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an internal war will bring down MQM sooner or later, it's only a matter of time

those who have "betrayed" or gone against MQM had to go into hiding - or (if they didnt run away from Pakistan like the leader did) they would be assassinated for sure without a shadow of a doubt

it's obvious that the murder of Dr. Farooq was on the orders of MQM leadership.....anyone who thinks otherwise is so naiive

it really amazes me one simple and basic aspect of all of this......the leader is a non-Pakistani citizen and he delivers his speeches from thousands of kilometers away in London....and he still has such a following among some people. They talk about anti-feudal/slavery mindset but what is MQM? It's a mafia itself; they may not be religious extremists but they certainly are zealots who have no hesistation murdering people who dont adhere to their ideology; those who dont pay "protection money" (which they call "taxes!")
I agree with you.....actually there are various kind of bigots and short-minded people who may not be necessarily hateful for other ethnicities.......some educated people of Peshawar valley look down upon tribals of FATA as khar-dimagh jahils while some tribals of mountains look down upon pashtuns of plain and settled areas and consider them meek..........
Some tribes like khattaks are labeled beghairat and kamasal, some tribes like mehsuds and waziris are hated for their violence and badmashi.......some tribes like shinwaris and swatis are given "peghor" of selling daughters for cash.....

Ameer Hamza Shinwari apnii jaaaan haiiin ! :)
Good that you brought it up heard it several times from i dont know if to call people like you ignorant , un informed or plain fools who do not know a thing about any thing ... Betay check and let me know how many ethnicities live in punjab you wont find any large communities of pushtoons , balochs etc .. i hope you look a bit deeper into this and hope this help you realise that punjabis never let any other ethinic community form large groups as they knew they will have a law and order situation. We in khi have given every one space to live there are thriving communities of every sect, race & religion in karachi last thing we need is a lecture from people like you who live in denial or are simply unaware of facts and lack basic logic!!

there are more Baloch in Punjab than in Balochistan to begin with, and how Karachi filtered out Sindhis from Karachi and Hyderabad is no mystery either..

and when you dont know about history of Punjab, better not talk about it, especially when you are spreading false hatred base shameful agenda !

Yes you do. Not saying all of Peshawar or all Pathans are racist. However, there are characters present here and there. This gentleman was supposedly a very senior teacher and taught Islamiyat at the university in Industrial estate. He starts of his lecture on the concept of Battle , Badr and how Islamic equality and morality is a shining beacon. Then talks about Pakistan, Jinnah .. then goes on to brand Mohajir qaum as Khabees, Kameenay, Kuttay and Yahudi in front of a class of some 35 mixed sex students. Great lesson that... This was.. September or November 2007.

lol.... you can clearly see he was abusing the community out of hatred...and in those abuses he added yahudi (in his ugly mind he equated it with an abuse)...

and you are systematically generalizing it towards the Pashtuns, which awfully wrong.
@Pak-one - Wrror, what is the best place in Namak Mandi for Barbequed Lamb ? :what:

Inshallah I plan on visiting in a week's time ! :)
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Just a reminder to all of you, you all speak English, you all are Educated, just in case you have forgotten !!

i was talking about after partition muhajirs came to punjab and not talikng about pathans and balochs

and on the point that space is given to everyone in karachi is a joke

11000 killed in 5 years target killing and bhata khori

ANP,MQM and PPP realize to dial down press conferences against each other only few months before general elections

everyone knows triple target killer parties now so please don't give further "space" to each other

The mohajirs were not in majority and do not form a large population , most stayed back thus they were no threat to the punjabis i am refering to the pushtuns and the balochis .. think about it why there arent any sizebale communities of the same ??

Lastly about the press confrences you are refering to i think you forgot to see what they said in the end dozen other confrences identified the enemy and said it was the third hand all along behind the unrest , my advice will be for you is to stop watching what you like to see , instead watch every thing and than give an opinion.

A sizeable community has been living in khi out of the 11000 killed what proportion are urdu speakers do you know ? i believe you do thus why may be you are coming up with these comments knowing khi i can say almost 70-80% killed are urdu speaking !!
This is an interesting aspect of South Asian political parties. Where the man makes the party and not the party ideals. Perhaps due to the fact that many of the founders are still alive and their own personal policies come into play. Be it PML(N), PTI or MQM. Even with the two dynasties in South Asia.. namely PPP and Congress the party's main feature comes down to the Bhutto and Gandhi clans. If you take them out of the picture, will those parties still be as united or successful? Perhaps then, there is chance for the MQM to break through these shackles of singular personality and define itself. Perhaps its time that Pakistanis break away from party songs with "Quaid-e-Awam Altaf Bhai" , "Khadim-e-Ala" and "Imran Khan" and stick to only MQM, PML(N) and PTI. Not only will that strenghten party structure, it will also ensure a continuity of policies regardless of personality groups within. However, what I state is a very tall order(of the magnitude of K-2 with similar hazards in climbing it)for Pakistanis.

with so many martial law periods and lack of local leadership to come on top it was difficult but having said that now is the time i agree with you.
there are more Baloch in Punjab than in Balochistan to begin with, and how Karachi filtered out Sindhis from Karachi and Hyderabad is no mystery either..
and when you dont know about history of Punjab, better not talk about it, especially when you are spreading false hatred base shameful agenda !

Oh really please refer me where in any of Punjab's urban areas are any sizable settlements of Baluchis or pashtuns esp in the capital which is lahore !!?? Shall i also remind you about the IDP fiasco when pushtuns were not allowed into punjabs city ... It was sindh who settled them as for your sindhi filtration please mention again what are you talking about i have heard some weird stupid propaganda , curious to know more about the new one.
The mohajirs were not in majority and do not form a large population , most stayed back thus they were no threat to the punjabis i am refering to the pushtuns and the balochis .. think about it why there arent any sizebale communities of the same ??

Lastly about the press confrences you are refering to i think you forgot to see what they said in the end dozen other confrences identified the enemy and said it was the third hand all along behind the unrest , my advice will be for you is to stop watching what you like to see , instead watch every thing and than give an opinion.

A sizeable community has been living in khi out of the 11000 killed what proportion are urdu speakers do you know ? i believe you do thus why may be you are coming up with these comments knowing khi i can say almost 70-80% killed are urdu speaking !!

oo please dont lie too much Khuda ka nam lo aur kuch khyal karo

was the invisible hand stopping ANP+PPP+MQM to conduct operation against the "third force" to eliminate them

ANP+PPP+MQM was jumping up and down and up and down for army action in kpk against TTP

and they did not conduct operation against "Third force"(the invisible one) by Army or by rangers or by police

simply because jab chor tum khod ho tu apnay par operation karwanay say rahay

and The "third hand" also convinced court that Political parties in Karachi had armed wing target killers and bhata kohors

and agencies saying there are more arms in karachi than Waziristan

and did the third hand stop target killing for few days or dial it down when joker like Rehman Malik visited karachi to appease all parties on behalf of Zardari

our public have short memories but not that short that ANP+PPP+MQM stop press conferences for few months before elections and play innocent and bechara card
there are few reasons for MQM not going national

1) very bad PR after 12th may, sheikh rasheed also pointed that out and said that before 12th may, many feudals were willings to join MQM because of good work by mustafa kamal, in order to win elections you need feudal support and MQM doesnt get feudal support because of their stance

2) in punjab and KPK they hate MQM infact i have even heard punjabis saying mohajirs are indians, so no surprises there, in KPK they call us jews

after reading this i strongly recommend @ADMINs to install a dislike button too.
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it really amazes me one simple and basic aspect of all of this......the leader is a non-Pakistani citizen and he delivers his speeches from thousands of kilometers away in London....and he still has such a following among some people. They talk about anti-feudal/slavery mindset but what is MQM? It's a mafia itself; they may not be religious extremists but they certainly are zealots who have no hesistation murdering people who dont adhere to their ideology; those who dont pay "protection money" (which they call "taxes!")

Wont bother commenting on the first few lines usual blabering could be your asumptions only time will tell. However i will come to the last para straight.
What amazes you is common sense if one is in the shoes of a karachiete MQM is fighting what were the state strategic assets at one point its the case since last 30 years , they are fighting the monster which started to bite its vary creator now
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