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World looks anew on Balochistan as China dreams big

@Desert Fox

I agree. As long as the mercenary army of Pakistan remains a valuable and indispensable asset for the West and GCC monarchies you can forget about Gwadar's fruition into a economic hub and transit route for landlocked Central Asian states.

To begin with, I don't think anyone would appreciate such comments like PA is a mercenary army. From my personal experience, I never have seen any sign or indication that could possible lead to categorizing the PA as a mercenary army at all. Maybe you don't like them but that doesn't mean you can discredit them for what they are. As for the Gwadar seaport, I don't think Pakistan is weak enough to get its arms twisted by an X or Y states, be it, Russia? NATO? The EU? Or whatever.

Certain GCC countries won't tolerate it, india is already a willing ally in sabotaging this project, and we have enough lackeys within our establishment and armed forces who are willing to cooperate.

I understand what you are getting at. Maybe the UAE has had some sort of issues with Pakistan, but KSA has raised its concerns twice in raw :) I don't think we need to talk about Bahrain though.

Pakistan/China have already started the construction of Gwadar wether the US or whatever states liked it or not.
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@Desert Fox
Would you kindly explain to me why those Pakistanis were severely injured in Bahrain? I know, it's the Wahabis - code word for Sunnis -

Here is what I don't understand folks, if those freedom seekers are asking for democracy then why would they assault Expats in Bahrain?

Innocent Pakistanis beaten up by bahraini shitties protestors.flv - YouTube

Shia in bahrain killing a pakistani security personal and burning his petrol vehicle. - YouTube

Pakistan labour worker beaten up by the PROTESTOR'S IN BAHRAIN. - YouTube

His tongue was cut off by " peaceful " protesters.
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Just few posts ago you said I was not Pakistani but a Saudi.

So how was that bashing Saudi Arabia? :coffee:

You called me a Shia for saying keep religion out of National interests. Clearly you are the sectarian minded bigot here.

I notice you changed your tune on that real fast.

What happened ? I noticed you removed those posts but I have them preserved in my post # 56.

Preserve them all you want. I removed them because i refuse to take a sectarian path.

BTW, where did i bash Saudi Arabia?

@Desert Fox
Would you kindly explain to me why those Pakistanis were severely injured in Bahrain? I know, it's the Wahabis - code word for Sunnis -

I don't know what this post's intent is. No where did i mention Shia, Iran, or anything of sectarian nature until your fan Pakistanisage called me a Shia.

And here in your post you dragged in the terms "Wahabis- code word for Sunnis". Are you insecure or something for which you brought these two terms into a thread that has nothing to do with Wahabism or Sunni and Shia?

It is obvious to all who the sectarian minded people are.
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I don't know what this post's intent is. No where did i mention Shia, Iran, or anything of sectarian nature until your fan Pakistanisage called me a Shia.

I'm a big fan of :pakistan:. Can I take a pic?

You said that PA is an army of mercenaries, and I posted these videos to justify their involvement to combat terrorism in Bahrain.
@Desert Fox

To begin with, I don't think anyone would appreciate such comments like PA is a mercenary army. From my personal experience, I never have seen any sign or indication that could possible lead to categorizing the PA as a mercenary army at all. Maybe you don't like them but that doesn't mean you can discredit them for what they are. As for the Gwadar seaport, I don't think Pakistan is weak enough to get its arms twisted by an X or Y states, be it, Russia? NATO? The EU? Or whatever.

I think i already made it clear in my previous posts as to why i believe what i stated.


I understand what you are getting at. Maybe the UAE has had some sort of issues with Pakistan, but KSA has raised its concerns twice in raw :) I don't think we need to talk about Bahrain though.

Pakistan/China have already started the construction of Gwadar wether the US or whatever states liked it or not.

This issue was debated in a thread opened by our very own Aeronaut. Foreign involvement, including from some of our very own Sunni GCC countries, helping to foment separatist insurgencies within Pakistan's resource rich and geostrategically significant province of Balochistan.

Why would they do such a thing in the first place? This only goes to show that our so called "brothers" should be viewed with suspicion by us in the future.
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I'm a big fan of :pakistan:. Can I take a pic?
Sure, take as many as you want when you visit Pakistan. You don't need my permission.

You said that PA is an army of mercenaries, and I posted these videos to justify their involvement to combat terrorism in Bahrain.
I thought you posted those because you were under the impression that i was against the Bahraini crackdown.

Anyhow, that is Bahrains internal matter. I am against any Pakistani involvement in ME affairs. Saudi Army's interference in Bahrain is understandable from geopolitical point of view.
I will be brutally honest.

I'm guessing that you are referring to the Qatari's as well as the Emirates' involvement in such acts right? If so, as I stated early, such acts has always troubled and angered the biggest Sunni monarchy, so to speak.Now, I hope that my conscience is neat and tidy.

This issue was debated in a thread opened by our very own Aeronaut. Foreign involvement, including from some of our very own Sunni GCC countries, helping to foment separatist insurgencies within Pakistan's resource rich and geostrategically significant province of Balochistan.

Why would they do such a thing in the first place? This only goes to show that our so called "brothers" should be viewed with suspicion by us in the future

I intentionally posted these videos to justify PA army's actions that's all. But I appreciate your opinion ^ ^
Anyhow, that is Bahrains internal matter. I am against any Pakistani involvement in ME affairs. Saudi Army's interference in Bahrain is understandable from geopolitical point of view.

Happy Ramadan.
A few things I'd like to point out, if you will...

PA has moved increasingly further away from the US, so the US' so called "assets" in the PA are dwindling day by day. PA still hasn't forgotten about how the US abandoned Pakistan before, and the current relationship (as far as the PA is concerned) is only temporary until the US moves out of Afghanistan and once again abandons Pakistan to clean up the mess in Afghanistan.

There is also this misguided notion that the US navy would assist the Indian navy against Pakistan in any future conflict, as you seemed to hint at with the Bahrain comment. It's nothing more than paranoia, in my completely and utterly unprofessional opinion, so take that with a grain of salt. Regardless, I think India has seen the way the US has treated Pakistan and is wary of any relationship with the US, even in future conflicts with Pakistan. When the Indians say "strategic ally" they probably only mean against China, as China is the only country that the US has any real interest in and considers a threat.

I have always been wary of China's intentions in Pakistan, and while I am happy that they consider Pakistan to be of extreme importance, logic and history dictates that no two nations are ever really "friends" (or in this case "brothers"), they're temporary allies at best. Still, that doesn't mean that the PA will leave or downgrade China for the US, it's not stupid to repeat the same mistake over and over again, especially since Pakistan at least has some leverage against China (Gwadar port and natural resources) unlike the US. The US will naturally try and portray the Chinese to be a threat to the PA, but I doubt they'll succeed, even with heavy bribes to military officials, this is not guaranteed to work.

In the middle of all of this is Balochistan, or more specifically Gwadar port, the very reason why China even has any real interest in Pakistan in this day and age. If it wasn't for Gwadar port, the Chinese would treat Pakistan the same way the US has done for decades.

This whole idea of Pakistan army turned "mercenary" army is naive at worst and ignorant at best. It does not take into account geopolitical situations and the international situations. What was Pakistan to do? Decline and be labeled an "against us" nation? What do you think would happen, especially considering that the PA had supported the Taliban before 9/11? The US may not have gone to war with Pakistan, but they would do everything in their power to see Pakistan fragmented and broken. In the end, Pakistan had no other choice but to go to war, as it was a "damned if you do, and damned if you don't" situation. I have no doubt that the senior leadership thought out the entire consequences before deciding to join the US.

An argument could be made that the US received "payments" to fight the US' war, and while I agree that this is the US' war, the so called "payments" are don't even scratch the surface of what the war has cost Pakistan, thus this argument is entirely invalid.

PA was collecting bounties on terrorists - with stunts like that what else would they be called.
So how was that bashing Saudi Arabia? :coffee:

You called me a Shia for saying keep religion out of National interests. Clearly you are the sectarian minded bigot here.

Preserve them all you want. I removed them because i refuse to take a sectarian path.

BTW, where did i bash Saudi Arabia?

I don't know what this post's intent is. No where did i mention Shia, Iran, or anything of sectarian nature until your fan Pakistanisage called me a Shia.

And here in your post you dragged in the terms "Wahabis- code word for Sunnis". Are you insecure or something for which you brought these two terms into a thread that has nothing to do with Wahabism or Sunni and Shia?

It is obvious to all who the sectarian minded people are.

Listen you sectarian Bigot, when another of your Shia bigots bash Saudis and you thank them and their posts then you are as guilty as they are for Arab bashing.

The only difference is that you are a coward because you don't have the guts to say those bad things but you thank others to spew their venom.

In my books you are worst than cheetah786 because you like a coward won't say all that he is saying but you put your thanks on his post.

Secondly, If you bad mouth one more time our Brave Pakistani Armed Forces you will regret it. You hve not earned the right to criticize our valiant Armed Forces you internet warrior.

Show me one thing you have ever done for Pakistan ever in your life other than just Criticize Pakistan.

P.S. First you said I was Saudi and when I replied back to you in Urdu in Post # 56 , you quickly removed your post, because you realized that in your haste to declare me non-Pakistani, you had made a total Buffoon of yourself.....:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
According to a Newspaper i read the other day, China has offered to develop Chahbahar Port of Iran, a strategy that wil put India out. If true, it would be good for us.

Are you one of those who think that China will fight India for Pakistan?

If China develops Chabahar, it is great for India. What India requires is a port for trade, whether China or North Korea runs that port is less than irrelevant.

We trade directly with China - over $70 billion annually...do you think China will reduce their trade with us because Pakistan does not like it?

Think things through before posting.
PA was collecting bounties on terrorists - with stunts like that what else would they be called.

Let just not bring it to an individual level. You can't punish the whole military establishment because a few of them did this and did that.
And here in your post you dragged in the terms "Wahabis- code word for Sunnis". Are you insecure or something for which you brought these two terms into a thread that has nothing to do with Wahabism or Sunni and Shia?

It is obvious to all who the sectarian minded people are.

Please, don't jump to conclusion.

-_- and how do you want me to explain the incidences without using specific terminology, that had been used over and over again to justify such acts like these shown in the videos?
Pakistanis continue to delight in the relevance they think they have to the Indian, unfortunately for them, their adversary is not India but a "coalition", India, for a while, will merely be the vehicle of that coalition's will.

Mr. Abul Qaqi (Analyst) offers ""that India’s navy, which besieged Karachi port in a war some decades ago, will now get its naval tail extended. Now Gwadar port will be connected to far north of the country through two additional routes including Indus Highway giving more strategic space to Pakistan’s armed forces - however, Mr. Abdul Baqi needs to be reminded of an entire fleet headquartered in Bahrain, a fleet of a Navy of which Indian Navy is a "Strategic ally".

Interested readers owe it to themselves to read Robert B. Zoellick, former World Bank president, U.S. deputy secretary of state and U.S. trade representative's speech on the "Sun on Shoulders, Wind in Hair"thread -- I don't believe I have read a more clear and through representation of US policy and options before China - if you are in any kind of doubt, the US have made clear to China that unless her policies are altered, China can expect much difficulty -- and the US have a powerful asset in Pakistan Army, the mercenary ethic of which is something China may not be entirely clear about.

Pakistan Army is not a mercenary Army and you are clueless about Pakistan Armed Forces,

I served in Pakistan Armed Forces, so I don't appreciate some clown sitting in UK who has never served in Pakistan Armed Forces tell me that Pakistan's Army is Mercenary.

Pakistan Army is squarely behind China and our Military relations with Chinese Military are strong as a rock.
PA was collecting bounties on terrorists - with stunts like that what else would they be called.

Considering how little those bounties are worth, compared to how much financial burden the war has caused on the PA, that's really not a valid argument to make either.
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