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Worst part is, most Indians still believe they can win a war with China

Again talking in 3rd person mode :no:

Your ancestors were under the British (1000 men) private corporation rule too.

Afghans, were then the real deal.
You do know that Hong Kong was under British rule? Meanwhile all of India was under the Brits for 400 years :enjoy:
IMO, it's due to their weird casteism mentality. They think whites are higher caste people, and orientals are lower.

Oriental doesn't factor in Hindu caste system, you have to be a believer to be in the system. Indians look up to Japanese as much as White.

Reason is, India wasn't one country back then, there was no national consciousness of we vs British. Many kingdoms actually helped Brits conquer the others. 1962 is different, it's post-independent India fighting as one nation.

1962 war was just a small scale fight. I don't understand why the Indians are always entangled with this fight. You know, they were slaughtered and ensalved by Brtithish for 100+ years, they can let the shame go but they can not forget a small war. weirdoes.
That is your problem. Learn History.

Ok. So your ancestors fought the British. Hats off to them.

So did others like Tipu down South. It was not the lack of brave people in the subcontinent that enslaved it. It was the many selfish traitors that enslaved it. There were at any given time less than 20000 British ruling 300million people of subcontinent.
Before that you predicted a collapse in 2008/9, then you said it was postponed to 2015

There is a economic dip in 2009 but chinese CCP gave loans and pushed the economy to build more to cover the financial depression. Result is the debt which is seen today in China.
There is a economic dip in 2009 but chinese CCP gave loans and pushed the economy to build more to cover the financial depression. Result is the debt which is seen today in China.
You know nothing about Chinese debt, Chinese debts are also Chinese assets, because they are owed by some state owned companies to some other state owned companies, it's like your left pocket owes some money to your right pocket.
VOA News on China
China, World’s Biggest Creditor, Delays Debt Repayments for 77 Nations
June 10, 2020 06:57 PM

WASHINGTON - China’s announcement this week to suspend debt repayments for 77 low-income countries as part of the G-20’s debt relief program gives Beijing a political boost with foreign allies at a time when China is under scrutiny for its role in the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

Exactly how much of a political boost remains unclear. When Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu told reporters in Beijing on Monday that Beijing is implementing a moratorium on debt payments to 77 developing countries and regions, he did not offer details, including the beneficiaries, the amount of money involved or terms of the repayment suspension.

China is currently the largest single creditor in the world, with outstanding loans to other countries in excess of 6% of global GDP. A recent study published by the Harvard Business Review found that among the 50 developing countries with the highest levels of debt, about 15% of total obligations were owed to China.

The coronavirus pandemic has dealt a huge blow to the global economy, and China’s own finances have not been spared. In late May, at the country’s National People’s Congress, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang warned that governments at all levels must tighten budgets and the central government should take the lead.

China's official unemployment rate in April was 6%, slightly higher than that in March. However, economists estimate China's real unemployment rate to be 20.5% in April, with at least 70 million unemployed.

Li Keqiang said in response to a reporter's question at the two sessions on May 28 that the average annual income in China is around $4,250 (30,000 yuan) but 600 million people earn only $140 (1,000 yuan) a month. He also said that in a medium-sized city, it might be difficult to find rent on that salary.

Notably, officials appear so uncertain about the economy that for the first time since 1990, Beijing did not set a growth target for this year's economy.

While recent data suggest that China is emerging from an economic slowdown, the recovery won’t be easy. And on China’s tightly controlled internet, some users are questioning whether the government should prioritize other countries' interests over its own.

How long will repayments be suspended?

In the short term, creditors suspending debt repayments would help to avoid bad debts, according to Weiping Qin, an economist in the United States.

Qin told VOA : “On the debtor side, if their economies are in great trouble, if they have no way to repay the debts now, and if they do not reach an agreement with their creditors, it will easily cause bad debts to have a negative impact on both sides. Moreover, the deterioration will lead to a greater crisis. I believe that the creditors and debtors can reach an understanding and delay for, let’s say, about half a year, for both sides to find a practical solution, to at least temporarily avoid further deterioration of the situation."

Qin pointed out that debt repayment suspension can only be a short-term arrangement, with the purpose being to give debtor countries a period of time to get out of economic difficulties. If such short-term arrangements do not help the domestic economies of debtor countries improve, that could signal danger for Beijing’s balance sheets.

Specifically in China's case, he believes that the Chinese government is now in a very bad financial position because of its foreign lending. In the event of a debt default in which debtor countries are unable to meet the debt repayment, China would bear huge financial losses as well as pressure from its own public.

Analysts say the suspension of debt repayments is a needed move to avoid a pile of bad debt. In light of heightened tensions with the West, China must maintain its relations with countries in Africa and Latin America.

According to the Associated Press’s interview with Ghana’s finance minister in April, Africa’s debt to China is over $145 billion. About $8 billion in payments are required this year.

Dajun Zhong, an economic observer in Beijing, sees the payment suspension as China’s helpless option.

He told VOA: “[China] can’t get the debt payment, some countries are too poor to pay back, what can you do otherwise? The Chinese government is just giving it a name, but they are actually bad debts."

Zhong said he believes that the payment suspension is for diplomatic benefits. He said China will have to pay a heavy price if it wants to win as many political allies as possible internationally, even if they are the poor countries, while the heavy cost will eventually be passed on to the Chinese people.

You know nothing about Chinese debt, Chinese debts are also Chinese assets, because they are owed by some state owned companies to some other state owned companies, it's like your left pocket owes some money to your right pocket.

It is a bubble, once the economic depression occurs which is more likely now in China, Banks and production houses go bankrupt which in turn will affect the spending of people.
It is a bubble, once the economic depression occurs which is more likely now in China, Banks and production houses go bankrupt which in turn will affect the spending of people.
Lol, they've been making that prediction for over 4 decades, let's wait for another 4 decades.

India is actually capable of winning small to medium engagements with China, provided both countries don't escalate beyond border skirmishes. They currently have more men along the border and they are able to deploy more air assets due to having greater number of airfields. China's advantage won't be apparent unless it becomes a major war.

I mock the Indians a lot here, but I am also realistic. It's not as one-sided as many here would think.
Ok. So your ancestors fought the British. Hats off to them.

So did others like Tipu down South. It was not the lack of brave people in the subcontinent that enslaved it. It was the many selfish traitors that enslaved it. There were at any given time less than 20000 British ruling 300million people of subcontinent.

Well, do some thinking. Who was Tipu!! Who was Sirajudullah etc.
It is a bubble, once the economic depression occurs which is more likely now in China, Banks and production houses go bankrupt which in turn will affect the spending of people.
See who is a bubble, who is in depression now:
indian super duper capital delhi vs China's 'Bihar' Hunan province:

indian the largest super duper villas vs China's slum cities:

indian light speed sunroof bullet train vs China's snail bullock trains:

Also see india super rich luxury car sales vs China's poor peasants who can not afford a bicyles:


Wait, dream is over, like always, pathetic delusional indians are beyond saving...
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From youtube comments, I found most Indians are very confident with India's military power. They desire to revenge for the 1962 war. How could we expect the war can be avoided with such mindset? Even if the war won't happen in 2020, it would happen in near future.

My questions are. What makes Indians over confident and over optimistic all the time? What makes Indians to believe there is a "super power 2020" waiting for them? What makes Indians to believe India will gain economic success only because of the huge and young population even though no sign has emerged that there is an improvement in technology and education? What makes Indians to believe they can win a war with a 5 times stronger and ahead in every area country?

Have Indians lost the spirt of respecting truths? All live in a delusional world? No matte who fed these bizarre and sick logics to Indian people, it's a crime. I dare to say that: The pathetic situation in today's India is the result/punishment of decades self cheating. A bigger disaster is yet to come if Indians couldn't get out from that mndset.

We should keep distance from stupid people. They ruin lives of themselves as well as people who get hooked with them. Unfortunately China is hooked by India.
Most of the time india claim that war will happen in western theatre so they are comparing one division of china vs their whole force while ignoring pakistan

Second they think (and i agree to it) that china will not risk war as it will damage business

Third historically chinese airforce and technology has legged behind. Remeber historically means before 2000s era. China just had f7s.

Lastly china has mostly kept quiet on its technology. People on chinese forums also do claims which are unrealistic
It is a bubble, once the economic depression occurs which is more likely now in China, Banks and production houses go bankrupt which in turn will affect the spending of people.
As long as bubble can be maintianed in defintively who cares??

This is a fact that india has depression of 25% while china is still growing despite a much older population..

It is also a fact that china manufacturing is 10x higher then india..

India thinks that china producing everything is a bubble? Weird i would say?

By the way this bubble was predicted to collapse in 1990s..

What happened since? While china kept growing a same pace of 6+ india created a bubble
And that bubble Even collapsed with demonitization..

i believe india second bubble will be created and it will burst while china will still be growing

however it will be intersting to see what china will do after 2040 when it truely will face a challenge of aging population ..if anything population collapse will be the undoing of china

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