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world’s largest naval exercises in Hawaii

Because Vietnam and Korea are both China's neighbor and US is China's enemy so having your enemy, who is also the worlds strongest country right next door is not acceptable. The US didn't just appear out of no where, the US is part of the western colonial coalition that tried to enslave Asia.

It's ironic how some Asian people are defending the whites, did you guys forget what they did to your country and every other country in Asia and also in the WORLD?

So China intervened in Vietnam to serve her purpose, then she claims that she was "helping" Vietnam, while the United States did the same thing but is considered evil ?
We do not distinguish the yellow or white, any color, they are for the benefit of their country first, not because of skin color first.
Only idiots believe in the common interest of skin color.
interesting to see russia in naval and red flag exercise!!
So China intervened in Vietnam to serve her purpose, then she claims that she was "helping" Vietnam, while the United States did the same thing but is considered evil ?
We do not distinguish the yellow or white, any color, they are for the benefit of their country first, not because of skin color first.
Only idiots believe in the common interest of skin color.

You may not, but THEY do. What do you think western imperialism/colonialism was all about? Don't be naive.
You may not, but THEY do. What do you think western imperialism/colonialism was all about? Don't be naive.

But today they are no longer threatening to invade Vietnam, while China threatens to attack us every day.
They don't claim the waters and islands of Vietnam, while China does.
They don't blatantly invite bidding international in Vietnam's EEZ, while the Chinese do,
Today they have many trade cooperation and investment with Vietnam while China's investment in Vietnam is very little
They are not competitors with our cheap goods while China is.
Because in both scenario, both north k and north v begged China to help them to drive the U.S. out!!!

The U.S and China intervened in Vietnam and Korea in the same, why the U.S is considered evil, while China is considered the "help"?

You begged China to help you. If you did not beg China, even China did not like an American occupation in the south, China would not even go there to do anything.

So China intervened in Vietnam to serve her purpose, then she claims that she was "helping" Vietnam, while the United States did the same thing but is considered evil ?
We do not distinguish the yellow or white, any color, they are for the benefit of their country first, not because of skin color first.
Only idiots believe in the common interest of skin color.
Because in both scenario, both north k and north v begged China to help them to drive the U.S. out!!!

You begged China to help you. If you did not beg China, even China did not like an American occupation in the south, China would not even go there to do anything.
That is pathetic. Neither sides 'begged' China to get involved. All sides have coincidental interests so if one side proposed an alliance to mutual benefits, that is hardly 'begging'. But if you want to know what truly was 'begging'? Try pre WW II China when Imperial Japan was wreaking havoc on Chinese soil and impunity in Chinese airspace.

As far as Viet Nam goes, only one man who claimed to represent all Vietnamese, a dubious claim to start, approached communist China with a proposal. It was an inevitable alliance from sheer situational necessities.
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