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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

If your definition of a Muslim is someone who expresses hypocrisy, plays the victim card, and is intolerant to other people.

Then, no, I am not a Muslim.
But if your definition of a Muslim is that which is given in Quran, then I am a Muslim.
Actually I am trying to see your adherence to the basics. I am no one to judge tbh.

But I wonder how you can condone shirk.

What the lady has done is bad because she destroyed property that did not belong to her. But arresting her for hurting religious sentiments is outrageous. OTOH her devotion to Deen should be lauded.
Well she could have paid the money for those figures first and then do whatever she wanted to do with them, publicly sold and available to everyone, once you pay for it it's your property.
Maybe use that moderator tools icon on your panel to enforce the regulations on the forum charter.

(Disclaimer: Just a suggestion, not offensive, not trolling, not off-topic and very simple to understand words to be not misconstrued as otherwise, FYI if offended by my post let me know before banning so I can clarify the above sentence.)
Report the posts that are offensive. Mods don't roam around and review all the posts.

The thread was locked, cleaned as much as possible based on the reports on the first day and then reopened.

And no, it's not the kind of forum where even rapes are justified as a tool for opponents without repurcussions.

(Don't get riled up after reading my comment. It wasn't meant to offend you. Use the report button for the posts which are offensive. If you find my post offensive, report that too and other mods will take care of that)
Well she could have paid the money for those figures first and then do whatever she wanted to do with them, publicly sold and available to everyone, once you pay for it it's your property.
Problem is, others can do this with Quran too.
i would do it again if i could
the worst kind of idolatry is trinitarian idolatry largely because of the intense contradictions and hypocrisy behind such worship
How disgusting of you to disrespect other people's belief, it just goes to show how weak yours is.
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India is the home of most numbers of mosques in the world. At least you should be thankful to Indians that the way Islam is flourished in India , it nowhere did!
Random lynching doesn't give a clue to you about India. In India, Hindus are being lynched more than Muslims.
But Hindus don't know how to play victim.
Thats the difference.

No it's not i.e. the most mosques, yes it does have many, but much of that is legacy of India's former rulers, including the "flourishing" of the faith.
It's not random lynching, such groups are actively aided by state authorities police, courts etc, and the ruling party praises those who protect cows.
Hindus are greater victims than Muslims, not according to official stats and the riot tallies. But anyway.
I think that is known to every tom dick & harry now. You made it look as if you are revealing a big secret. Nevermind.

Actually, it is so funny that a divine revelation is required to differentiate between "sin" & "not sin", "forgivable sin" & "unforgivable sin" and everything in between them & beyond. It actually means "dont apply mind".

What kind of humans need a revelation to know that "killing innocent is wrong"? Without this revelation, all humans will start killing innocents? If yes, kafirs should be killing 24x7.

May be applying mind falls under 'unforgivable sin'.

Well, seeing as what has been happening in India itself, you should need no further explanation as to the propensity of man killing his fellow man over nothing.

Let's take your own post as an analogy. You have been 'revealed' that religious discussions and/or targeting another religion is a sin on this forum. Yet, "applying mind" or not, you failed to do so.
Well, seeing as what has been happening in India itself, you should need no further explanation as to the propensity of man killing his fellow man over nothing.

Let's take your own post as an analogy. You have been 'revealed' that religious discussions and/or targeting another religion is a sin on this forum. Yet, "applying mind" or not, you failed to do so.
Wow, a forum rule is being compared to a "divine revelation". Thats not a new one but nevermind.

See, men killing men is as old as mankind. Crimes & criminals exist since like ever. That was not the point at all.

Point was, whether, in general, humans kill innocents? The answer is a clear NO. It needs no divine revelation to tell humans that "killing innocents is wrong". Such a divine revelation may be required for murderers & criminals. In general, humans are not criminals.

(I actually did not know that religious discussions are strictly prohibited. I saw many threads & posts here which discussed religion directly or indirectly. Thanks for letting me know anyway)
These were not idols in places of worship - but idols to be sold, thus unowned idols. And braking idols is Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAWW and Ibrahim Elaih-e-Salaam. Allah stopped us from abusing idols lest they would abuse your True God.

This is from we follow.show me one example from hindu scriptures.
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This is regarding Haqooq-ul-Ebaad. You cannot mistreat a non-Muslim just because he is a non-Muslim.
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Is cow meet sacred for Muslims? Equal to Hindus God? Show me a verse of Quran where its says "It is compulsory for Muslims to eat cow meet."
Indians say that India is a secular state. Why do you impose your dietary laws on Muslims too? If Pakistani lawmakers would pass a law saying that during Eid ul Qurban EVERYBODY has to eat what we eat, including vegetarians, Hindus, Sikhs and others. You would cry that this law specifically targets minorities. Why is it ok then for India to impose such a law on Muslims?

And if Cow meet is banned in some states of India, it is banned for all communities, not only for Muslims! @Yaseen1
Yeah, it's like saying: France banned the headscarf for every women!!! We both know who the main target is.

On a person-to-person level I totally respect that Hindus don't eat beef. A few years back we had a multinational meeting with Indians. The colleagues suggested that we should have lunch at a steakhouse (it was halal). I told them not to because the Indians could be upset if we do so.

India is the home of most numbers of mosques in the world. At least you should be thankful to Indians that the way Islam is flourished in India , it nowhere did!
Muslims took care of that. It was their dominion so it's normal that many mosques were built during their reign.

Random lynching doesn't give a clue to you about India. In India, Hindus are being lynched more than Muslims.
Yeah? Can you provide a source for that claim (it would be somehow normal because most crimes happen amongs the same ethnic or religious groups)?

But Hindus don't know how to play victim.
Thats the difference.
Man every other sentence of Indian posters is about evil Muslims opressing nice Hindus. So don't gimmie that. You know that you mastered the victim mentality!
How disgusting of you to disrespect other people's belief, it just goes to show how weak yours is.

Right of Trinitarian Christians and Jews (who choose to live in peace in an Islamic state) to worship as they believe and uphold their laws, places of worship, etc. is protected specifically in the Quran.

Famously Prophet Muhammad saws said, I will be against him on Qiyamat who is against these people.
Both of your stories sound made up. In the US if there is a vehicular accident you are discouraged from moving the vehicles until a police officer comes to investigate. Also in your second story the police cannot ask someone to stay away from a citizen unless they file for a restraining order. Nice try bharti, but you being completely ignorant of the laws of the US have outed yourself.

And I did not issue a threat, I genuinely informed the man that it was a possibility and if he had informed the police then nothing would have happened to either of us.
I never said I am expert in law (Indian or US). I just shared what I personally witnessed. Instead of saying "sound made up", you should just declare that they "are made up". We are always lying anyway.

I said, it was not an "accident", there was no damage, there was nothing to "investigate" as far as my knowledge of law goes. May be the cop saw in an instant that there was no damage and immediately took the next step. You would agree that the cops there dont-dilly dally or look to make a quick buck from both sides? It happens in India and I am sure the situation is more or less same in Pak.

Thanks for not threatening him. Perhaps you should have lodged a complaint with relevant authorities which would determine whether it was illegal for such merchandise to be sold. But you did not may be because your purpose was served just by 'not threatening'.
Wow, a forum rule is being compared to a "divine revelation". Thats not a new one but nevermind.

See, men killing men is as old as mankind. Crimes & criminals exist since like ever. That was not the point at all.

Point was, whether, in general, humans kill innocents? The answer is a clear NO. It needs no divine revelation to tell humans that "killing innocents is wrong". Such a divine revelation may be required for murderers & criminals. In general, humans are not criminals.

(I actually did not know that religious discussions are strictly prohibited. I saw many threads & posts here which discussed religion directly or indirectly. Thanks for letting me know anyway)
Bro you are making some excellent points and giving good counters...i am impressed..but some people here are allergic to logic...they are programmed to think in a certain way...they cant uncondition that programming because it demolishes their identity...not everyone has the courage to think rationally.
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