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Would India allow US to use military bases?

LOL now I really know you are JayAtl, we had this conversation before, even including the 18 generations insult regarding ancestors. :lol:
JayAtl? Why don't the mods ban him for a fake ID then? He's been around for quite some time. Plus, I must admit - his English has improved .. nay got a revolutionary upgrade.
You've learned basic Chinese profanity, well done. :P

Turtle, Green hat, and the 18 generations of Ancestors one. :lol:

So if I use everyday language, you will hand out negative ratings? That is as brutal as a locust in hong kong.

@Chinese-Dragon you need to calm down bud with your revenge style of ratings against us, and stop being a bad egg among moderators here
LOL now I really know you are JayAtl, we had this conversation before, even including the 18 generations insult regarding ancestors. :lol:

Green hat? LOL again, it's like you want me to know that you are JayAtl and that we've had this same conversation before. :P

(To anyone who is confused, he is referring to Chinese profanity).

Lol I notice Jayatl use Chinese message parlor to insult Chinese in this forum, this faker can pass the test of the smell cow dung.

So if I use everyday language, you will hand out negative ratings? That is as brutal as a locust in hong kong.

@Chinese-Dragon you need to calm down bud with your revenge style of ratings against us, and stop being a bad egg among moderators here

Faker being expose.
lol at this thread, during 2010 election for non-permanent seat of UNSC, India got 187 votes out of 192. poor china can use their veto power, it doesn't matter, we have the support already :wave:
So if I use everyday language, you will hand out negative ratings? That is as brutal as a locust in hong kong.

Now you have shed your fakery and are talking 100% like JayAtl. :P

Using the exact same insults as you were using before, down to the letter. Including the 18 generations of ancestors insults, as well as locusts and green hats.

That's pretty funny. :partay:
Freaking Indian fake as the high level retired diplomat to pass the fly smell test? Faker want to boost his forum credibility by faking the funk.
lol at this thread, during 2010 election for non-permanent seat of UNSC, India got 187 votes out of 192. poor china can use their veto power, it doesn't matter, we have the support already :wave:

LOL yeah it's easy to get a non-permanent seat, every large country gets it eventually. Hardly an achievement. :lol:

2010 you say?

So what happened in the last 4-5 years? Any progress?

Here is something for you:

Delays in UNSC reforms will diminish its relevance: G4 bloc - Economic Times

May 10, 2014, 02.42PM IST

UNITED NATIONS: The G4 bloc of Brazil, Germany, India and Japan has said "status quo" and "artificial delays" in implementing the UNSC reforms will diminish the relevance of the United Nations, even as Pakistan called the grouping a "minority" that wants to reconfigure the Security Council to secure "their national interests."


"Artificial delays" for over a decade now. :P
Yea we did in the past what you're doing now. Where ever we are, you'll get there sooner than later.

No, & this is why.

1. We have a very vociferous opposition. Unlike you. Where your govt in power is a just a scared opposition to the ruling military.

2. We don't have a Afghanistan on our border. If civil strife or some kinda war breaks out in Pak (our neighbor). We wouldn't toe the line of any power and start sending soldiers there indoctrinated with religion. We will just move more troops to our border to stop any of it permeating into our country.

3. The civil society in India is more evolved. They'll immediately boot people out of power.

4. We have a much more robust economy. We wouldn't get involved in any shyte just for some grants and aid.

5. We are an important country in the world scheme of things & our involvement is growing by the day. We aren't just
some state which exists just on the basis of it's inimical intentions to it's neighboring country.

& what do you mean you did it in the past.... you are still doing it or at least trying to....
But, it's a foregone conclusion on how much China will be willing to fill in or boost your coffers...
Short of an official military alliance which you seek, BUT the Chinese are hesitant to offer, you are clearly in China's camp.
Well there is a reason why we are in Chinas camp. They are our biggest ally and the trust between two nations is thousand times more strong as compared to america. So its not fair to compare china with usa. They were our ally they are our ally and they will always be. But the same thing cant be said for USA, as they now thinks that they cant gain more from Pakistan so thats the sole reason why they have picked up india inspite of fact that they were more inclined towards russia.
You don't even make bones about it or even pretend otherwise.
Shoot, when our helo went down on the OBL raid, you secretly allowed china access to the secret new technology used in the tail portion of the helo. YOu have practically begged the chinese to take over Gwadar port and bring their naval assets in there as a permanent base
Gwadar is crucial for both countries. Honestly speaking we gained more from Gwadar than chinese. If we havent given our port to them, it wouldnt have been completed by now or not even in the next three or four decades. And more importantly we gave them for our own security and for keeping check on indias growing influence over the indian ocean. And they are also gaining from it as they have now got an easy access to arabian and african countries via our port.
This all comes in the definition of the mutual corporation.

And sir you are just analysing things from one side of the coin, you need to realize that it was also usa policy which made us far apart from them. Anyway good luck with your relations with india. I hope american relation with them prosper and flourish with time.
I'm not sure you have any grounds to be upset at us. We are continuing our Aid, we are continuing our engagement with you and helping you in anti terrorist activities.
We are not upset sir! we are actually happy. You have to accept the reality that Pakistan is no more american ally and now the new ally which came into USA hand is india. In world politics the focus never remains or revolves around in the single point only. Countries cruise along with the interest. And interest shifts!
I recommend you invite the Mods, check your IP and the rest and get yourself banned. :) CD can help.

IF you are Jayatl.

IP seriously? :lol:

You know just as well as anyone else that proxies are a dime a dozen these days.

Otherwise wouldn't mujaihind and others be banned already? :P

Plus, I never wanted JayAtl banned, in fact I lobbied against it. Since he is worsening the image of Indians here, why would I be opposed to that?
LOL yeah it's easy to get a non-permanent seat, every large country gets it eventually. Hardly an achievement. :lol:

2010 you say?

So what happened in the last 4-5 years? Any progress?

Here is something for you:

Delays in UNSC reforms will diminish its relevance: G4 bloc - Economic Times

May 10, 2014, 02.42PM IST

UNITED NATIONS: The G4 bloc of Brazil, Germany, India and Japan has said "status quo" and "artificial delays" in implementing the UNSC reforms will diminish the relevance of the United Nations, even as Pakistan called the grouping a "minority" that wants to reconfigure the Security Council to secure "their national interests."


"Artificial delays" for over a decade now. :P
lol 187 votes hurts , Isn't so? :D

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