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Woolwich attack suspect identified as Michael Adebolajo

Maybe the local mosques can introduce a personality test along with the reading of Islamic verses, for a person to become Muslim.

Will be able to weed out most of the nutters. Don't accept just any ***** who wants to be a Muslim.

You are asking for too much my friend. In some of the mosques sponsored by Saudis... you have preachers from Saudi preaching their hard line version of islam directly to their audience via video link & extremists materials are on sale in their book shop. Unless there is a serious clampdown on these activities... problem will still remain a problem. But if the state tries to take action... then you'l have even moderates crying foul in the name of 'i' phobia.
these two guys were on MI 5 watch list two but they tagged them as "no threat to others" reminds me of our very own ISI :disagree:
Patsy: Was under active FBI scanner, all the way through to the failed attempt. Does it stink? It surely does to me.

Yara, this particular moron was born and raised in the UK. Most probably psychological issues growing up.
look at the video again and see the background. No reaction, all calmed next to the person laying down, not even a scream when man being "beheaded", in a gruesome way and a lady lying next to someone who had his head off? and no blood in this man's shirt or anything on the ground. What kind of killer would show his face? What the hell is this? Sorry I am going to have to agree with 'hoax videos of this. They are very good actors by the way. This is to promote islamophobia, fake Muslims working with British agent to give us hard time. :hitwall:
Thats what I mean, he must have converted at some local Mosque in the UK. All the convert "aspirants" should be made to take a personality test.
have you ever been to a mosque in UK? have you ever been to a mosque anywhere in the world? what makes you say that thiese guys or any other lunatic goon on the street got radicalised from the mosques? if radicalism was started from mosques Americans would have been the first one to demolish them or close them down or atleast take down the imams....i am wait9ing for your answer to my question and than i will comment further on what you have just have CLAIMED
these two guys were on MI 5 watch list two but they tagged them as "no threat to others" reminds me of our very own ISI :disagree:
you cannot detain somebody just on suspicion. Only thing one can do is put them under survellance and hopefully catch them before they do something. In majority of cases, it works.
You are asking for too much my friend. In some of the mosques sponsored by Saudis... you have preachers from Saudi preaching their hard line version of islam directly to their audience via video link & extremists materials are on sale in their book shop. Unless there is a serious clampdown on these activities... problem will still remain a problem. But if the state tries to take action... then you'l have even moderates crying foul in the name of 'i' phobia.
@JanjaWeed you seriously on weed? Or you just having a phobia attack?
Saudis maybe racist but they for sure are not tech smart!

2ndly, I have been to many of the mosques around and about, yet to see 1 you are mentioning (as though you saw it alive....then again if you are on weed you prob did see alot of stuff)

3rdly, no idea about book shops....But then again freedom of speech allows trash to be sold....because west "doesnt believe" in censorship...think its backwards...
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have you ever been to a mosque in UK? have you ever been to a mosque anywhere in the world? what makes you say that thiese guys or any other lunatic goon on the street got radicalised from the mosques? if radicalism was started from mosques Americans would have been the first one to demolish them or close them down or atleast take down the imams....i am wait9ing for your answer to my question and than i will comment further on what you have just have CLAIMED

I did not say he got "radicalized" at a Mosque, I said he must have converted at a Mosque.

look at the video again and see the background. No reaction, all calmed next to the person laying down, not even a scream when man being "beheaded", in a gruesome way and a lady lying next to someone who had his head off? and no blood in this man's shirt or anything on the ground. What kind of killer would show his face? What the hell is this? Sorry I am going to have to agree with 'hoax videos of this. They are very good actors by the way. This is to promote islamophobia, fake Muslims working with British agent to give us hard time. :hitwall:

Off topic, was anjem d*ckhead Chaudhry being watched when he came to Islamabad? He should have been killed the moment he stepped on Pakistani soil and abused father of the nation.
@JanjaWeed you seriously on weed? Or you just having a phobia attack?
Saudis maybe racist but they for sure are not tech smart!

2ndly, I have been to many of the mosques around and about, yet to see 1 you are mentioning (as though you saw it alive....then again if you are on weed you prob did see alot of stuff)

3rdly, no idea about book shops....But then again freedom of speech allows trash to be sold....because west "doesnt believe" in censorship...think its backwards...

here... take your time!

Dispatches - Undercover Mosque on Vimeo

btw.. weed is good. If you try some... it may reveal you to yourself!:lol:
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look at the video again and see the background. No reaction, all calmed next to the person laying down, not even a scream when man being "beheaded", in a gruesome way and a lady lying next to someone who had his head off? and no blood in this man's shirt or anything on the ground. What kind of killer would show his face? What the hell is this? Sorry I am going to have to agree with 'hoax videos of this. They are very good actors by the way. This is to promote islamophobia, fake Muslims working with British agent to give us hard time. :hitwall:

I actually posted something about this problem in another thread:

"No sence in wasting your breath,it's all "western propaganda" ,none of this is true.
I hear the CIA and the Mossad have casting calls for such rolls as:

-backround street crossing angry Salafist youth
-ring leader Salafist male in his 60's -fist pumping experience a must.
-professional flag burning Salafist- foot stomping experience preferred.
--Wardrobe designers needed- actors require lots of blue jeans, Woodland camo, and wonky American T-shirts that read "LA Clippers"
-make-up assistants
-rock throwing manager needed
-Set designers
-Vehicles needed for riot scenes; Peugeots and Mercedes preferable

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe-russia/252837-oxford-imam-young-muslims-taught-white-girls-cheap-11.html#ixzz2U7r0GSe2"

I think now we can add to the list:

-decapitated dummy in the middle of the street
-angry salafist youth with meat cleavers in hands and fake blood(probably ketchup) on his hands(not on his shirt though)

They're out to get you man,it's a conspiracy backed by lepricons and martians.
Off topic, was anjem d*ckhead Chaudhry being watched when he came to Islamabad? He should have been killed the moment he stepped on Pakistani soil and abused father of the nation.
Anjem isn't Muslim, he is a real munafiq and an attention seeker that wanna put Muslims into trouble. Please assassinate him..:sniper:
i would love to know that how did they gave those guys a green pass...because last time this happened thay had 7/7 at their hands, too much incompetency at there end believe it or not.
who said anything about detaining someone, am just asking did they not keep a close eye on them, as it has been claimed the guy has been a fanatic for last 10 years, so so in all those years MI 5 had not even a single moment where they would have thought ok this guy can not do anything?
what about surveillance, if these guys were under watch than how come response was 20 minutes late? why were they not seen bagging all kinds of knives, why did they not notice them acquiring a firearm....
you cannot detain somebody just on suspicion. Only thing one can do is put them under survellance and hopefully catch them before they do something. In majority of cases, it works.
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