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World's most expensive Metro !

It's not about roller-coaster ride, but cost effectiveness. Some place may be rocky (harder to dig) or have enough room to make flyover. Or the train/bus can make use of land instead, assuming there is free room for it.
The roller-coaster part was a joke, I do agree with 'gradual modernization' or a system like the one you're talking about as long as its cost-effective and does what it's supposed to.

The poor and the needy can get to better Hospitals and get care, something they may not be able to get before. And this expands the Healthcare.
It really isn't like that. The people who don't have hospitals live outside the city. The metro is for people in the city to travel to other parts of the city. The way it is now it caters more towards students and people who need to travel within the city itself - not those who live outside the city and don't have hospitals.
Case in point, a map of the Metro Bus route and a Map of hospitals in the area
Metro Bus route:

Hospitals in the area:

We are solving our energy problem. We can't fix it in one day.

Nuclear, dams which produce cheap electricity, take years to build. Metro project can be done in span of year or two.
Yeah, it does take years to build. Problem is that the politicians treat people like idiots with all their nonsense about ending loadshedding in three months or six months. Obviously people are going to be disappointed and pissed when it's the same after two years.

It doesn't help that the government keeps contradicting the World Bank and their facts:
Govt to resolve load shedding issue within three years: Kh Asif
Load shedding in Pakistan unlikely to end by 2018: WB

NEPRA's facts aren't very encouraging either:
Loadshedding won't end by 2020: Nepra - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

All that compared to their election promises:
Promises of Shahbaz Sharif of Ending Loadshedding
The roller-coaster part was a joke, I do agree with 'gradual modernization' or a system like the one you're talking about as long as its cost-effective and does what it's supposed to.

It really isn't like that. The people who don't have hospitals live outside the city. The metro is for people in the city to travel to other parts of the city. The way it is now it caters more towards students and people who need to travel within the city itself - not those who live outside the city and don't have hospitals.
Case in point, a map of the Metro Bus route and a Map of hospitals in the area
Metro Bus route:
View attachment 212445

Hospitals in the area:
View attachment 212459

Yeah, it does take years to build. Problem is that the politicians treat people like idiots with all their nonsense about ending loadshedding in three months or six months. Obviously people are going to be disappointed and pissed when it's the same after two years.

It doesn't help that the government keeps contradicting the World Bank and their facts:
Govt to resolve load shedding issue within three years: Kh Asif
Load shedding in Pakistan unlikely to end by 2018: WB

NEPRA's facts aren't very encouraging either:
Loadshedding won't end by 2020: Nepra - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

All that compared to their election promises:
Promises of Shahbaz Sharif of Ending Loadshedding
Well they have been blunt about some of their statement. Such as no bullet train being made.

Also they have said load shedding will decrease, not be eliminated, by 2018. But of course media doesn't like picking on that and we tend to forget these, because these aren't extremes.

That said, you can save my post. When 2018 starts, you will see at most a couple hours of load shedding. Gov't will start printing money, pay the power producers and so forth (our reserves will fall as a result too, but average person doesn't care about that, he just wants bijli at any harm done to nation).

If PML wins, load shedding will increase again as the circular debt makes a come back. Moreover, the nuclear plants and other plants we're making, how can we be sure they'll be completed in time? Take a look at Islamabad airport. 90% work done since 2011 they say.

But all politicians lie. In Canada it is no different. We get the opposite of what we vote for and there are many big promises.
Simply no.

Actually she made some claim about me earlier as well that I said so and so. So I asked where I said it in the thread and then she said "you usually say it in other threads (something like that"

You going to see a lot of empty words from her.

Didn't know it is she. Emotional rhetoric dialogue without added-real substance escapes me, and sometimes, it is emotional rhetoric dialogue with no practical solution while play the narrative repeatedly which can be annoying. I can see where you are coming from.

Her heart is in right place, but in her case, blind love or extreme hatred is clouding her rational thinking which doesn't force her to be practical in real world. @WishLivePak
Didn't know it is she. Emotional rhetoric dialogue without added-real substance escapes me, and sometimes, it is emotional rhetoric dialogue with no practical solution while play the narrative repeatedly which can be annoying. I can see where you are coming from.

Her heart is in right place, but in her case, blind love or extreme hatred is clouding her rational thinking which doesn't force her to be practical in real world. @WishLivePak
It is indeed. Everyone calls her emotional here and it does not surprise me that you mentioned it too without me saying it.

In one thread I had argument with her and she said the failings of KPK is responsibility of Nawaz. So I said education and health falls under provincial govt and it is against constitution for Nawaz to control it. She said, he's big fish so he's responsible for anything that happens in KPK.

so basically her emotions (nawaz responsible for province) triumps constitution. She still hasn't admitted that constitutionally she's wrong and that Nawaz has no power since amendments cannot be passed due to PPP won't allow such things to pass in senate.

They should have elementary economics and political science courses in school lol
It is indeed. Everyone calls her emotional here and it does not surprise me that you mentioned it too without me saying it.

In one thread I had argument with her and she said the failings of KPK is responsibility of Nawaz. So I said education and health falls under provincial govt and it is against constitution for Nawaz to control it. She said, he's big fish so he's responsible for anything that happens in KPK.

so basically her emotions (nawaz responsible for province) triumps constitution. She still hasn't admitted that constitutionally she's wrong and that Nawaz has no power since amendments cannot be passed due to PPP won't allow such things to pass in senate.

They should have elementary economics and political science courses in school lol

That is weird. I guess it is too late to convince or at least urge her to keep her mind open if she had made up her mind about it already.

Thank for the tip. I never knew that about her. I guess in this case, it is her extreme hatred for certain party is clouding her rational mind which drives her to play blame-game on PMLN on everything including provincial education act and health in Pakistan going too far now. Yet at the same time, certain supporters cannot wait to give the credit for cancer hospitals and certain schools being donationaly-funded to PTI. lol

I think having elementary economic and political science integrated in schools won't help if someone is already made up his/her mind beforehand. Only those people with open-mind can be practical in real life.

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