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World's most expensive Metro !

why back Pakistan army for their much-needed budgets which takes more than 50% resulting in heavy impacts on Pakistan led to poverty.
Because NS's tind isnt gonna save us if India decides to get a seizure nor will it save us from terrorist scums which have already ruined the lives of millions...and the budget they get is not 50% read around before concluding!

How about forget about metro buses, no internet, nothing, and go back to stone-old age to feed poverty? I don't mind that since i don't live in Pakistan.
Selfish behaviour is 1 of the biggest reason we are not able to develop till date!

with metro we dont get internet so not sure how you equated that...Metro is not a problem if it were not 6x as expensive as what our neighbours are capable of bargaining!

For a country running on loans you would expect the govt to actually get something cheaper than burying us in loans...their answer may also be: I dont live nor have any investments in Pakistan...

Nuclear-free with no more budgets towards expensive weapons, and sanctions can be lifted off which started poverty in the first place. #Imranistan logic is impeccable
You think by going nuclear free India wont pounce on us like a hungry wolf? And those weapons arent for show, whose saving asses against terrorists? Why not show your country flags so we know what you are?

Mind you it wasnt IK who did the nuclear thing...So NS logic is really blame everything wrong on others but take all positive credits!

Poverty can be minimized by attacking on corruption which is taking place from bottom-up...By cutting off soo much expenses by ministers ...their protocol alone prob costs us as much as defense weapons! Stop trying to be sons of kings and try to be a CIVILIAN of Pakistan ...

India has billion people in starvation, but that didn't stop India from investing towards billion-dollars space project that adds no virtual interest for India except the image.
But they have MANY states free from illiteracy...How many states is NS bragging about? You cant and shouldnt even compare a country where a poor can be PM with one where ALL RICH idiots rush to power!

While PMLN is only concentrating on making people lives little bit convenience giving the overcrowded regions, but to generate with profit to repay the loan with interest. Just because you borrow the loan, that doesn't mean it is your.
No one is stopping them...but the 6x expenses which are either for pocketing or for methai....should be accounted for! Meaning for the price of 1 metro we build India can build 6...If that is development I say get the teacher teaching you that shit fired!

profit-zone that generate revenues, not to mention that creates jobs
LAST I checked there was no call for submission to compete for the metro projects...They were awarded based on whom Noora like...So, not sure how anyone can get revenues when everything is walking on safarish and asskissing :unsure:

What happens to those finish schools and not find jobs?
What jobs? You mean asskissing?That market is always open!

And why do you need to go to school? You can always send your kids abroad *** kiss left and right or get a fake degree..That is the politics you people welcome than educating people, making them self sufficient enough not to rely and yet get looted repeatedly by politicians coming with biryani during voting season!

Talk about brains! :undecided:
ditto :coffee:

Just look at the politics and world you love and want for Pakistan but refuse to live in....If you love these changes soo much why not go live in Pakistan and support the hakumat who can never do no wrong!
Because NS's tind isnt gonna save us if India decides to get a seizure nor will it save us from terrorist scums which have already ruined the lives of millions...and the budget they get is not 50% read around before concluding!

Selfish behaviour is 1 of the biggest reason we are not able to develop till date!

with metro we dont get internet so not sure how you equated that...Metro is not a problem if it were not 6x as expensive as what our neighbours are capable of bargaining!

For a country running on loans you would expect the govt to actually get something cheaper than burying us in loans...their answer may also be: I dont live nor have any investments in Pakistan...

You think by going nuclear free India wont pounce on us like a hungry wolf? And those weapons arent for show, whose saving asses against terrorists? Why not show your country flags so we know what you are?

Mind you it wasnt IK who did the nuclear thing...So NS logic is really blame everything wrong on others but take all positive credits!

Poverty can be minimized by attacking on corruption which is taking place from bottom-up...By cutting off soo much expenses by ministers ...their protocol alone prob costs us as much as defense weapons! Stop trying to be sons of kings and try to be a CIVILIAN of Pakistan ...

But they have MANY states free from illiteracy...How many states is NS bragging about? You cant and shouldnt even compare a country where a poor can be PM with one where ALL RICH idiots rush to power!

No one is stopping them...but the 6x expenses which are either for pocketing or for methai....should be accounted for! Meaning for the price of 1 metro we build India can build 6...If that is development I say get the teacher teaching you that shit fired!

LAST I checked there was no call for submission to compete for the metro projects...They were awarded based on whom Noora like...So, not sure how anyone can get revenues when everything is walking on safarish and asskissing :unsure:

What jobs? You mean asskissing?That market is always open!

And why do you need to go to school? You can always send your kids abroad *** kiss left and right or get a fake degree..That is the politics you people welcome than educating people, making them self sufficient enough not to rely and yet get looted repeatedly by politicians coming with biryani during voting season!

ditto :coffee:

Just look at the politics and world you love and want for Pakistan but refuse to live in....If you love these changes soo much why not go live in Pakistan and support the hakumat who can never do no wrong!
End words hang corrupt peoples on daily basis,burn all politicians,Akheilos if you have time then read a book"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins"it will elaborate everything i am not against metro or any fancy infrastructure but considering the fact that we take loans like husband wife romance this is slowly pushing us into worse condition.Go to farawy village in Sindh or Baluchistan peoples there don't know about any provincial autonomy, they only know that who is current head and they consider him mother of all problems or messiah and simply they will never see metro in there life but will be able to judge about price of meal and daily needs.
And guess what? Your following generation will live under my policy,

And I pay enough taxes in Pakistan that are more than salary of a Government officer.

There is another lunatic on this forum who once tried to impress me with I did this I did that when no other Pakistani could do that. Me Me Me and self praise. Why Pakistanis outside Pakistan go crazy and psycho? Never saw an Indian expat behaving like this full of self praises............................
Its so depressing. kitna yey log khain gay mulk ko. Its so depressing.
Lets accept it hum logon morally bankrupt hain thats y is such horrible ppl are appointed on us.
Look at number of roberies in our country. ppl have no shame. Few months back a distant relative had his house robbed by some laborers who had been called by him to do some maintenance work at his place, they came observed his house , planned a robbery and carried it out too few days later.
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am not against metro or any fancy infrastructure but considering the fact that we take loans like husband wife romance this is slowly pushing us into worse condition.
My posts says just that...THE BLOODY cost are soo overlooked like we are some sons of kings and can afford THAT much for only 35% of the population out of which 12% never use public transport! So spending 6x what India would spend on that project to only cater for 23% is ridiculous!

Sure build metro by all means at least check out the cost and balance it out with how many will use and when we will pay back the loans! It is beyond ridiculous!

Go to farawy village in Sindh or Baluchistan peoples there don't know about any provincial autonomy, they only know that who is current head and they consider him mother of all problems or messiah and simply they will never see metro in there life but will be able to judge about price of meal and daily needs.
I know and these people are in dire need for education or food, or clean water over metro!

And I pay enough taxes in Pakistan that are more than salary of a Government officer.

There is another lunatic on this forum who once tried to impress me with I did this I did that when no other Pakistani could do that. Me Me Me and self praise. Why Pakistanis outside Pakistan go crazy and psycho? Never saw an Indian expat behaving like this full of self praises............................
I feel ya! Believe me if I wasnt a control freak my anger would have grilled someone by now!
Allow Indian companies to make your Metro, it will be much cheaper and better ! :)
Allow Indian companies to make your Metro, it will be much cheaper and better ! :)

There are Pakistani companies that could have built cheaper, if it was not a JV with a Turkish company. And the material was bought from open market after cost comparison.
Selfish behaviour is 1 of the biggest reason we are not able to develop till date!

Poverty can be minimized by attacking on corruption which is taking place from bottom-up...By cutting off soo much expenses by ministers ..
I agree with these statements....

You cant and shouldnt even compare a country where a poor can be PM with one where ALL RICH idiots rush to power!
what do u mean ?? sorry i did not understand
Hey i am little confused here,doesn't Metro mean Metro railway in Pakistan:undecided:??I mean in India,Metro usually mean the Underground rail systems of Kolkata or Delhi.So i just don't understand why bus services are being referred as Metro in Pakistan:confused:!!

cities are also called metro
Yeah sure ...........

In India a tea seller progressed to become a PM of the country, and in Pakistan the PMs that I have seen in my lifetime can employ 1000s of such tea sellers. There is no room for poor to get elected as member of assembly leave aside become PM, whichever party had if gotten some middle class elected, those elected after holding the office never remained the same.
In India a tea seller progressed to become a PM of the country, and in Pakistan the PMs that I have seen in my lifetime can employ 1000s of such tea sellers. There is no room for poor to get elected as member of assembly leave aside become PM, whichever party had if gotten some middle class elected, those elected after holding the office never remained the same.
Oh yeah i understood..... We elected him as PM because he has different views He promised to many things.And we have huge expectation on him .....Another reason is BJP wants to b in power so they selected NM as PM candidate( since he ruled out opponents for 15 years in gujrat.

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