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Woolwich murder sparks anti-Muslim backlash

There wasn't any EDL or neo Nazi organisation after the September 11 and other terror bombings. I don't understand why they would plan to cause problems with the UK Muslims now and not before?

Anyway, this will not stop immigration or anything. Islam will continue to rise.
Honestly , England needs an anti extremist muslim backlash. It is long overdue.

Although, unfortunately innocent muslims may have to bear the brunt of it.

There wasn't any EDL or neo Nazi organisation after the September 11 and other terror bombings. I don't understand why they would plan to cause problems with the UK Muslims now and not before?

Anyway, this will not stop immigration or anything. Islam will continue to rise.

Statements of these kind cause Islamophobia.

What is the idea of "rise of islam" ? Higher immigration and high birth rates ?
One thing for sure is that you people know how to justify your actions. But alas your justification don't stand scrutiny.

Who's justifying anything?

You are ask me why make this a Muslim issue? Well you know the answer. Anyway,unlike others, most terror attacks or other heinous acts that Muslims commits are in name Islam or spread of it.

When you get called out for your intellectual dishonesty, you try to run away.

You posted that article about a teen runaway -- one out of 100,000 in Britain alone -- as some sort of evidence that there is a vast Muslim conspiracy against white women. When your load of twaddle was exposed for what it is, you start shifting around.

As for me being Indian. I am proud of that and my up bringing.

What matters is your actions, not your claims. If you promote misleading tabloid propaganda, then be prepared to either justify it or disavow it.

The time till Muslims learn to respect Jesus and Ram as they do to Allah, Islamophobia would flourish. Learning to respect others doesn't harm.

Not interested in getting into a mud slinging match about religions. Your actions contradict your claims.
I live in an all white area...
I had no problems i couldnt handle...
We are partially at fault,as we dont encourage discussion..
Atleast two people have approached me since this incident and discussed with me the in detail...one was a total stranger..but since i am the only one in the area who walks around with 'shalwar qamees' everybody knows i am a Pakistani muslim...
I am always open to discussion ,and that always helps in clearing peoples minds....

Save for the druggies and teenagers who have no brain.
Who's justifying anything?

When you get called out for your intellectual dishonesty, you try to run away.

You posted that article about a teen runaway -- one out of 100,000 in Britain alone -- as some sort of evidence that there is a vast Muslim conspiracy against white women. When your load of twaddle was exposed for what it is, you start shifting around.

What matters is your actions, not your claims. If you promote misleading tabloid propaganda, then be prepared to either justify it or disavow it.

Not interested in getting into a mud slinging match about religions. Your actions contradict your claims.

My actions doesn't contradict my claims. So I would like to go into it.

As for your claims that Muslims don't mud slinging and are innocent, why do you think that Islamophobia is one rise then?
Honestly , England needs an anti extremist muslim backlash. It is long overdue.
Although, unfortunately innocent muslims may have to bear the brunt of it.
Statements of these kind cause Islamophobia.What is the idea of "rise of islam" ? Higher immigration and high birth rates ?
I think this organisation is referring this to all Muslims living in the UK. A Muslim is a Muslim, an Islamophobe is an anti Islam. It's not possible to identify an extremist but those who were seen in the media should be held accountable. I am not being racist but in my opinion Anjem Choudary should be deported for causing difficulties for UK Muslims. For example, he is often appeared in the popular media and usually talks about Jihad and crossed a line on Christians. This is wrong and embarassing. Also, when Muslims protest in the UK, they are mostly Pakistanis who used awkward slogans and when it has nothing to do with England, this will cause difficulties for other Muslims too because this isn't a Muslim majority country. This will create fear among other faith.

What I meant by Islam will still rise is the continous high birth rates, immigration and converts. The Western civilians are trying their best to convince their government to stop immigration but it won't work because of the converts and birth rates.

This is democracy. Anyone can do what they so I doubt it'll bother the government.
My actions doesn't contradict my claims. So I would like to go into it.

By promoting misleading tabloid journalism, you are contradicting your claims.

As for your claims that Muslims don't mud slinging and are innocent, why do you think that Islamophobia is one rise then?

I never said Muslims don't mud sling; I said I am not interested in that.

There are over a billion Muslims, you will find every kind of person in that group.
history will prove time and again that those who mistake others tolerance to weakness, would ultimately have to suffer for their misconceptions.........:sniper:
The time till Muslims learn to respect Jesus and Ram as they do to Allah, Islamophobia would flourish. Learning to respect others doesn't harm.

This post of yours shows your primary source of knowledge about Islams is probably Islamophobic websites

In fact one the biggest mockers of Jesus AS are the western people themselves
There were already six anti-Muslim incidents every day in Britain, even before the Woolwich atttack?

Now it has gone up to 162 in only a few days?

That depends on what they call an anti-muslim incident. Considering a person was arrested for making "anti religious" comments on Facebook (against Islam), it seems six is nothing and 162 is very little, I am sure that on this forum alone you could fine many many more incidents which would qualify, and Britain is a nation of tens of millions. Now if this was physical assaults I would agree.

Honestly , England needs an anti extremist muslim backlash.

Certainly not a violent one.

This is democracy. Anyone can do what they so I doubt it'll bother the government.

You mistake democracy for liberalism.

What I meant by Islam will still rise is the continous high birth rates, immigration and converts. The Western civilians are trying their best to convince their government to stop immigration but it won't work because of the converts and birth rates.

The problem is that the culture of many immigrants is non democratic non liberal. I can see how the white majority might have a problem with these people becoming the majority. To believe that a even facing a threat to the western way of life they would just tug their shoulders and say "oh well what can we do we are liberals..." is not realistic.

Nearly two-thirds of people believe there will be a 'clash of civilisations' between British Muslims and white Britons in the wake of the murder of a British soldier in Woolwich, a new poll shows.

The number of those who believe such a clash is inevitable has increased by 9% from last year.

There has also been a small increase in the proportion of people who believe British Muslims pose a serious threat to democracy, up to 34% on Thursday and Friday from 30% in November 2012, according to the YouGov survey of 1,839 adults.

Poll reveals rising fears of clashes in wake of Woolwich killing | UK news | guardian.co.uk

Across Europe an increasing numbers of people and leaders admit that multiculturalism has failed.


You mistake the intentions of Al Queda, it is not to drive the westerners from "Muslim land" but to put the world under Sharia.
BTW, they consider any place Islam has set foot as Muslim land. That includes southern Italy, Spain, Malta etc
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A few sissy attacks like breaking windows of a mosque/mandir/gurudwara (they don't know the difference) or groups of whites attacking brown skin folk walking alone, is all they can do.

As proven countless times, when a large group of EDL or white gangs come into contact with Muslim groups, they 5hit their pants. Muslims belief system is much stronger and powerful then EDL ideology or how much a white person loves their country. Every time there has been a large scale confrontation, Muslims have whooped a55, they don't take 5hit from no one. Many a times I have seen EDL sissies being chased by Muslims, but never have I seen Muslims being chased by EDL. Many a times I have seen Muslims beating the 5hit out of EDL but never seen the reverse.

Those of you talking about backlash are chatting out of your ar5e, you ain't got a clue.

You mistake the intentions of Al Queda, it is not to drive the westerners from "Muslim land" but to put the world under Sharia.
BTW, they consider any place Islam has set foot as Muslim land. That includes southern Italy, Spain, Malta etc

When I post messages to "alQuada" or "alQuada+offshoots", I'm trying to deliver a message to several groups at the same time;
{1} muslims (lone wolves, as well as small and larger groups) focussed on striking back at non-muslims in countries where Islam is not the dominant religion (ranging from the Boston bombers to the ones responsible for 9/11/2001)
{2} muslims focussed on driving out foreign troops from countries where Islam has been the dominant religion for centuries
{3} muslims who vocally and/or financially and/or materially support {1} and/or {2}.
{4} muslims who seek to make Sharia law the only law on Earth

with {2}, you can reason. Don't attack us, and we'll retreat and leave you be.
with {1}, you can't reason. as is being proven over the last 2 years.
and {3} I meet right here, feel free to share any of your insights into the war-of-terror mindset.

now, {4} are all clearly meglanomaniacs, and ready for the nut-house, or when caught red-handed with weapons where they should not have weapons, killed or imprisoned.

all you can do is kill members of {1}, without hurting civilians (which gives {1} more fresh recruits and support).
{2} you can "teach a lesson", each time they go {1} on us.

and since my home country has due to imports made by our parents a large muslim presence, most of whom I can say are very decent human beings (I don't mind hearing about Islam so long as it's from a moderate muslim(a)), you could say I'm defending my home country and my own culture's survival here. Thing is, I'm not worried about losing this war. All the muslims that stupidly cling to violence as a tactic (against this foe of theirs), will only prolong their own suffering, and might face some tough questions by Angels at the gates of their heaven. At least, I'll be petitioning God and Allah for this in my prayers.
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Woolwich suspect's friend arrested after appearing on Newsnight | UK news | guardian.co.uk
This interview with the friend of killer clearly indicates the reasons behind that murder which have nothing to do with Islam whatsoever or alqaida or anything as westerners are desperately trying to establish..It was a backfire from their own deeds..
Nusaybah alleged that Adebolajo was arrested while studying in a village in Kenya last year. After refusing to answer questions, Adebolajo was told that he was "not in the UK" and was then sexually assaulted. On his return, "he became more reclined [sic], less talkative. He wasn't his bubbly self," said Nusaybah, who said that the experience further radicalised Adebolajo.

The Guardian has learned that, last year, Adebolajo went to a lawyer to complain of harassment by MI5
A few sissy attacks like breaking windows of a mosque/mandir/gurudwara (they don't know the difference) or groups of whites attacking brown skin folk walking alone, is all they can do.

As proven countless times, when a large group of EDL or white gangs come into contact with Muslim groups, they 5hit their pants. Muslims belief system is much stronger and powerful then EDL ideology or how much a white person loves their country. Every time there has been a large scale confrontation, Muslims have whooped a55, they don't take 5hit from no one. Many a times I have seen EDL sissies being chased by Muslims, but never have I seen Muslims being chased by EDL. Many a times I have seen Muslims beating the 5hit out of EDL but never seen the reverse.

Those of you talking about backlash are chatting out of your ar5e, you ain't got a clue.

You think war is like a soccer match, or some other sporting event. It's not.
People are really fed up with Islamic menace in UK...

The mohammedans in UK create lot of troubles...
They live in ghettos and create no-go areas.
They preach hate in mosques, construct hate preaching mosques and madarassas all over place as clear signal to dominate...
They subjugate their women, force them to wear burqa tent, do honour killings....
They target white girls and sexually assualt and manipulate them
Their holy book clearly forbids them to integrate with non-muslim soceity and encourage them to hate the westen way of life which generously allowed them to stay in their countries...
They bombed trains, plotted biggest carnage in blasting 7 flights..
They openly proclaim they will dominate in UK and want to implement medieval shariah laws...(the barbaric laws which will wipe out all other religious group)
They deliberately have bigger families with more children to out-breed other religions...
The anti-Mohammedan backslash is just expression of public anger over years of Mohammedan atrocities...
Tell me which society people will like this barbaric rowdy people ?
If you point out their mistakes, they will call you as racists, islamophobes and play victim card...Reality is they are biggest bullies, troublemakers..
There is limit to any tolerance...British society is extremely tolerant...But, that is their weakness also....Mohammedans will respect only when they are treated like chinese do to Ughur Mohammedan with Iron hand....Europe should learn from China's way of handling Mohammedan trouble....Forget about human rights, freedom blah blah when your country and its heritage, culture is in danger....

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