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Woolwich attack suspect identified as Michael Adebolajo

its very common among some african cultures to keep changing religion from christianity to islam and back..In the same house you find brothers and sisters following different religions....and mixing matching religions.
I knew a man from congo who knew full salaat and could read Quran but also beleived jesus as son of God and went to church :lol:
So their religios status is as confused as it can get...
i would love to know that how did they gave those guys a green pass...because last time this happened thay had 7/7 at their hands, too much incompetency at there end believe it or not.
who said anything about detaining someone, am just asking did they not keep a close eye on them, as it has been claimed the guy has been a fanatic for last 10 years, so so in all those years MI 5 had not even a single moment where they would have thought ok this guy can not do anything?
what about surveillance, if these guys were under watch than how come response was 20 minutes late? why were they not seen bagging all kinds of knives, why did they not notice them acquiring a firearm....
arre bhai, you can never prevent acts like this, stabbing happens in london all the time. If these guys were plotting something big, that would have triggered some response.
MI 5 is not some super agency, they have finite resource and people in hand. There are loads of fanatics in UK, its very expensive to track them 24/7.
I thought Boko Haram HATES anything to do with the West?

So what is this idiot doing living in Britain and speaking with a full British accent? From the accent he was obviously born and raised in Britain.

Which makes him more "Western" than the vast majority of people on this forum.

Where is the logic?

This guy converted to Islam in britain 10 years ago , nothing wrong with that . Problem was he was hanging with wrong kind of muslims . Just google anjem chowdhary , Al-Muharjiroun, Islam4Uk etc to get a drift of his company .

@Cherokee honestly speaking no idea who they are...too many names to remember...these are not worth my neurons

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...entified-michael-adebolajo.html#ixzz2U7uIxGM6
@Talon , good for you .
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Isn't there a hate speech law telling these delusional folks to simply shutting up, it would be interesting if they ever decided to come down to yank land or Canada for that matter. Small question to Uk resident, is there any kind of military student program that instils discipline in young youth and by extension I am referring to my limited time in London where I saw loads of young folks in street wasting their time, but that was my observation personally.
. .
here... take your time!

Dispatches - Undercover Mosque on Vimeo

btw.. weed is good. If you try some... it may reveal you to yourself!:lol:

Ahh so this is what you watch? @JanjaWeed....

1stly I have never been to Birmingham

2ndly, cut and pasting different speakers together can give you a large permutation of results...If I cut and paste the bible randomly, you can almost view it full of pornography about father in law sleeping with his daughter in law....a man sleeping with 2 of his daughters and many other rubbish...

Same can go for some of the Hindu scriptures mind you....

Khalid Yasin...1 of the preachers they showed in the beginning of the video....He is a good and funny speaker....I have no idea where they cut and pasted part of his speech from...that Abu Usama main Eng preacher (American convert why am I not surprised if he is radical? You on weeds right, so you should have seen CIA written on this 1 :rofl:) ....who was claimed as the "key preacher" in the Birmingham mosque kept saying AL ISLAM...I am yet to hear a speaker call Islam that o.0

If you watch the video properly you see it is cut at places...1 eg. between 3:01 and 3:02 there is a cut...and again at 3:03 and 3:04

Man how did you fall for this crap?! :blink: You 12 yr old?!
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Funny part is Anjem finds him on the "same ideological" wavelength .

but he is "shocked" of what the guy did :omghaha:

also ..."Choudary said he was shocked by the attack, and that he believed Muslims in Britain were covered by a covenant of security, meaning that they should not wage violence here, in return for safety"

translation:"we shouldn't go on a killing rampage here because the non muslims have the numbers and the weapons ,if that wasn't so...":ashamed:...yet the guy is free to spread his venin:hitwall:
Isn't there a hate speech law telling these delusional folks to simply shutting up, it would be interesting if they ever decided to come down to yank land or Canada for that matter. Small question to Uk resident, is there any kind of military student program that instils discipline in young youth and by extension I am referring to my limited time in London where I saw loads of young folks in street wasting their time, but that was my observation personally.
Hate speach laws are there and are implimented.....same about anti racism laws....are there and are implemented.
But it really depends on which area you live and the police force there.
Some police forces are inheritently racist and wont take action against whites but too hard on non whites.
That creates anger among ethnic minorities,specially the youth.
Will you idiots stop crying over a single dead man in Britain? This just goes to show many of you are conditioned to feel more sympathy and hurt when seeing an injured or killed white person than someone of a different race. Had this happened to a Sudanese soldier, Yemeni soldier, Indonesian soldier, Taiwanese soldier, Sri Lankan soldier, Kazakh soldier, or soldiers from x,y,z background you would not be going crazy as you are. Though of course some idiots here are peddling this news story for their own propaganda interest and its always those orange bugs that linger around here, so no surprise there.

As for the death of this British soldier, condolences to him and his family but also condolences to the people of Iraq who which the British army invaded and killed.
Ahh so this is what you watch? @JanjaWeed....

1stly I have never been to Birmingham

2ndly, cut and pasting different speakers together can give you a large permutation of results...If I cut and paste the bible randomly, you can almost view it full of pornography about father in law sleeping with his daughter in law....a man sleeping with 2 of his daughters and many other rubbish...

Same can go for some of the Hindu scriptures mind you....

Khalid Yasin...1 of the preachers they showed in the beginning of the video....He is a good and funny speaker....I have no idea where they cut and pasted part of his speech from...that Abu Usama main Eng preacher (American convert why am I not surprised if he is radical? You on weeds right, so you should have seen CIA written on this 1 :rofl:) ....who was claimed as the "key preacher" in the Birmingham mosque kept saying AL ISLAM...I am yet to hear a speaker call Islam that o.0

If you watch the video properly you see it is cut at places...1 eg. between 3:01 and 3:02 there is a cut...and again at 3:03 and 3:04

Man how did you fall for this crap?! :blink: You 12 yr old?!

i know... it's hard to take it. If you refuse to believe & deny everything blindly.. let's add some smileys & rofl a bit.. & get personal by asking the age.. makes the argument that much cuter!:tup:
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i know... it's hard to take it. If you refuse to believe & deny everything blindly.. let's add some smileys & rofl bit.. & get personal by asking the age.. makes the argument that much cuter!:tup:
@JanjaWeed sarcasm is cute :pop:

Plus You recommended it 4 mins watching and I can tell its crap....No wonder you guys attack Islam...watching such a crappy low budget thing of jigg would make anyone 1 sided!! :blink:
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Hate speach laws are there and are implimented.....same about anti racism laws....are there and are implemented.
But it really depends on which area you live and the police force there.
Some police forces are inheritently racist and wont take action against whites but too hard on non whites.
That creates anger among ethnic minorities,specially the youth.

No my point was youth in London have too much time in their hand yah, put all of these holligans in some boot camp for summers and the results will be astonishing. I personally didn't enjoy my time in Uk especially in manchester, when I was in a mosque for spritual prayer, the guy told me that i have to my hands across the waist as I usually keep em down. I mean does it even matter how you hold your hand for prayer, some of these folks were telling me to fold the bottoms of my pants so that it makes me a better practicing muslim, I think islam is somewhat of a cult inthese mosques. Also in UK, If you ever go there, you will find it interesting that they have businesses on the road side selling goods in presence of cars on the roads with pollution yah, I am telling you if you ever get the chance to travel to UK, avoid some areas because they are damn dead dangerous.
Ahh so this is what you watch? @JanjaWeed....

1stly I have never been to Birmingham

2ndly, cut and pasting different speakers together can give you a large permutation of results...If I cut and paste the bible randomly, you can almost view it full of pornography about father in law sleeping with his daughter in law....a man sleeping with 2 of his daughters and many other rubbish...

Same can go for some of the Hindu scriptures mind you....

Khalid Yasin...1 of the preachers they showed in the beginning of the video....He is a good and funny speaker....I have no idea where they cut and pasted part of his speech from...that Abu Usama main Eng preacher (American convert why am I not surprised if he is radical? You on weeds right, so you should have seen CIA written on this 1 :rofl:) ....who was claimed as the "key preacher" in the Birmingham mosque kept saying AL ISLAM...I am yet to hear a speaker call Islam that o.0

If you watch the video properly you see it is cut at places...1 eg. between 3:01 and 3:02 there is a cut...and again at 3:03 and 3:04

Man how did you fall for this crap?! :blink: You 12 yr old?!

This theory was applied and it was found by court they did nothing wrong . For the matter of fact they received 100000 Pounds as compensation .

The resulting complaints to Ofcom were rejected by Ofcom on 19 November 2007. "Undercover Mosque was a legitimate investigation, uncovering matters of important public interest... On the evidence (including untransmitted footage and scripts), Ofcom found that the broadcaster had accurately represented the material it had gathered and dealt with the subject matter responsibly and in context."[17] Ofcom also did not uphold complaints from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, from the Islamic Cultural Centre, and from the London Central Mosque.[17]

In a move supported by Channel Four, the makers of the documentary then launched a libel action against the CPS and West Midlands Police. In a statement released for Kevin Sutcliffe and programme makers Hardcash Productions said:

"The statements made by both the West Midlands Police and the CPS were completely unfounded and seriously damaging to our reputation. We feel the only way to set the record straight once and for all is to pursue this matter through a libel action."


On 15 May 2008 when the matter came to the High Court, West Midlands Police and the Crown Prosecution Service apologised to the makers of the documentary for accusing them of distortion and agreed to a payment of £100,000. The statement, released to the media by West Midlands Police, after the High Court hearing, said they now accepted there had been no evidence that Channel 4 or the documentary makers had "misled the audience or that the programme was likely to encourage or incite criminal activity".

It added that the Ofcom report showed the documentary had "accurately represented the material it had gathered and dealt with the subject matter responsibly and in context". The police statement concluded: "We accept, without reservation, the conclusions of Ofcom and apologise to the programme makers for the damage and distress caused by our original press release." The same statement was later posted on the Crown Prosecution Service website.
Undercover Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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No my point was youth in London have too much time in their hand yah, put all of these holligans in some boot camp for summers and the results will be astonishing. I personally didn't enjoy my time in Uk especially in manchester, when I was in a mosque for spritual prayer, the guy told me that i have to my hands across the waist as I usually keep em down. I mean does it even matter how you hold your hand for prayer, some of these folks were telling me to fold the bottoms of my pants so that it makes me a better practicing muslim, I think islam is somewhat of a cult inthese mosques.

@liontk they just told you what to do...didnt really attack you...there is a difference is showing/telling you about something better than forcing it down your throats...i.e. like some mad mullahs back in Pakistan do! :blink:

Also in UK, If you ever go there, you will find it interesting that they have businesses on the road side selling goods in presence of cars on the roads with pollution yah, I am telling you if you ever get the chance to travel to UK, avoid some areas because they are damn dead dangerous.

Kid, did you have a chance to see UK? or did you just travel around mini desiland (within UK)...you sound like those goray clean freaks who wont like it in the west but dont mind eating the same paddler's things if they go to Asia!! :rofl:
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Will you idiots stop crying over a single dead man in Britain? This just goes to show many of you are conditioned to feel more sympathy and hurt when seeing an injured or killed white person than someone of a different race. Had this happened to a Sudanese soldier, Yemeni soldier, Indonesian soldier, Taiwanese soldier, Sri Lankan soldier, Kazakh soldier, or soldiers from x,y,z background you would not be going crazy as you are. Though of course some idiots here are peddling this news story for their own propaganda interest and its always those orange bugs that linger around here, so no surprise there.

As for the death of this British soldier, condolences to him and his family but also condolences to the people of Iraq who which the British army invaded and killed.

i lost my cousin as I mentioned a thousand times before, the hate that his familie(some what extended familie) got from local communitie was simply rediculous and for what, serving his nation and the crown with honor. I do not care about the politics of it but if you disagree with the system you change it based on votes not with some barbaric murder in the same of islam, which stands for quite the opposite mon ami ironically. If we the west are so terrible, how come people from different origins continue to flock the western nations in pursuit of Canadien dream or whatever for that reason. I mean the lands they come from do not even really have any core of islam left in them, blowing yourself and killing innocent muslism in street of the port city karachi is simply sad and terrorizing the population is disgusting. Our human right records in the west are not perfect but its a lot better than some third world despot where they do even have value for human life, and they call themselves islamic, lol.
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