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Woolwich: Man Charged Over Facebook Comments


Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
A man has been charged with making malicious comments on Facebook following the murder of soldier Lee Rigby.

Benjamin Flatters, of Lincoln, was arrested after police received complaints about allegedly racist or anti-religious messages.

The 22-year-old was charged with an offence of malicious communications and remanded in custody. He is due before magistrates in Lincoln on Saturday.

The comments were allegedly made after 25-year-old Drummer Rigby was brutally murdered in a terrorist attack in Woolwich .

The father-of-one had fought in Afghanistan with the 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

Meanwhile, two men from Bristol have been been arrested after making alleged offensive comments on Twitter following Drummer Rigby's death.

Yahoo! News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines

First i was scared that they may have arrested the likes of Anjem Choudary for hate speech,but no,rest assure he still has the right to "free speech",aparently it's some random white guys who are unhappy about the fact that they might be butchered on their own streets.Justice is served.

Stay classy Great Britain.:cheers:
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