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world’s largest naval exercises in Hawaii

Vietnam only sent six officers to attend as observers. This is the first time, hopefully the next time Vietnam will participate more.

Anyway, Vietnam is also not feeling lonely as those not invited...

Vietnam is taking part as an observer in the world’s largest maritime warfare exercise, the Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC) 2012, hosted by the US in Hawaii on June 29-August 3.
A report on the Quan doi nhan dan (People’s Army) news website Thursday quoted the diplomatic department under the Ministry of Defense as saying that six officers were assigned to the event after having been invited by the US.
And the leading nation who call herself SUPER POWER daily F***** by talibans! lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz here is you ***** Super Power USA! who failed and lost her 3rd WAR infact 4th WAR in history

1st, Vietnam,
2nd, Iraq
3rd, Afghanistan
4th, Trying trying and hard trying to destory Pakistan from last 11 years and STILL Pakistan STAND!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes baseless that is why whenever State Sec just arrive in India and all your kuta bila crying in front of S.State please say something against Pakistan LOL and when S.State back to her home... she damn care about What India want!

her last all those statements which are against PAKISTAN in favor of India (Whenever she arrived in INDIA only) when she was back in her home WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!

my statement is baseless because you don't have anything to say .......... LOLZzzzzzz

My friend Pakistan exists because only stable pakistan in any form is good for south Asia and world otherwise things would have been different after May 2.
World needs place confine terrorists, The rule is if we cannot kill them then confine them.
Have the balls to serve or you simply has no shame invading other countries and creating hell for them???

Some of those dumb soldiers died there in vain. For those who at least have some brains, they will question what they are fighting for???

For any country that reached beyond its means, big problems ensue.

If only you have the balls to serve you would not have asked that silly question. International exercises are meant to mutually benefit the participants' defense doctrines through exposure of foreign ideas, hardware, and people. We learn a little from everyone, no matter the scale of their participation.
Have the balls to serve or you simply has no shame invading other countries and creating hell for them???

Some of those dumb soldiers died there in vain. For those who at least have some brains, they will question what they are fighting for???

For any country that reached beyond its means, big problems ensue.
Irrelevant. I can say the same for those Chinese troops who died in Viet Nam during and after the Vietnam War -- that they died in vain because the Chinese government of today abandoned the Marxist ideology that was pumped into their minds and convinced them that they were 'liberating' the world from capitalists/imperialists.

But the point was that you asked a silly question because you have no military experience.
Isn't it an irony that the country's flag u are waiving didn't even think your REAL country's navy is worthy enough for an invite? And u are proud to wave the flag.. :lol:

whatta example of wannabe white !!

Don’t think the others all thinking in Indian way!

US founders kept criticizing armed forced and other stuffs. Specifically, they believe a big standing army is bad and instead a navy is better off. Specifically let banker to issue money instead of Congress is bad.

Dude, US democracy is not Indian democracy. We have lots of sane people know the defects of our system and keep expose and criticizing them, whereas majority of Indians think their system is hunky-dory: as long vee have democracy, vee WILL be winning. :lol:

That’s why your democracy sucks, ours rocks.
Don’t think the others all thinking in Indian way!

US founders kept criticizing armed forced and other stuffs. Specifically, they believe a big standing army is bad and instead a navy is better off. Specifically let banker to issue money instead of Congress is bad.

Dude, US democracy is not Indian democracy. We have lots of sane people know the defects of our system and keep expose and criticizing them, whereas majority of Indians think their system is hunky-dory: as long vee have democracy, vee WILL be winning. :lol:

That’s why your democracy sucks, ours rocks.

Did u even get wat @peep was trying to say. And your post is as irrelevant as a boating club in a dry land.
As China ratchets up military tensions with almost all of its neighbors in the Western Pacific, the United States is hosting its largest multinational maritime exercise and has excluded China from joining the maneuvers near Hawaii called Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC).

Beijing is not happy about it.

“The United States is using this exercise to show off its military strength, seeking military alliances in order to contain the military rise of another country in the region. Such [a] scheme is so thoroughly exposed now,” the official People’s Daily stated Saturday. The newspaper is the official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party.

“It is obvious that the purpose of the U.S. calling in these many allies to conduct joint exercises is to exert pressure onto certain neighboring countries through military drills, as well as to [examine] the combat readiness of the U.S. military,” the newspaper said.

It appears that what particularly angered the Chinese was the invitation to and participation by Russia and India in this year’s 22-nation exercises, which began Friday.

On many global strategic issues such as Syria, Iran and NATO, Moscow and Beijing consider themselves strategic allies.

However, China’s military buildup at a dizzying speed also has worried the Russians, who view themselves as key players in the Pacific with several countries as traditional allies, such as Vietnam, that are wary of Beijing’s military aggressiveness.

First-time RIMPAC participant Russia also is running a brisk arms trade with many Asian and Pacific countries that have open confrontations with China on territorial disputes.

Also participating in the exercise for the first time is India. China is engaged a decades-long border dispute with India, which increasingly sees itself as a key maritime player in the Indian and Pacific oceans as a counterbalance to China’s growing military presence. India is arming itself rapidly and has become the world’s largest weapons-importing country.

Asked about the lack of a Chinese contingent at RIMPAC, Navy Capt. Lydia Robertson, a spokeswoman for U.S. Pacific Command, said the Chinese were last invited in 1998 and sent observers.

“China was not invited to RIMPAC 2012,” Capt. Robertson said. “We are open to considering inviting China to future RIMPAC exercises. We engage regularly with the [People’s Liberation Army] navy through mechanisms such as the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement talks.”

Defense contractor fined for tech transfer

A major U.S. defense contractor admitted last week to federal prosecutors that it knowingly violated export rules and laws by providing China with sensitive technology used in China’s newest military attack helicopter, according to an investigation led by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford, Conn., reached a plea deal in the case and was ordered to pay a $75 million fine, one of the heaviest in recent history.

United Technologies pleaded guilty to deceiving U.S. export control officials and failing to report contraband shipments to an embargoed country — China.

The case highlighted a major issue facing the U.S. industrial and financial regulators: the porous control mechanisms for multinational corporations such as United Technologies that have many subsidiaries outside of the United States, complicating efforts to enforce federal regulations.

In this case, the most damaging violation of export controls took place through United Technologies subsidiary Pratt & Whitney Canada.

New York-based financial services firm JPMorgan Chase & Co. recently lost billions of dollars despite the watchful eyes of financial and market regulators. JPMorgan had been highly regarded as an example of corporate responsibility.

After the debilitating loss, a congressional hearing disclosed that Securities and Exchange Commission officials and other market regulators did not have any meaningful jurisdiction over JPMorgan’s international operations. The huge financial loss took place at its London branch, far from the watchful eyes of Washington and New York.

Inside China: China upset over RIMPAC snub - Washington Times
Those soldiers died in vain since China had made consecutive mistakes by helping those double-faced ungrateful bastard countries while sacrificing themselves.

Those two bastard countries are: north korea and vietnam.

Irrelevant. I can say the same for those Chinese troops who died in Viet Nam during and after the Vietnam War -- that they died in vain because the Chinese government of today abandoned the Marxist ideology that was pumped into their minds and convinced them that they were 'liberating' the world from capitalists/imperialists.

But the point was that you asked a silly question because you have no military experience.
Those soldiers died in vain since China had made consecutive mistakes by helping those double-faced ungrateful bastard countries while sacrificing themselves.

Those two bastard countries are: north korea and vietnam.

The U.S and China intervened in Vietnam and Korea in the same, why the U.S is considered evil, while China is considered the "help"?
The U.S and China intervened in Vietnam and Korea in the same, why the U.S is considered evil, while China is considered the "help"?

Because Vietnam and Korea are both China's neighbor and US is China's enemy so having your enemy, who is also the worlds strongest country right next door is not acceptable. The US didn't just appear out of no where, the US is part of the western colonial coalition that tried to enslave Asia.

It's ironic how some Asian people are defending the whites, did you guys forget what they did to your country and every other country in Asia and also in the WORLD?
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