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World leaders back one-China policy

Dodging my point, aren't you?

What exactly am I doing? Addressing your nonsense.

You dodged my question because I addressed your irrelevant question and exposed your ill intention.
You dodged my question because I addressed your irrelevant question and exposed your ill intention.
It is OK for your fellow countrymen to seek assistance of India when they feel it necessary, yet you have the balls to lecture me about patriotism. You should be ashamed of yourself.

My stance is that Pakistan doesn't have to a be a lapdog of any country. Nothing wrong in this.

Your country has become a lapdog of India however. Ask Hasina.
It is OK for your fellow countrymen to seek assistance of India when they feel it necessary, yet you have the balls to lecture me about patriotism. You should be ashamed of yourself.

My stance is that Pakistan doesn't have to a be a lapdog of any country. Nothing wrong in this.

Your country has become a lapdog of India however. Ask Hasina.

Yes, we can see what a great patriot you are, like those indian and US foxes you are trying to damage one relation that literally stops the hyenas from devouring your beloved Pakistan. No thanks, I never want to be a 'patriot' like you.
Yes, we can see what a great patriot you are, like those indian and US foxes you are trying to damage one relation that literally stops the hyenas from devouring your beloved Pakistan. No thanks, I never want to be a 'patriot' like you.
I sometimes wonder if you have an ounce of dignity and shame in you. There is no "we" here. Your country betrayed mine and colluded with India for the said purpose. You and your fellow countrymen have no high moral ground to lecture a Pakistani about patriotism.
I sometimes wonder if you have an ounce of dignity and shame in you. There is no "we" here. Your country betrayed mine and colluded with India for the said purpose. You and your fellow countrymen have no high moral ground to lecture a Pakistani about patriotism.

Waving the flag and digging a hole for your beloved nation at the same time, where did you learn this?
World political figures back one-China policy
2016-12-16 13:45 | China Daily | Editor: Feng Shuang

Senior political figures worldwide have voiced support for the widely accepted one-China principle after the policy was challenged by U.S. president-elect Donald Trump.

It has been globally acknowledged that the one-China policy, the cornerstone of China's diplomacy, should not be changed, since it is fundamental to regional peace and stability, experts said.

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said on Wednesday that Australia upholds the principle, and the country's stance on the Taiwan question is unchanged.

"Australia's position is as it has been since 1972, and that is, we recognize the one-China policy, and it has been important for peace (and) stability in our region for countries to continue to be consistent in this regard," she said during an interview with Sky News Australia.

She declined to comment on Trump's remarks challenging the one-China policy, saying that "it would be much more productive if we wait until he (Trump) is inaugurated".

Henry Kissinger, former U.S. secretary of state, said on Wednesday that he expected that Trump would honor the one-China policy once the president-elect studies the framework more closely.

"It's not the best way to make Taiwan the key issue at the beginning of this dialogue. It might not be the most efficient way," he said during a panel discussion on "U.S.-China Relations in the Trump-Xi Era" in New York.

"Every president of the United States since 1971 from both parties has accepted this framework," said Kissinger.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that her country, Europe's biggest economic power, won't be changing its one-China policy.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault told France 2 TV that Trump's approach to China was "not very clever".

U.S. Senator John McCain told Reuters on Monday that he does not "respond to every comment by the president-elect because it may be reversed the next day".

Fan Jishe, a researcher of U.S. studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that if Trump's "reckless" remarks on the Taiwan question are an indication of his foreign policy, China will no longer show restraint and will react much more strongly.

Li Haidong, a professor of U.S. studies at China Foreign Affairs University, said international support for China serves as a powerful reminder to Trump that he is challenging the international consensus. "Trump is still a political infant," he said, adding that Trump and his advisers should understand that the one-China policy is key to regional peace and stability.


A word of warning to all posters. This is a very politically sensitive topic to China.
Be careful what you post, I have no hesitation in issuing infractions.
One-China policy 'a prerequisite': FM spokesperson
2016-12-16 09:15 | Xinhua | Editor: Wang Fan

A Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Thursday that the one-China policy is a prerequisite for any countries to have ties with China and expressed appreciation to those countries that have recently reiterated their support of the policy.

"Adhering to the one-China policy is the prerequisite and basis on which China develops relations of friendly cooperation with any countries in the world," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said at a daily press briefing.

Geng made the remarks when asked to comment the remarks by French Foreign Minister Jean Marc Ayrault Wednesday, saying U.S. president-elect Donald Trump's remarks questioning the one-China policy principle "is not clever."

U.S. president-elect Donald Trump said on Sunday that he does not feel "bound by a one-China policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade".

Geng said "we appreciated those countries which have recently reiterated their adherence to the one-China principle."

"There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is a part of China, and the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government that represents China," Geng said.
One China principle is more important than UN chartet for world peace. It is up to other to recognize PRC or ROC as China.

But double recognition is not tecnically possible. There are some 23 countries that recognize Taipei as China. But still, they stick with One China Principle.

Once you recognize PRC as China, ROC will cut relations with you. And vice versa.

Our understanding is that the idea of China is bigger than its political expressions. This is the stance of both CCP and KMT.
Chinese FM lauds France’s backing to one-China policy
By Liu Xin | Source:Global Times | Published: 2016/12/16 21:08:39

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi expressed appreciation for his French counterpart's efforts on backing the one-China policy, emphasizing that the Taiwan question relates to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

An expert said on Friday that as the foundation of China's diplomatic relations, one-China policy is not the bargaining chip.

Wang said during a phone call with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault on Thursday that China appreciates the minister's striking stance on the one-China policy and would promote the bilateral ties to further respect and take care of each other's core interests, according to a release on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday.

Ayrault said that France would make further efforts to keep the one-China policy since it related to the regional peace, read the release.

Ayrault told France 2 TV that Trump's approach to China was "not very clever."

And he said that "You can have disagreements with China but you don't talk like that to a partner... When China feels like it is being questioned over the unity of China, it's not necessarily very smart."

Ayrault is the latest among senior figures to voice support for the one-China policy after US President-elect Donald Trump said that US doesn't "have to be bound" by the one-China policy.

"These politicians want to differentiate themselves from Trump since the US has been considered as a leading player in the Western world. Countries which support the one-China policy respect China's position in the international community and value their relations with China," Liu Weidong, a research fellow at the Institute of American Studies under the China Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Friday.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has repeatedly expressed China's position on Trump's remarks, which would serve as a warning to countries which tried to bargain with China by talking about the Taiwan question, said Liu.

Foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang told a regular briefing on Thursday that "some countries have reaffirmed their commitment to the one-China principle recently. We commend them for that. I want to reiterate that there is but one China in the world."

"Taiwan is a part of China. The government of the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing China. Adherence to the one-China principle is the prerequisite and foundation for friendly cooperation between China and other countries," said Geng.

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said on Wednesday that Australia upholds the principle, and the country's stance on the Taiwan question is unchanged.

"Australia's position is as it has been since 1972, and that is, we recognize the one-China policy, and it has been important for peace (and) stability in our region for countries to continue to be consistent in this regard," she said during an interview with Sky News Australia.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that her country, Europe's biggest economic power, won't be changing its one-China policy.
China praises Sao Tome and Principe's stand on one-China policy
2016-12-21 09:37 | chinadaily.com.cn | Editor: Feng Shuang

The Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday that it welcomes the decision of a central African country to cut "diplomatic ties" with Taiwan as the one-China policy is widely recognized worldwide.

"We have noticed that the government of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe issued an announcement on Dec 20 (Tuesday) local time to cut the so-called 'diplomatic' relationship with Taiwan," spokeswoman Hua Chunying said, adding that China praises the move and welcomes the African country to "return to the right track of the one-China principle".

The one-China principle is related to China's core interests as well as the feelings of more than 1.3 billion Chinese people, and it is also the premise and political foundation for China's friendly ties with other countries, she said.

The one-China policy was challenged by US president-elect Donald Trump early this month, when he accepted a congratulatory phone call from Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen. He told Fox News two weeks later that he did not feel "bound by a one-China policy".

According to the No 2758 Resolution made the United Nations Assembly in 1971, the People's Republic of China is the only legitimate government to represent China. The one-China policy confirmed by the resolution has been the common consensus of international community, Hua said.

With a population of 193,000, the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe is the second-smallest African country after Seychelles. The country was founded in 1975 after its independence from Portugal.

It established diplomatic ties with China in July 1975, and Beijing cut the diplomat ties in 1997 after the African island country announced to build "diplomatic ties" with Taiwan.

The Chinese foreign ministry on Wednesday expressed appreciation over Sao Tome and Principe's decision to break so-called "diplomatic ties" with Taiwan.

Noting the Chinese side has noticed a relevant announcement made by the government of Sao Tome and Principe on Tuesday (local time), ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said China welcomes the country to be back on the right track of the one-China principle.
This one needs a lengthy education on diplomacy. Or, better leave him alone with the rest of bold eagle types.


Graphic: Global Times 2016/12/22
France respects one-China principle: spokesman
2016-12-21 10:18 | Xinhua | Editor: Mo Hong'e

France respects the one-China principle and is committed to the unity of China, a French Foreign Ministry deputy spokesman said Tuesday.

"The French stance is constant and unambiguous: France is committed to the principle of the unity of China," Alexandre Giorgini said at a daily press briefing.

"France is in favor of peace, dialogue and cooperation between the two shores and supports any initiative in this way," he added.

Asked about France's ties with Taiwan, which is part of China, Giorgini said France has an office in Taipei to facilitate and promote economic, cultural and scientific exchanges.
Trump backs 'One China' policy in call with China's Xi
| Fri Feb 10, 2017 | 10:45am GMT | Reuters
By Ben Blanchard and Steve Holland | BEIJING/WASHINGTON

U.S. President Donald Trump agreed to honour the longstanding "One China" policy during a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping, taking steps to improve ties after angering Beijing by talking to the leader of Taiwan.

Trump further unnerved Beijing over the self-ruled island in December saying the United States did not necessarily have to stick to the policy. The United States has acknowledged the Chinese position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China.

A White House statement said Trump and Xi had a lengthy phone conversation on Thursday night Washington time.

"President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honour our 'One China' policy," the statement said.

The two leaders had not spoken by telephone since Trump took office on Jan. 20.

Diplomatic sources in Beijing say China had been nervous about Xi being left humiliated in the event a call with Trump went wrong and the details were leaked to the media.

Last week, U.S. ties with staunch ally Australia became strained after the Washington Post published details about an acrimonious phone call between Trump and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The two sides also signalled that with the "One China" issue resolved, they could have more normal relations.

"Representatives of the United States and China will engage in discussions and negotiations on various issues of mutual interest," the statement said.

In a separate statement read out on Chinese state television, Xi said China appreciated Trump's upholding of the "One China" policy.

"I believe that the United States and China are cooperative partners, and through joint efforts we can push bilateral relations to a historic new high," the statement cited Xi as saying.

"The development of China and the United States absolutely can complement each other and advance together. Both sides absolutely can become very good cooperative partners," Xi said.


China wants cooperation with the United States on trade, investment, technology, energy and infrastructure, as well as strengthening coordination on international matters to jointly protect global peace and stability, Xi said.

"China is proactively dedicated to harmonious coexistence with all countries in the world," he added.

The White House described the call as "extremely cordial" with both leaders expressing best wishes to their peoples.

"They also extended invitations to meet in their respective countries. President Trump and President Xi look forward to further talks with very successful outcomes," the White House statement said.

The call came hours before Trump plays host to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

China has repeatedly said it has smooth contacts with the Trump team. The Foreign Ministry in Beijing said last week the two countries were remaining "in close touch".

That contact has been led by China's top diplomat, State Councillor Yang Jiechi, who outranks the foreign minister.

Yang told Michael Flynn, Trump's National Security Advisor, last week that China hopes it can work with the United States to manage and control disputes and sensitive problems.

No issue is more sensitive to Beijing than Taiwan.

The United States switched diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China in 1979, but is also Taiwan's biggest ally and arms supplier and is bound by legislation to help the island defend itself.

China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan since 1949, when Mao Zedong's Communist forces won the Chinese civil war and Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists fled to the island. China has vowed to bring Taiwan under its rule, by force if necessary.

There was little or no mention in either country's statements of other contentious issues - trade and the disputed South China Sea - and neither matter has gone away.

A U.S. official told Reuters on Thursday that a U.S. Navy P-3 plane and a Chinese military aircraft came close to each other over the South China Sea, though the Navy believes the incident was inadvertent.

China on Friday reported an initial trade surplus of $51.35 billion for January, more than $21 billion of which was with the United States.

Trump broke the ice with Xi earlier in the week in a letter offering belated greetings for last month's Lunar New Year, a move broadly praised by Chinese state media as a positive sign.

In a front page commentary, the overseas edition of the People's Daily said the letter was an opening to help manage friction.

"There's a saying in China - good food is worth waiting for."

(Editing by Lincoln Feast)

A lot of people on this forum don't seem to understand that the One China Policy is a prerequisite to having any official diplomatic relations with China.

It seems that despite all the boasting, no one is actually willing to break off all diplomatic relations with China.

But every country represented on this forum did officially break off all relations with the ROC.

No need to feel depressed.

Life just getting better.


Chinese mainland to issue preferential policies for Taiwan compatriots
Source: Xinhua Published: 2017/2/8

A Chinese mainland spokesperson said Wednesday that Beijing will issue policies to support and attract
Taiwanese to work and live on the mainland.

The policies are currently being drawn up, An Fengshan, spokesperson of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said at a regular press conference.

An said the policies cover employment, social insurance and living needs, adding that the policies will not only facilitate Taiwanese to live and work on the mainland, but aim to boost the social and economic integration of the two sides.

In response to a question concerning remarks by the Taiwan administration about Taiwanese enterprises that operate on the mainland, An said the Chinese mainland had always encouraged and supported Taiwanese enterprises and set great store by safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests.

"We used to do in this way and we will continue to do it in the future," said An, asking in reply that "who on earth is disturbing and hindering cross-Strait economic cooperation and Taiwan investment in the mainland? We must see it clearly."

An said huge business opportunities had been created by the reform and opening up of the mainland. The Chinese mainland will continue to encourage Taiwan businessmen to develop on the mainland, and provide more convenience and opportunities for them.
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