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Workmanship on HAL Tejas Still Poor


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
These latest image taken recently at Dubai Air Show indicate that the workmanship and finishing on Indian HAL Tejas Fighter aircraft still remains very average. Remember this was the show piece aircraft on static display which any potential customer would have looked at closely.
Credit : Rana Suhaib.

Got an American powerplant, which is important for safety. Rough appearance is acceptable.
No wonder not a single country buying the 'cut cornered' Tejas...

Don't know it is due to the fact that in India the 'reserved' gets the perks and jobs and not deserved...talking about the 50% or more quotas for the lower castes. Insane anomaly...
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I would agree - the manufacturing is very poor - esp when you consider how long HAL has been making jets and the exposure they have to western manufacturing tools and tech transfer that PAC can only dream of..

No wonder the French did not want to be liable for the workmanship of Indians in the local manufacture of the Rafale in India.
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This was the finishing on an earlier model and the bottom picture Taken recently shows the gun port and surrounding are still like patch work.

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These are damning close up pics...there were news that a Pakistani group from PAF were in Dubai and meeting the Indians there...and the Indian media was happily reporting about it and bragging as usual.


That heartburn is showing here!!!
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Their panels are not interchangeable between aircrafts so much for standardization of work and quality control
Just look how long it took to develop the Tejas. It also shows how bad India's defense PSUs are performing. Pakistan not only incorporated the JF-17s but are exporting the aircraft while the Tejas still flounder.
Probably just a rush job so they have something to show at the airshow, because that looks like it would crumble under extreme conditions.
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