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IAF to buy 14 Tejas squadrons

Was it Shukla that wrote the Business standard article? Because I keep confusing it with the article by rajat Pandit in ToI. In either case, it would have behoved the IAF or MoD to issue a statement rather than the Russians as it is a local report by a local journalist.

Sadly yes:

Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions | Page 120

If IAF / MoD would respond to any sensational report in the Indian media, they would have to delay things even more and if the Russians respond or not is up to them, but MoD surely made it clear to them behind the scenes, that this had nothing to do with them. Also since most of the alledged issues, were already dealt some time ago (engine decision for FGFA for example), there was no issue between the officials anyway.
Whenever Shukla reports in his blog, or for Business Standard something about IAF, you can be 90% sure that the report is BS. The only good thing is, that he sometimes have some interviews or officials that talked to him and therefor could be taken as a reference. However, he is obviously biased to the US and very clueless about IAF matters in general.
HAL needs to buck up their ideas 12-14 LCAs/annum is NOT good enough, whichever way you cut it-even if the IAF only ever orders 6 SQDs and the IN 2-3, 12-14 LCAs a year is going to mean deliveries until the mid 2020s- pathetic.
With India ever locked in an arms race with China and Pakistan, IAF needs to spend 50 to 100 billion USD over the next decade. FGFA goes up against J-20 and possibly J-31. Rafale goes up against J-10B. Tejas goes up against JF-17. IAF needs at least 500 new fighters over the next decade, and pronto! :bounce:
Hmmmm.. Good story with typical Shukla touch..

Govt. wants IAF to buy so many Tejas but how will HAL produce it..? For 300 Tejas, they need to ramp up production to 20-25 per year which seems almost impossible.
we can do that if govt gives TOT to one our private sector company(mahindra,tata,reliance) to manufacture Tejas along with HAL...15+15 each, job done right??:coffee:
Broadsword: IAF will buy 14 Tejas squadrons, lowering costs

But where does the money come from?

If India prints double the number of Rupees, but production/output stays the same, the value of the Rupee will fall in half... and they will be in exactly the same place as before.

The real measure of an economy is production/output in terms of goods and services.

Only America can afford to print currency all the time, because the USD is the world's reserve currency. Other countries are not so lucky.

That boy has no knwoledge of economics.
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India’s own fighter, the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), is playing a growing role in protecting Indian airspace. On December 20, when the Tejas was cleared for operational service in the Indian Air Force (IAF), Defence Minister A K Antony declared that 200 Tejas fighters would eventually enter combat service. Today, that figure quietly swelled to well above 300, with the government indicating that the IAF would have at least 14 Tejas squadrons.

Each IAF combat squadron has 21 fighter aircraft; 14 squadrons add up to 294 Tejas fighters. The 21 fighters include 16 frontline, single-seat fighters, 2 twin-seat trainers and 3 reserve aircraft to make up losses in war.

In a written statement tabled in the Lok Sabha today, Antony’s deputy Jitendra Singh stated, “The MiG-21 and MiG-27 aircrafts of the IAF have already been upgraded and currently equip 14 combat squadrons. These aircraft, however, are planned for being phased out over the next few years and will be replaced by the LCA.”

So far, the IAF has committed to inducting just 6 Tejas squadrons --- 2 squadrons of the current Tejas Mark I, and 4 squadrons of the improved Tejas Mark II. In addition, the navy plans to buy some 40-50 Tejas for its future aircraft carriers.

Since the Tejas programme began in 1985, about Rs 7,000 crore have been spent on the Tejas Mark I, which obtained Initial Operational Clearance in December, allowing regular IAF pilots to fly it. By the end of this year, when it obtains Final Operational Clearance, it would have consumed a budget of Rs 7,965 crore.

An additional Rs 2,432 crore has been allocated for the Tejas Mark II, which takes the total development cost of the IAF variant to Rs 10,397 crore.

Separately, Rs 3,650 crore were sanctioned for developing the naval Tejas, which is ongoing. That means the Aeronautical Development Agency will spend Rs 14,047 crore on the entire Tejas programme, including the IAF, naval and trainer variants.

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, which manufactures the Tejas, has quoted Rs 162 crore per fighter as its latest price. Amortising the entire development cost on the envisioned 344 fighters (IAF: 294; Navy: 50), the Tejas would cost Rs 209 crore ($33.5 million) per fighter.

In comparison, the IAF’s Mirage 2000 fighters, which were bought in the 1980s, are currently being upgraded for $45 million per aircraft. IAF pilots that test-fly the Tejas Mark I find it qualitatively superior to the Mirage 2000.

The heavier Sukhoi-30MKI costs more than Rs 400 crore ($65 million) each. And the Rafale, which is currently being negotiated with Dassault, is pegged at Rs 750-850 crore ($120-140 million) per fighter.

Aerospace expert and historian, Pushpindar Singh, points out that ordering more Tejas would bring down the price further, making it enormously attractive for air forces across the world that are replacing some 3,500 MiG-21, Mirage-III, early model F-16 and F-5 fighters that are completing their service lives.

“With these air forces facing severe budget pressures, the Tejas has only one rival in this market --- the JF-17 Thunder, being built by China in partnership with Pakistan. They are marketing the JF-17 aggressively in every global air show, but India is completely ignoring the Tejas’ potential,” notes Singh.
IAF to buy 14 Tejas squadrons | Business Standard
so it seems that the I.A.F. is finally interested in acquiring a large no. of L.C.A. to replace our aging Mig-21 and Mig-27 squadrons:victory::partay:
right step by air force and upa government
GDP depends on how much money government decides to print. Per capita GDP of India or Pakistan can be as high as that of Taiwan if the governments of India and Pakistan decide so. :p:

Your knowledge on economics is truly frightening ....
Actually, Tejas development started in 1984, not 1985. Furthermore, you think Americans would let India export Tejas and compete with F-16? The US can block F404 engines sale to India.

As a matter of fact the first ever fund allocation made in the LCA project in its history was the year 1993 before that it was just a project on paper only - the reason why DRDO claims it to have been developed in 2 decades time :coffee:
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