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World's most expensive Metro !

What is the time frame of this project and is it going to connect all parts of the city or will the work be done in phases like what the Kolkata metro railway is doing right now??
It was supposed to start in november 2014 but due to the pti dharna and cancellation of chinese premiers visit it was delayed however construction is supposed to start in the coming months as this is part of the chinese investment in pakistan. Right now there is one route and the plan is to make two metro train routes, convert the metro bus route into a metro train route as the infrastructure is already ready so this would be a third line and to male a mono rail on canal road as a fourth line
Mono rail is on papers yet
Hey i am little confused here,doesn't Metro mean Metro railway in Pakistan:undecided:??I mean in India,Metro usually mean the Underground rail systems of Kolkata or Delhi.So i just don't understand why bus services are being referred as Metro in Pakistan:confused:!!

nah there aint any underground metro here,
Mate did pti cancel peshawar metro project ? Any one can brief regarding peshawar metro ? Regards

No, they are focusing on Peshawar AC Bus projects. It will work on CNG, will be Air-Conditioning and will cost less to make the project and transportation cost will also be less then metros.

Air-conditioned bus service for Peshawar

PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has decided to launch air conditioned bus service in Peshawar to provide speedy and comfortable travelling facilities to the commuters.

The plan of launching the new bus service in Peshawar was approved in a meeting held here on Tuesday with Chief Minister Pervez Khattak in the chair, said a handout.

The CNG bus scheme will be introduced by multinational transport company ‘Bucephalus’ under public-private partnership. The company named after famous horse of Alexander the Great will invest initially $200 million with plying a fleet of 150 mini buses on Peshawar mass transit corridor-II, from Chamkani to Hayatabad, while 50 more buses will be added to this fleet after every six months.

Besides Bucephalus chairman Guillaume Jamart and chief executive Ali Arshad Khan, the meeting was also attended by Adviser to Chief Minister Shah Mohammad Khan Wazir, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mohammad Ishfaq Khan, Transport Secretary Sardar Abbas, CM Complaint Cell chairman and head of donor coordination Dilroz Khan and other officials concerned.

The representatives of the company said that following an agreement with transport department and node of chief minister, the bus service would be launched in June next year. The meeting was told that about 800 people would get employment in the bus service including trained lady drivers.

The 32-seat automatic mini-bus having separate portions for men and women will be run on the route in two shifts from 6am to 10pm. The bus will cover the 25-kilometre journey in 50 minutes with two minutes pause on every stop. The fare can be paid in cash, through card and SMS that will facilitate the people of Peshawar to reach their destinations timely and easily.

The chief minister asked the transport department to conduct another session with the company for identification and allocation of 100-kanal land for the bus terminal comprising stands, workshops and service stations of the company as well as fixation of the fares.

He said that the people of Peshawar needed affordable transport fares. He directed all the departments concerned to take effective and result-oriented steps to streamline and facilitate smooth flow of all sort of transport including the bus service.

The chief minister said that the company was running successfully its bus service in Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, USA and Eastern European countries. He said that the service would be extended to other cities of the province.

Mr Khattak also welcomed the offer of the company to launch electric rechargeable rickshaws. He said that the rechargeable auto-rickshaws would be launched in rural areas.

Published in Dawn, December 3rd, 2014


Yeah how dare they build airports, roads, malls, cities, provide internet/celluar service!

Clearly, Pakistan should focus on feeding others by spoon. Give everyone free education/free food while they remain useless (most).

You, girl, are the reason why Pakistan has destroyed itself. If India always cared about feeding its poor, it'd not be launching missions to Mars, it'd not have satellites offers to its neighbors (@nair I hope i'm right), and many other things.

People like you need to be forced to go to school and learn a thing about how a country runs.

And before you leave an idiotic reply, know that I take economics and I know more than you. I live in west and our government pays 65% of fare by taxes it collects. Clearly it should build more hospitals and hire doctors (I've to wait 6 months to see specialist, because there aren't many! And my dad got kicked out of hospital because they needed the bed, even though we offered to pay) and make education free here (it runs into tens of thousands of dollars, which takes 5-10 years to pay back when graduated.)
@WishLivePak , you can't argue with those who refuse to accept that they can be wrong. They have made up their mind and will not entertain even a thought of looking at the whole thing from a different angle. Still Good luck to you on your continuous effort.
Yeah how dare they build airports, roads, malls, cities, provide internet/celluar service!
Are they catering for the 65% who earn below average? Yea more than half of our population is dirt poor or earns below average....All these things are catering for the few 35% who is going to voice out for the other 65%?
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@WishLivePak , you can't argue with those who refuse to accept that they can be wrong. They have made up their mind and will not entertain even a thought of looking at the whole thing from a different angle. Still Good luck to you on your continuous effort.
hey no problem man. Good to see you from Canada too.

Yeah problem is, bunch of idiots in Pakistan have ruined it. All they want to do is, sit home and get free electricity, and those who work, drink tea at work all the time. They think we get dollars off trees here in Canada, when it is so hard to earn money here. I worked, it was back braking. There's only one or two breaks and not even paid for that. No tea breaks, lunch breaks or whatever.

These people will continue to ruin Pakistan. But I hope the likes of us can go there and make it better. It'd be so funny to cut these people funding who want to be spoon fed.
You, girl, are the reason why Pakistan has destroyed itself. If India always cared about feeding its poor, it'd not be launching missions to Mars, it'd not have satellites offers to its neighbors (@nair I hope i'm right), and many other things.
Really? Now blame the one who wants to minimize poverty if not then at least demands rights for the poor....Dont you think you sound a little stupid there?

You want to go to Mars and let our people die? You are more than welcome to cross the border! :enjoy:

Coz people like you are the reason soo much of our population is in poverty and more so are going in that direction. People like you are also the reason why soo many of them are illiterate and voting for shitholes in an ever lasting cycle!

People like you need to be forced to go to school and learn a thing about how a country runs.
People like you need to be educated about humanity...

And before you leave an idiotic reply, know that I take economics and I know more than you.
Am I supposed to be mesmerized?

I live in west and our government pays 65% of fare by taxes it collects.
Clearly that is the problem and why you see metro and all the other stuff and give them importance...Without thinking that in Canada you have less poor than those in Pakistan even if you take ratio of Pakistani poor vs population and compare it with Canadian poor vs Canadian population....And the poor in Canada wont exactly be the level of poverty you find in Pakistan so yes I can see why you see educating our poor as a sin and waste of money!

While you see letting them die or be illiterate while you living in the West support Metro (which you wont even use as you live in the West) for 35% of the population. Not sure which economics teacher tells you that is a sign of development!

Once upon a time development was weighted by your tall buildings now it is more of a social development so please snap out of the previous century!

our government pays 65% of fare by taxes it collects. Clearly it should build more hospitals and hire doctors (I've to wait 6 months to see specialist, because there aren't many! And my dad got kicked out of hospital because they needed the bed, even though we offered to pay) and make education free here (it runs into tens of thousands of dollars, which takes 5-10 years to pay back when graduated.)
And still you whine? There are many in Pakistan who cant even visit a GP and you are whining about a specialist who they cant even afford?

So just coz education isnt free in Canada it shouldnt be free in Pakistan! Awesome logic!
Are they catering for the 65% who earn below average? Yea more than half of our population is dirt poor or earns below average....All these things are catering for the few 35% whose going to voice out for the other 65%?
Lol girl, please go online and learn a few things then posting nonsense and blank verses.

Does India not face massive poverty? Does Afghanistan, Iran, China and many other nations not face poverty? They have even greater than 65% earning below average.

Please learn how economics world around the world before posting nonsense.

Pakistan cannot spoon feed 65% people and ignore the 35% who actually help gov't run by paying taxes and so forth. Now don't come back and say the 35% don't pay taxes, because that'd be height of idiocy.

Really? Now blame the one who wants to minimize poverty if not then at least demands rights for the poor....Dont you think you sound a little stupid there?

You want to go to Mars and let our people die? You are more than welcome to cross the border! :enjoy:

Coz people like you are the reason soo much of our population is in poverty and more so are going in that direction. People like you are also the reason why soo many of them are illiterate and voting for shitholes in an ever lasting cycle!

People like you need to be educated about humanity...

Am I supposed to be mesmerized?

Clearly that is the problem and why you see metro and all the other stuff and give them importance...Without thinking that in Canada you have less poor than those in Pakistan even if you take ratio of Pakistani poor vs population and compare it with Canadian poor vs Canadian population....And the poor in Canada wont exactly be the level of poverty you find in Pakistan so yes I can see why you see educating our poor as a sin and waste of money!

While you see letting them die or be illiterate while you living in the West support Metro (which you wont even use as you live in the West) for 35% of the population. Not sure which economics teacher tells you that is a sign of development!

Once upon a time development was weighted by your tall buildings now it is more of a social development so please snap out of the previous century!

And still you whine? There are many in Pakistan who cant even visit a GP and you are whining about a specialist who they cant even afford?

So just coz education isnt free in Canada it shouldnt be free in Pakistan! Awesome logic!
you know how long we have to wait to see a GP? Hell I went to see a GP here and they weren't accepting new patients!

My point was, Canada still has health and education problem. It doesn't mean we start being idiots and stop providing necessities that allow country to progress.

Your posts are nonsense and you should know how the world works. It doesn't work by your feelings. It doesn't work by being spoon fed.
Wow! $20 million per km compared to India's $3 million per km!! :woot: WTF? Pakistan should have contracted Indian companies to make the Rawalpindi-Islamabad metro bus service at one tenth the cost! 26 km will cost Pakistan a whopping $500 million or Rs 5000 crores PKR!! Will it be worth it?

To break even, it would take decades as fares have to be kept low seeing that the ordinary Pakistani will be using it. That means it will continue to be subsidized by the government leading to considerable drain on the exchequer!

Bottom line: At this cost, will it be worth it?
Does India not face massive poverty? Does Afghanistan, Iran, China and many other nations not face poverty? They have even greater than 65% earning below average.
I dont care about other countries...Why should I snoop around when my own land isnt stable?

Please learn how economics world around the world before posting nonsense.

Pakistan cannot spoon feed 65% people and ignore the 35% who actually help gov't run by paying taxes and so forth. Now don't come back and say the 35% don't pay taxes, because that'd be height of idiocy.
My question is HOW MUCH of the 35% actually pay tax? 2ndly, you believe only those who pay tax need to be attended to while you live in a welfare state?

you know how long we have to wait to see a GP? Hell I went to see a GP here and they weren't accepting new patients!
More whining eh? So no one said welfare states are the best while you are the one who is showing it off and comparing....If you like how Pakistan is being ruled now, you know only tax payers are accommodated then leave Canada and go to the land of excellence!

My point was, Canada still has health and education problem. It doesn't mean we start being idiots and stop providing necessities that allow country to progress.
Canada doesnt have a serious poverty problem...I am sorry you failed to see that in the picture!

Your posts are nonsense and you should know how the world works. It doesn't work by your feelings. It doesn't work by being spoon fed.
You are actually being spoon fed when services are provided just a little slow but available....Try a country where the hospital and doctors ratio is way lower than anything Canada has ever seen in its history!

Wow! $20 million per km compared to India's $3 million per km!! :woot: WTF? Pakistan should have contracted Indian companies to make the Rawalpindi-Islamabad metro bus service at one tenth the cost! 26 km will cost Pakistan a whopping $500 million or Rs 5000 crores PKR!! Will it be worth it?

Bottom line: At this cost, will it be worth it?
@WishLivePak now compare Pakistan and India! :tup:

Try this maths= Not worlds richest country harboring a large portion of poor building WORLDS most expensive metro even more expensive than the country you were so eagerly giving examples of (India)...

So basically, even though India has poor they have more brains than Noon league that they dont build something 6x more expensive than they can hold! Which economics justifies such shit?
I dont care about other countries...Why should I snoop around when my own land isnt stable?

My question is HOW MUCH of the 35% actually pay tax? 2ndly, you believe only those who pay tax need to be attended to while you live in a welfare state?

More whining eh? So no one said welfare states are the best while you are the one who is showing it off and comparing....If you like how Pakistan is being ruled now, you know only tax payers are accommodated then leave Canada and go to the land of excellence!

Canada doesnt have a serious poverty problem...I am sorry you failed to see that in the picture!

You are actually being spoon fed when services are provided just a little slow but available....Try a country where the hospital and doctors ratio is way lower than anything Canada has ever seen in its history!

@WishLivePak now compare Pakistan and India! :tup:

Try this maths= Not worlds richest country harboring a large portion of poor building WORLDS most expensive metro even more expensive than the country you were so eagerly giving examples of (India)...

So basically, even though India has poor they have more brains than Noon league that they dont build something 6x more expensive than they can hold! Which economics justifies such shit?
Meh, I'm gonna ignore your nonsense. I don't want a headache reading empty verses. Because hey, you think Pakistan should run on your emotions. And we know why Pakistan is getting destroyed, because the likes of you, self-entitled people.

I don't mind. You don't represent Pakistan, neither do you work for government where you can make a difference. But, I'll be working for the government after I finish studies and mark my words, I am not going to put any policy to spoon feed Pakistan (like Nawaz). And guess what? Your following generation will live under my policy, as you live under current policy as well (metros being made, roads, etc).

As @PakCan said, can't argue with those who refuse to accept they're wrong. And indeed it's worthless arguing with you. But again, your generations will continue to live while metros, other mega projects are built and your lone voice will fade away. :pop::pop:
Meh, I'm gonna ignore your nonsense. I don't want a headache reading empty verses. Because hey, you think Pakistan should run on your emotions. And we know why Pakistan is getting destroyed, because the likes of you, self-entitled people.
Name 1 politician who came to power with even an ounce of emotions for the poor! Just one! Who has done an ounce of work for the poor or in that direction!

. But, I'll be working for the government after I finish studies and mark my words, I am not going to put any policy to spoon feed Pakistan (like Nawaz). And guess what? Your following generation will live under my policy, as you live under current policy as well (metros being made, roads, etc).
Oh sorry I didnt know you were Billo Rani :coffee:

Thanks for the warning that another set of looter is on its way! And Nawz hasnt spoon fed you ...I think you dont even know the meaning of spoon feeding!

Reply to this at least oh ECONOMIST from the other dimension:

Wow! $20 million per km compared to India's $3 million per km!! :woot: WTF? Pakistan should have contracted Indian companies to make the Rawalpindi-Islamabad metro bus service at one tenth the cost! 26 km will cost Pakistan a whopping $500 million or Rs 5000 crores PKR!! Will it be worth it?

Bottom line: At this cost, will it be worth it?
@WishLivePak now compare Pakistan and India! :tup:

Try this maths= Not worlds richest country harboring a large portion of poor building WORLDS most expensive metro even more expensive than the country you were so eagerly giving examples of (India)...

So basically, even though India has poor they have more brains than Noon league that they dont build something 6x more expensive than they can hold! Which economics justifies such shit?
It is good thing Imran Khan is not PM of Pakistan. Otherwise, Pakistan would take forever to repay the loan. If people are really concerned about poverty, then why back Pakistan army for their much-needed budgets which takes more than 50% resulting in heavy impacts on Pakistan led to poverty. How about we stop spending billions dollars on fancy toys that Pakistan army needs and convert that to resolve poverty? How about forget about metro buses, no internet, nothing, and go back to stone-old age to feed poverty? I don't mind that since i don't live in Pakistan.

That being said, Pakistan borrowed billion dollars loan which means Pakistan has to return the money-back with interest, hence the top priority towards those that can generate revenue. Pakistan is poor nation, hence poverty, but poverty can be solved if Pakistan is declared Nuclear-free with no more budgets towards expensive weapons, and sanctions can be lifted off which started poverty in the first place. #Imranistan logic is impeccable

Name 1 politician who came to power with even an ounce of emotions for the poor! Just one! Who has done an ounce of work for the poor or in that direction!

Oh sorry I didnt know you were Billo Rani :coffee:

Thanks for the warning that another set of looter is on its way! And Nawz hasnt spoon fed you ...I think you dont even know the meaning of spoon feeding!

Reply to this at least oh ECONOMIST from the other dimension:

@WishLivePak now compare Pakistan and India! :tup:

Try this maths= Not worlds richest country harboring a large portion of poor building WORLDS most expensive metro even more expensive than the country you were so eagerly giving examples of (India)...

So basically, even though India has poor they have more brains than Noon league that they dont build something 6x more expensive than they can hold! Which economics justifies such shit?

India has billion people in starvation, but that didn't stop India from investing towards billion-dollars space project that adds no virtual interest for India except the image. While PMLN is only concentrating on making people lives little bit convenience giving the overcrowded regions, but to generate with profit to repay the loan with interest. Just because you borrow the loan, that doesn't mean it is your.

India might be richest nation, but Pakistan is not, hence it is imperative to concentrate on profit-zone that generate revenues, not to mention that creates jobs. What happens to those finish schools and not find jobs? How do you suppose to create jobs by investing towards Poverty? Talk about brains! :undecided:

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