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World leaders back one-China policy

I am just happy that the biggest thorn in the China and US relationship is removed.

If these two countries don't get along, the rest of the world are impacted. Especially the smaller countries, they will be sacrificed should a "fight" break out between the big two.

Having disagreements between these two are okay, as long as they are manageable.
Xi, Trump agree to boost win-win cooperation,
develop constructive China-U.S. ties

Source: Xinhua | 2017-02-10 16:09:34 | Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump pledged Friday to boost win-win cooperation in a variety of areas and develop a constructive China-U.S. relationship.

The two leaders made the pledge in a phone conversation Friday [Feb. 10, 2017], the first of its kind since Trump took office in January.

Xi congratulated Trump on being inaugurated as U.S. president and thanked him for sending a letter Wednesday to extend his holiday greetings to the Chinese people, who are celebrating the Chinese Lunar New Year -- the Year of the Rooster -- and the upcoming Lantern Festival that falls on Saturday.

Xi said he greatly appreciated Trump's willingness to expand China-U.S. cooperation and develop a constructive bilateral relationship that will benefit the two countries and the international community.

China and the United States have maintained close communication on issues of common concern since Trump's inauguration, Xi noted, saying that the necessity and urgency of strengthening China-U.S. cooperation is further increased in the face of the current complicated international situation and various challenges.

The development of China and the United States can complement each other and promote each other, and the two countries are totally capable of becoming good cooperative partners, said the Chinese president.

Xi said that building a sound China-U.S. relationship is in the fundamental interests of the two peoples, and it is also the responsibility China and the United States need to assume as the world's major countries.

China is committed to coexisting peacefully with other countries in the world, as well as conducting win-win cooperation with them, Xi said.

China is ready to boost mutually beneficial cooperation with the United States in various fields such as trade and economy, investment, science and technology, energy, culture and infrastructure, the Chinese president said.

China will strengthen coordination and communication with the United States in international and regional affairs to jointly safeguard world peace and stability, Xi added.

For his part, Trump said he was glad to talk over the phone with Xi, adding that it is very important for both countries to maintain high-level communication.

Trump expressed his satisfaction with the close communication the two sides have maintained since he took office and admiration toward the Chinese people for the historic accomplishment they have achieved in developing their country.

Developing U.S.-China ties has won wide support from the U.S. people, Trump said, adding that the two countries, as cooperative partners, can make joint efforts to help the bilateral relationship reach an unprecedented level.

The United States is committed to enhancing win-win cooperation with China in economy, trade, investment and international affairs, Trump said.

Besides, Trump said he fully understands the high significance of the U.S. government's pursuit of the one-China policy, adding that the U.S. government adheres to the one-China policy.

Xi said he appreciated Trump's stressing that the U.S. government adheres to the one-China policy, adding that the policy is the political basis of China-U.S. relations.

China will work with the United States to enhance communication and cooperation so that bilateral ties can advance in a sound and stable manner and yield more fruits to benefit the two peoples and people of all countries in the world, Xi said.

The two leaders also agreed to maintain close contacts to exchange opinions on issues of common concern in a timely manner. Both of them expressed their eagerness to hold a meeting at an early date.


Xi appreciates U.S. gov't's adherence to one-China policy in phone talks with Trump

BEIJING, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping said he appreciated his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, for stressing that the U.S. government adheres to the one-China policy. Full story

China appreciates Trump's greetings on Chinese Lantern Festival

BEIJING, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- China on Thursday confirmed that it has received a letter to President Xi Jinping, sent by U.S. President Donald Trump, who extended his greetings ahead of the Lantern Festival.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang made the remarks at a daily press briefing, responding to reports that Trump on Feb. 8 sent a letter to President Xi, wishing Xi and the Chinese people a happy Lantern Festival and saying that he looked forward to working with China to develop a constructive relationship. Full Story

Spotlight: Constructive U.S.- China relations to stay strong & thrive in long run

NEW YORK, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- A constructive U.S.-China relation will stay strong and thrive in a long term even though there have been many talks of uncertainties under the Presidency of Donald Trump in relationship between the world's two largest economies, U.S. experts say. Full Story
The Chinese members including myself here have stated from the very beginning. NON NEGOTIABLE, TW is not a TRUMP CARD so Trump can make deals regarding DPRK or whatever he had in mind period END OF DISCUSSION. AGAIN for the ...th time US always have big mouths but crawling back on their words. Yeah this is one mighty country with credibility on its name. :rofl:
I just love how China humiliate the US from time to time. US big mouth about invading DPRK in response for the nuke tests, what happened after China issued the warning? China's massive military drill in SCS, US lowered its voice afterwards, China told the US you want to talk to us, recognize the One China Policy officially and here it is :D
Even though Trump, the current American president, will honor the One China policy this time, it doesn't mean that future president will continue to do the same. The USA has a sword of Damocles over China in this issue. Therefore, it is prudent for China to come up and implement political, economical, and military policies that will prevent the Americans from using this issue for threats and blackmails again.
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Even though Trump, the current American president, will honor the One China policy this time, it doesn't mean that future president will continue to do the same. The USA has a sword of Damocles over China in this issue. Therefore, it is prudent for China to come up and implement political, economical, and military policies that will prevent the Americans from using this issue for threats and blackmails again.

Nothing to worry, China has TW and USA by the balls from an economic perspective. Taiwan's economy is taking a hit right now as we speak as less Mainlanders visiting TW. Trump has realized by now that his previous foolish remark on the One China Policy is not a smart move provoking Beijing thus his change of tune. If he can't do a thing about it, in the future no POTUS will as simple as that. On the military aspect China is rapidly expanding the Airforce and Navy, US will not defend TW and TW will not declare independence. US analysts predict by 2030 Chinese Navy will have 500 warships :lol:
It's possible that Trump is trying to mend relations with Russia and China because he wants to focus more attention on Iran.

Trump being a Middle Eastern president is good news for East Asia. This may give China another strategic window like GWB era did.

However, this means a further bloodshed in the ME .

Trump is perhaps looking for a victory. Victory against Iran or Islamic State is more likely than victory in East Asia.

In the end, he is an extremely selfish person. He will care about his own legacy the most.
The Chinese members including myself here have stated from the very beginning. NON NEGOTIABLE, TW is not a TRUMP CARD so Trump can make deals regarding DPRK or whatever he had in mind period END OF DISCUSSION. AGAIN for the ...th time US always have big mouths but crawling back on their words. Yeah this is one mighty country with credibility on its name. :rofl:
I just love how China humiliate the US from time to time. US big mouth about invading DPRK in response for the nuke tests, what happened after China issued the warning? China's massive military drill in SCS, US lowered its voice afterwards, China told the US you want to talk to us, recognize the One China Policy officially and here it is :D
Real Chinese members lost count to the number of times we proved PDF "professionals" wrong

It won't work though. Obama and Hilary tried the same thing.

Trump is just needlessly kowtowing right now, despite his campaign promises to raise 45% tarrifs against China.
Trump is having a hard time making Mexico pay for the wall. it's going to be interesting how he is going to renegotiate NAFTA :D
Trump eventually got his present: His phone call was received.


Xi-Trump phone talk a good first step in fostering China-U.S. dialogue
(Xinhua) 09:41, February 11, 2017

The phone talk held by Chinese President Xi Jinping with his U.S. counterpart Donald Trump is a good first step in fostering the China-U.S. dialogue and provides a platform for further cooperation, U.S. experts said Friday.

"The phone call was a good first step...for fostering dialogue between Presidents Trump and Xi," Dan Mahaffee, an analyst at the Center for the Study of Congress and the Presidency, told Xinhua in an interview.

Trump and Xi held a lengthy and "extremely cordial" phone conversation Thursday night on numerous topics, during which they agreed that the two sides will engage in discussions on various issues of mutual interest.

"The fact that it was cordial, and the discussion' s tenor reflects that both leaders understand that while differences remain, they need to be addressed through dialogue and diplomacy," Mahaffee said.

Douglas Paal, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International peace, told Xinhua that the call "was very important to provide a foundation of stability in the U.S.-China relations as well as a platform for further wide-ranging cooperation and the management of emerging tensions."

The call was the first between the leaders of the top two economies in the world since Trump's inauguration in late January. Before Thursday, Trump had already talked on the phone with about 20 foreign leaders except Xi, fueling concerns that the absence of contact between the two leaders could lead to renewed tensions in the China-U.S. ties.

The Xi-Trump phone conversation was important to break the ice in the China-U.S. ties, Darrell West, vice president and director of Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution, told Xinhua in an interview.

"The call helped to open the door on high-level consultation, which is good for both countries," West said.

"It is important that China and the U.S. remain in close contact. They are the two leading nations in the world and it is crucial that there are open communications so there are no misunderstandings or (something) that could spiral out of control," he added.

The experts agreed that Trump's affirmation of the one-China policy, the bedrock of the China-U.S. ties, paved the way for the phone call, which probably came after Trump and advisers concluded that the costs of not doing so could bring greater costs than benefits.

Trump had previously aggravated China by taking a call from Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen after winning the U.S. presidency last November and telling the U.S. media in December that the one-China policy was open for negotiation.

"The fact that Trump now embraces the one-China policy will allow the relationship to unfold more naturally," West said, citing that resolving the issue was a prerequisite for addressing every other issue.

If Trump continues to question the one China policy, there would be no basis for President Xi to interact with him, said Paal, a former director of the American Institute in Taiwan.

Bonnie Glaser, a China expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told Xinhua that Trump probably was convinced by his top aides that it was necessary to make the one-China statement "in order to move forward with the U.S.-China relationship in other areas."

"The costs of not adhering to the one China policy were very high," Glaser said, though adding that this should not be seen as Trump making a concession.

Media reports revealed that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had said in written answers to questions after his Senate nomination hearing that the U.S. should adhere to the one-China policy.

As China and the U.S. start negotiations to address their frictions and advance cooperation on various issues of mutual interest, there is a broad range of issues that demand early attention, the experts said.

They include the nuclear program of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, U.S. trade deficit with China, mutual investments and boosting American exports, Paal said.

Mahaffee said at the top of the agenda of the China-U.S. talks should be the issues of maritime disputes in the South and East China Seas, cyber security, as well as trade, investment and currency.

"I think there can be discussions aimed at avoiding miscalculation between the nations in the sea, air, space and cyber domains, and I also think that agreements on trade and investment could be reached that would make it easier for companies from either country to invest in the other," he said.
Trump being a Middle Eastern president is good news for East Asia. This may give China another strategic window like GWB era did.

However, this means a further bloodshed in the ME .

Trump is perhaps looking for a victory. Victory against Iran or Islamic State is more likely than victory in East Asia.

In the end, he is an extremely selfish person. He will care about his own legacy the most.

Trump is the clinical definition of a sociopath.

Which is not necessarily a bad thing.

"The costs of not adhering to the one China policy were very high," Glaser said, though adding that this should not be seen as Trump making a concession.

Glaser is right, it's not a concession on Trump's part. But rather a complete kowtowing to Chinese interests, something Trump promised he would never do. :lol:
Trump is the clinical definition of a sociopath.

Which is not necessarily a bad thing.

They say that, in dealing with a sociopath, do not try to reform them or give them more chances. This will make him worse.

Glaser is right, it's not a concession on Trump's part. But rather a complete kowtowing to Chinese interests, something Trump promised he would never do. :lol:

I think it is not a concession, indeed. It is recognizing a historical-scientific reality.

Hopefully, this will help mend the bruised ego.
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