity, this word basically insults someone’s mother/grandmother/etc. This brings us to the use of the character for “egg.”

肏你祖宗十八代 (cào nǐ zǔ zōng shí bā dài) – This is basically the granddaddy of them all. It means “f*** your ancestors to the 18th generation.” As Chinese have deep respect for their ancestors, this will certainly do more than offend someone, and it will almost definitely result in a fight of some sort.

Turtles, eggs, green hats, etc.

JayAtl was once telling me very happily about this new Chinese insult he learned from the internet, "F*ck your ancestors for 18 generations".

Now in his new member account, he says this:

I have a rule, never be upset with those who show that their stupidity is inherited from their forefathers. especially when it is 18 generations deep.

@Chinese-Dragon ;)

While winking at me! :lol: He WANTS me to know he is JayAtl and that we are continuing a conversation we had from before, down to the letter.

@Horus do you remember JayAtl?
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Not a good decision if true....It is not gonna down well with our best friend Russians.....
What happens if someone is using VPN to conceal his location? I mean I can be in India and post as if I were in China.

That's why I always advocated the "webcam method" with Horus.

Seriously how hard is it to have a 5 minute webcam session with Horus, and show him my Hong Kong ID card?

Like I said, only 5 minutes (or less). Easy and foolproof, since ID numbers can be checked with their respective authorities for signs of forgery (something employers often have to do). I can't change my face to match the picture in the HK government's records, can I?

I volunteered for this, and anyone else can do the same. The website administrators are very trustworthy, there is no risk at all.

@Chak Bamu
Firstly, any "reform resolution" of the UNSC will include Japan, which means we will veto the entire reform resolution anyway. We don't need more US influence in the UNSC.

Secondly, the UNSC reforms have been "artificially delayed" for over a decade, with no progress at all. We can keep it up indefinitely if needed, since none of the P5 really want to dilute their own "veto" power, given how difficult the current vetoes make everything already.
How is India's inclusion tantamount to extending US influence?

I for one know that you will indefinitely delay it and prevent India's inclusion at any cost. We are in agreement there.
How is India's inclusion tantamount to extending US influence?

I for one know that you will indefinitely delay it and prevent India's inclusion at any cost. We are in agreement there.

Japan's entry into the P5 will extend US influence in the UNSC.

And both China and Russia have territorial disputes with Japan. Which means the UNSC reform resolution has no hope of passing, China for instance will 100% veto any reform resolution with Japan in it.

As for India I don't know, but the thread title is very suggestive.
How is a refueling in bases equivalent to becoming an American lackey? What you are insinuating is extremely offensive, albeit coated in sweet lingo.

You need to learn a lot in these areas........
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