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world’s largest naval exercises in Hawaii

Lolx.. Well you already did a head scratch research for me..
The reason I criticized wiki is because it has unreliable sources and does not cover everything.. So is in Pakistan's case.
But I aint gonna to a research for you because I also have a long list..... :D

Well you surely do not have anything constructive to carry on with our personal discussion so I pardon you for not providing one with. And for wiki not covering all, well it did for PN. :P
A quick question: Who is paying for all of these??? Does uncle sam shell out some $$$???
Now, I know why India want to fight for UK in word war I and II, being invited make some Indian so happy, and, some proud and persuade make some Indian want to do something, one word "捧杀", extolled killing

Another point is the West need running jackals to work for them.

Modern India has no its own idea, though apparently claiming non-alignment which again turned out to be false.

India’s false non-alignment demonstrated fully in 1962.

How could a country copy/paste its fundamentals (political system) from West can be immune from West?


The English colonial perspective is revealed in the famous Minute on Indian Education, presented in 1835 by Thomas Babington Macaulay. There was a debate over how or if Indians should be educated in the traditional literature of England. Macaulay believed in educating the Indians with English because their native dialects were 'so poor and rude that, until they are enriched from some other quarter, it will not be easy to translate any valuable work into them.' Macaulay explained that 'What the Greek and Latin were to the contemporaries of More and Ascham, our tongue is to the people of India. The literature of England is now more valuable than that of classical antiquity.' In perhaps the most famous part of the Minute, he stated his intent for English education in India, to 'form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect.' These people were to then aid in governing and civilizing the natives of India, in order that they would conform to British rule. A good representation of British colonial ideology in literature is in the novel Kim, by Rudyard Kipling.

Colonial & Postcolonial Literary Dialogues: Text Page

I have to admire the British who did their brainwash so successfully through education, during and post colonial occupation, and made British system an Indian system, and Indian thinking British thinking.

Many Indians are proud to be West than East. I had an Indian friend, he never or seldom spent his vacation in India but UK. Once he was suspected as a terrorist in UK and was arrested, but late released. He proudly hang the release notice by London police in his office wall. I was like…WTF!
Well, why don't USA ask those countries who participate the naval exercises to pay for its IRAQ and Afghanistan war bill, and send troops there as well? Let's see how many will follow and participate again. :)
If only you have the balls to serve you would not have asked that silly question. International exercises are meant to mutually benefit the participants' defense doctrines through exposure of foreign ideas, hardware, and people. We learn a little from everyone, no matter the scale of their participation.
China, north korea and pakistan not invited.... Havent i predicted that before?.... As i said after taking on syria, america will take head on with china, north korea and pakistan.... It will be cold war and not nuclear war because america got the most powerful nuclear bomb (and i dont see america grabing this countries land so nukes wont come into play).... America will just push this countries few decades behind like it did to russia even when they had nukes.... Golden age is about to begin.... Welcome in age of miracles and wars....
Another point is the West need running jackals to work for them.

Modern India has no its own idea, though apparently claiming non-alignment which again turned out to be false.

India’s false non-alignment demonstrated fully in 1962.

How could a country copy/paste its fundamentals (political system) from West can be immune from West?

I have to admire the British who did their brainwash so successfully through education, during and post colonial occupation, and made British system an Indian system, and Indian thinking British thinking.

Many Indians are proud to be West than East. I had an Indian friend, he never or seldom spent his vacation in India but UK. Once he was suspected as a terrorist in UK and was arrested, but late released. He proudly hang the release notice by London police in his office wall. I was like…WTF!

lol..you hang out with "Terrorist" friend???look around...may be a drone is doing a fly by over your head.. :lol: :lol:

and which Indian???can you disclose his name or its just another fine example of BS???
Aww! Zakii you just deleted a gpit masterpiece :hitwall:

Thank you, friend! A Chinese proverb goes that “Only a hero possesses the eyes that recognize hero”!

My biological analogue of political phenomenon is distinguished. Last time, I described “Korean”'s behavior, this time India, Korean, etc. in the naval exercises.

The description is vivid, pertinent and, I assume, lastingly impressive, yet with the elegance that only Shakespeare could entitle. :lol:

Thank you, friend! A Chinese proverb goes that “Only a hero possesses the eyes that recognize hero”!

My biological analogue of political phenomenon is distinguished. Last time, I described “Korean”'s behavior, this time India, Korean, etc. in the naval exercises.

The description is vivid, pertinent and, I assume, lastingly impressive, yet with the elegance that only Shakespeare could entitle. :lol:


Isn't it an irony that the country's flag u are waiving didn't even think your REAL country's navy is worthy enough for an invite? And u are proud to wave the flag.. :lol:

whatta example of wannabe white !!
China, north korea and pakistan not invited.... Havent i predicted that before?.... As i said after taking on syria, america will take head on with china, north korea and pakistan.... It will be cold war and not nuclear war because america got the most powerful nuclear bomb (and i dont see america grabing this countries land so nukes wont come into play).... America will just push this countries few decades behind like it did to russia even when they had nukes.... Golden age is about to begin.... Welcome in age of miracles and wars....

Put your hands up for this genius and give him applause ... we are honored to have you sir specially after your such a prediction came true!!!!!!

With due respect did you really read the last two pages ? if not , give the precious 5 minutes of your life to the last 2 pages of this thread. It will in turn save you the next 15 minutes of your life which otherwise you will be going to spend by posting illogical bias
All major pacific powers are invited as participants or observers... Even Russia is invited, BUT NOT CHINA... China is neither invited to observe nor to participate.

See China? Everybody dont like you... all other nations are only pretending to be friendly with you because of your economic leverage.

International polls confirmed this.. even the Russian people don't like you and never trusted you..

You are idiot like other Indians LOL Why China, Pakistan and North Korea is not invited because your Daddy actually try to tackle these nation FROM LAST 50 years and still failed to achieve her goals!

Pakistan still stand, China >>>>> and North Korea.... also Iran is not invited only those nations are invited whom USA not feel threaten nor feel problem in continuing her policy!

You are now the top 1st leading nation who are working FOR USA... and USA is using India for her all objective which you already doing that lol.... USA not feel any kind of threatened from your nation because you already UNDER USA Control!

What Pakistan problem is where few kuta bila in Army and Govt with USA but 1.9M Nation along with China Power + Korea these Nations are AGAINST United State of A!

On the other side why American invited RUSSIA is to show China that Russia is also with USA LOL @ USA and all ****** of USA who are feeling happy that Russia is invited ...
You are idiot like other Indians LOL Why China, Pakistan and North Korea is not invited because your Daddy actually try to tackle these nation FROM LAST 50 years and totally still not achieve her goals!

Pakistan still stand, China >>>>> and North Korea.... also Iran is not invited only those nations are invited whom USA not feel threaten nor feel problem in continuing her policy!

You are now the top 1st leading nation who are working FOR USA... and USA is using India for her all objective which you already doing that lol.... USA not feel any kind of threatend from your nation because you already UNDER USA Control!

What Pakistan problem is where few kuta bila in Army and Govt with USA but 1.9M Nation along with China Power + Korea these Nations are AGAINST!

On the other side why American invited RUSSIA is to show China that Russia is also with USA LOL @ USA and all ****** of USA who are feeling happy that Russia is invited ... actually not i am not surprise with limited Indian mentality!

Your entire rant is baseless and BS.. anyways did u mean limited indian participation ?? YES to that.. :D
Don't worry. Its okay to dream.

Keep Dreaming while the world improves itself.

Hey, did you know that even after the navies in the exercise are destroyed, most of the navies from that exercise would still be more powerful than Pakistan's? :)

And the leading nation who call herself SUPER POWER daily F***** by talibans! lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz here is you ***** Super Power USA! who failed and lost her 3rd WAR infact 4th WAR in history

1st, Vietnam,
2nd, Iraq
3rd, Afghanistan
4th, Trying trying and hard trying to destory Pakistan from last 11 years and STILL Pakistan STAND!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes baseless that is why whenever State Sec just arrive in India and all your kuta bila crying in front of S.State please say something against Pakistan LOL and when S.State back to her home... she damn care about What India want!

her last all those statements which are against PAKISTAN in favor of India (Whenever she arrived in INDIA only) when she was back in her home WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!

my statement is baseless because you don't have anything to say .......... LOLZzzzzzz
No ship of India??
Then this is only show, so that they attach name India in the list.
This is very bad that Russia is there.
American are very clever. No wonder they are super power.
Real threat for america is China with economy power.
America will not mind to play with Russia and India against China to counter economic threat.
A quick question: Who is paying for all of these??? Does uncle sam shell out some $$$???
China :lol:

You are idiot like other Indians LOL Why China, Pakistan and North Korea is not invited because your Daddy actually try to tackle these nation FROM LAST 50 years and still failed to achieve her goals!

Pakistan still stand, China >>>>> and North Korea.... also Iran is not invited only those nations are invited whom USA not feel threaten nor feel problem in continuing her policy!

You are now the top 1st leading nation who are working FOR USA... and USA is using India for her all objective which you already doing that lol.... USA not feel any kind of threatened from your nation because you already UNDER USA Control!

What Pakistan problem is where few kuta bila in Army and Govt with USA but 1.9M Nation along with China Power + Korea these Nations are AGAINST United State of A!

On the other side why American invited RUSSIA is to show China that Russia is also with USA LOL @ USA and all ****** of USA who are feeling happy that Russia is invited ...
When did US attempted to tackle Pakistan? Pakistan never challenges US, so their is no need to tackle it.

In addition, US and China are largest business partners.

Furthermore, North Korea survives on Chinese aid.

And the leading nation who call herself SUPER POWER daily F***** by talibans!
Wrong assumption.

lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz here is you ***** Super Power USA! who failed and lost her 3rd WAR infact 4th WAR in history

1st, Vietnam,
2nd, Iraq
3rd, Afghanistan
4th, Trying trying and hard trying to destory Pakistan from last 11 years and STILL Pakistan STAND!!!!!!!!!!!
Vietnam? Yes
Iraq? No
Afghanistan? Early to tell
Pakistan? Nothing serious
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