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Woolwich murder sparks anti-Muslim backlash

What did they expect? Great, maybe this gets their house in order. They are UK citizens, not our problem or that of PDF. Let's move on.
That incident in lahore was planned by some land grabbers and here are the details..It had nothing to do with religion
PAKISTAN: Christian houses were burned with connivance between the government of Punjab and land grabbers

I'm sorry to see that they used those poor guys as scapegoats ,hope that the goverment will protect them as they did in the case of that poor girl with down syndrome.In my opinion it was religious because their own religion was used as a tool against them but that's off topic.

Well, one hopes things don't reach that level.

One can never be sure. I have seen very angry people on the net, the anger can translate in the streets at some point if not addressed.

I have seen the general mood to but i hope and i strongly believe that thinghs won't lead to a violent showdown.More people will probably vote UKIP as no sane person can rally behind illiterate idiots like the EDL.
I dont understand this guy, UK is not his mother country, he got an opportunity to stay here why he is so angry.
So, within a week after me posting a message to alQuada and offshoots how Allah might disagree with the tactic of shedding the blood of the innocent and un-influential, with a result of only gaining more misery for the people the terrorists claim to protect, we have 2 attacks, with knives, on soldiers. One in the UK, one in France. Both nations that have gotten more actively involved in the war on terror recently.

Apparently you of alQuada want to continue violent resistance. But did you ever hear of the Geneva Convention, and how adhering to that convention is considered honerable and wise? Cutting off the head of a still (partially) living soldier that you sucker-punch with knives, that comes across as very UN-civilized, alQuada.

Might I suggest a strategy of abductions where you treat your prisoners much better than the CIA did before 2009 in their torture chambers? It means you NEVER cut off their heads, and certainly not while they're still alive. Let go of that ancient practice that is now considered VERY dishonerable. We in the west adhere to 'no cruel punishment'. If you want our respect, if you want us to take your demands seriously further down the road, then you need to treat our men and women that fall into your hands according to the Geneva Convention. That way, you not only gain real bargaining chips (see what the Palestinians got for Gilad), you also re-gain some of the moral highground that you lost with these latest attacks, and with that you'd get more support from white westerners. People who MIGHT be able to influence our governments to stay off your sandland turfs. But you'd still have to relinguish terrorism. Now, the real questions are: can you (a) direct your warriors to a more useful strategy, and (b) pull of several abductions of military personell (higher ranked = better) and (c) keep those abductees safe, hidden and fed, for a prolonged period of time. By treating them better you can have your abductees make videos where they admit to suffering they've ACTUALLY comitted against muslims. (don't ever lie to your enemies, alQuada; increases your perceived honorability level, affects how much moral highground you hold, and there can be no mutual respect (needed for peace agreements) without truth!)

Hint: abduct the mercenaries of the west, active in sandlands. They seem to be the most morally corrupt, and their confessions would be a major headache to Obama. But... Does Obama deserve that, with his work on retreats from Afghanistan and Iraq? Nope.

AlQuada, this the ONLY military strategy I can THINK OF that would help you. READ THE F-ING GENEVA CONVENTION, pretty please. Then adhere to it.

Saudi's: plz start up an Arab movie industry. It would help all Arabs and gain you their respect.
It is Muslims that created this atmosphere, and it is Muslims that are to be blamed.

You leave your own land...come to a foreign land...don't adopt the host culture...rape their girls...convert their girls to Islam...think that just because you are Muslim, whites will not have the guts to confront you....use terror...ask for Sharia...every where Muslims have got it wrong.

I expect tough time ahead for Muslims in Europe.

Do they actually do that?
Like focus on white women to convert them?
Do they actually do that?
Like focus on white women to convert them?

Yes, they do, and they do it very publicly Muslims feel that they are barbaric, hence everyone fear them, and cannot stop them from doing what they want. Most of them flea their home countries to avoid persecuted by their own 'Muslim brothers', but when they come here they do the same to other people. Muslims are 3% of UK population, but they are making noise as if they are already 50%. They are mistaking the democracy of the host country as whites people weakness and Muslim's barbarism, but lest they don't realize that tolerance has limits.

Read more: Schoolgirl who converted to Islam 'ran away from home after getting married over the phone to older man she had never met' | Mail Online

A schoolgirl who secretly converted to Islam left home to live with an older man after being forced to marry him over the phone, it was claimed today. The 15-year-old, whose British father is a Christian, is set to give evidence against seven men arrested in Mulhouse, eastern France.

All are accused of removing a child from her parents' care while running a sinister online dating site for Muslim converts.
After being introduced to young girls on the internet, men who subscribed to the site were allowed to wed them over the phone.

In the case of the teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, she completed her marriage vows and then immediately left home to live with him. Detectives believe she was forced to convert to Islam in secret, along with three female friends aged 17, 18 and 19.

The girl's father informed local prosecutor Herve Robin after his daughter started wearing a burka and expressing 'extreme Islamist views', according to prosecutors. 'She had converted without her parents' knowledge after browsing social network sites on the internet,' said a source close to the case. 'Her father, who is British, was deeply shocked when he found out what had happened.' Mr Robin confirmed that the schoolgirl was forced to marry the unnamed Muslim man, who is 28, 'over the phone'.

It was on May 6 that the girl's father first called police to tell them that his daughter had run away. Using a signal from the 28-year-old man's mobile phone, police were able to trace him to an address in Valence, some 300 miles from the girl's home in Mulhouse. When police raided the property they found the man living with his new teenage 'wife'. She told investigating officers that it was her second 'marriage' on the site, and that her 'first husband' had denounced and rejected her.

The girl is now back in the care of her parents, while assisting police and prosecutors with their enquiries. Her convert 'husband' has, meanwhile, been remanded in custody, along with four of the seven other suspects who all face prison sentences if found guilty.

Redad Rabih, a spokesman for the Muslim regional council in Mulhouse, said: 'Islam and the Muslim community had nothing to do with these despicable practices.' He added that such internet sites, together with the abuse of young girls, made a 'mockery' of Islam.

Read more: Schoolgirl who converted to Islam 'ran away from home after getting married over the phone to older man she had never met' | Mail Online
Saudi's: plz start up an Arab movie industry. It would help all Arabs and gain you their respect.

Actually they have one,they recently produced a tv show,"Omar" of which I watched a few episodes,at the cost of about 40 million euros.It glorifies the islamic conquest ofcourse.Imagine if the west produced a movie depicting and glorifying the first crusade,you'll never hear the end of "racists" and "murderers".:undecided:
the islamophobia in europe is increasing day by day..they should avoid these actions..coz ultimately,they have to pay the price in the form of these backlash..
There has been a huge increase in anti-Muslim incidents since the murder of a British soldier in Woolwich, an inter-faith charity has said.

You are the second or third Indian to post this news. You guys always forget to add the :) with the post.

That's OK. We all know it's understood.

Like focus on white women to convert them?

If the selection pool is predominantly white, then the sample will also be predominantly white.

That's statistics 101. Time to go back to school.

100,000 teenagers run away in Britain every year. I expect the numbers would be similar for France.

Oh, but here she ran away with a Muslim man, so it becomes a Muslim issue and the tabloids and bigots have a field day.

And before you blabber on about "she converted to Islam", you need to learn more about sexual predators in general. They will use all the gimmicks to fool their victims.

The purpose of this site is not to convert people, it is purely a predatory site -- like a zillion others on the net.

But of course, facts are irrelevant to tub thumpers.

Actually they have one,they recently produced a tv show,"Omar" of which I watched a few episodes,at the cost of about 40 million euros.It glorifies the islamic conquest ofcourse.Imagine if the west produced a movie depicting and glorifying the first crusade,you'll never hear the end of "racists" and "murderers".:undecided:

Hollywood makes a zillion movies glorifying various American wars. Ditto for most countries.
You are the second or third Indian to post this news. You guys always forget to add the :) with the post.

That's OK. We all know it's understood.

If the selection pool is predominantly white, then the sample will also be predominantly white.

That's statistics 101. Time to go back to school.

100,000 teenagers run away in Britain every year. I expect the numbers would be similar for France.

Oh, but here she ran away with a Muslim man, so it becomes a Muslim issue and the tabloids and bigots have a field day.

And before you blabber on about "she converted to Islam", you need to learn more about sexual predators in general. They will use all the gimmicks to fool their victims.

The purpose of this site is not to convert people, it is purely a predatory site -- like a zillion others on the net.

But of course, facts are irrelevant to tub thumpers.

Hollywood makes a zillion movies glorifying various American wars. Ditto for most countries.

One thing for sure is that you people know how to justify your actions. But alas your justification don't stand scrutiny.

You are ask me why make this a Muslim issue? Well you know the answer. Anyway,unlike others, most terror attacks or other heinous acts that Muslims commits are in name Islam or spread of it.

As for me being Indian. I am proud of that and my up bringing. Do you know that I didn't know that there was some religion called Islam until I was 16-17, in spite me having Muslim friends since a child. Do you know that in spite of my family being brahmin and very religious, we have the same regards for Allah, Jesus and Ram. Can you say the same for yourself ? Do Muslims have the same regards for Jesus and Ram as Allah.

The time till Muslims learn to respect Jesus and Ram as they do to Allah, Islamophobia would flourish. Learning to respect others doesn't harm.
Well UK has been too lenient with Islamists in the past, let's hope they have learned their lessons and now they put religious nutcases to the place where they belong i.e. behind bars

ps: I hope India follows the suit

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