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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

Bro you are making some excellent points and giving good counters...i am impressed..but some people here are allergic to logic...they are programmed to think in a certain way...they cant uncondition that programming because it demolishes their identity...not everyone has the courage to think rationally.
Thanks brother Indian.

I just hope I dont get banned.

@krash please dont ban me without adequate chance to get used to the rules here. Please bear with me till then
Wow, a forum rule is being compared to a "divine revelation". Thats not a new one but nevermind.

Is it? Seemed like the perfect analogy to expose the folly of your argument.

See, men killing men is as old as mankind. Crimes & criminals exist since like ever. That was not the point at all.

The publicly/officially/socially mandated killings of innocents in, say, Kashmir or India or any other part of the world are not mere crimes.

Point was, whether, in general, humans kill innocents? The answer is a clear NO. It needs no divine revelation to tell humans that "killing innocents is wrong". Such a divine revelation may be required for murderers & criminals. In general, humans are not criminals.

That is a naive statement. Humans in general are dishonest and self-serving. Hence the need for law, divine or otherwise. Hence the need for the Geneva Convention. Hence also the tens of thousands of murdered and forgotten innocent Kashmiris.

(I actually did not know that religious discussions are strictly prohibited. I saw many threads & posts here which discussed religion directly or indirectly. Thanks for letting me know anyway)
@krash please dont ban me without adequate chance to get used to the rules here. Please bear with me till then

No worries. We try to run a tight ship but cannot prevent the inevitable leaks here and there. If you ever see such posts again, please report them and help us out. I'd also advise to read through the Forum Rules.
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Problem is, others can do this with Quran too.

Quran is available online, anyone can do anything at anytime. And you would rarely find a Non Muslim selling Quran in a Muslim Majority country.

If a non Muslim does anything to Quran that he has paid for, the responsibility falls on the Muslims, don't sell the book then.
Cow slaughter is banned in some states through and through. It's simple. Eating cow is not a religious obligation, you can eat bull, buffalo, and whatever that has four legs and legal to slaughter, because it's illegal, it comes with a certain monetary gain if you can actually get the meat, and lack of police enforcement leads to vigilantism. To put it simply, it's a law and order issue and you don't even have to be a Muslim to get caught up in this.

Cow slaughter is a law & order issue but cow vigilantism and public lynchings are not?

This doesn't make any sense to me but as long as it makes sense to you.

Now, coming to my sensitivities, I live in a Southern state where it's legal to slaughter anything. I do not have a problem watching people eat cow meat, but that's just me.

These same people will be offended if idols are placed next to beef from a slaughtered cow at a supermarket, which is what I'm alluding to. And the same people will then resort to violence creating a law & order situation.

This video surfaced on Aug 15 (Hindustan's Independence Day).

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What point are you trying to make?

Cow slaughter is a law & order issue but cow vigilantism and public lynchings are not?

This doesn't make any sense to me but as long as it makes sense to you.
Man, llegal cow slaughter, or doing illegal things like vigilantism all are Law and Order issues. Please read again what I said.

These same people will be offended if idols are placed next to slaughtered beef, which is what I'm alluding to. And the same people will resort to violence.

This is a video surfaced on Aug 15, Hindustan's Independence Day.
At least some people are offended regardless, a few days back an entire neighborhood burned because some guy mocked your prophet on Facebook.

These are not written in our laws, that one should take the law into their hands. But lack of strict enforcement of certain laws make people do things on their own.
What point are you trying to make?


"These idols were being sold at a supermarket which in all likelihood carried beef and whatnot. This may be why people are suggesting it is disrespectful to sell them at a supermarket. A dedicated space seems more respectful."

Man, llegal cow slaughter, or doing illegal things like vigilantism all are Law and Order issues. Please read again what I said.

Cow slaughter isn't illegal in Bahrain.

Indian Muslims who have been publicly lynched by Indian Hindu mobs were carrying buffalos for use in dairy. This has nothing to do with cows or slaughter. No point bringing up illegal cow slaughter here. It is irrelevant here.

At least some people are offended regardless, a few days back an entire neighborhood burned because some guy mocked your prophet on Facebook.

Much worse happened during the Delhi riots or during the demolition of Babri mosque but that too is irrelevant to Bahrain. Again, I don't know why you are hellbent on trolling and bringing up completely irrelevant stuff.

I gave you the example of public lynchings in India to highlight the potential of violence this issue creates. Hence, many here are correctly suggesting it is best to have a dedicated space for the sale of these idols which seems respectful and is a step away from violence as well. The fact that you are not
offended doesn't stop others from taking law into their hand. Is this too hard to understand?
Get out of middle east,Indians are not welcome there.

The people of middle east and India will decide that.
The people of middle east and India will decide that.
The Arabs need cheap slave labor and Super-Power-Rangers from India are happy to take these jobs from evil Muslims. Muslim rule made India great and provide the jobs for remmittances back to India. And what do Muslims get at home? Damnatio memoriae and a hostile environment with daily rapes and murder. Disgusting!!! You Indians are also a very ungrateful lot. Sad.
Kingdom of Bahrani Police might have arrested her by now !!!

Case will be opened on Her !!! Was She Possessed by Demons ??? this will be the First Question.

Union of India Establishment - Dharam Sansad and Ulema e Hindustan do have Certain Cases which have been Registered in Police FIR.
Cow slaughter is a law & order issue but cow vigilantism and public lynchings are not?

Cow Slaughter is A Law and Order Issue because of the Commandments in Holy Scriptures !!!

Deen e Ibrahim Alai Salaam is Deen e Muhammed S.A.W.S which is Zibbatun of Dumbbatun !!!
"These idols were being sold at a supermarket which in all likelihood carried beef and whatnot. This may be why people are suggesting it is disrespectful to sell them at a supermarket. A dedicated space seems more respectful."
Lol! This statue was probably made by someone who haven't taken a shower for week, who cares man.
Cow slaughter isn't illegal in Bahrain.

Indian Muslims who have been publicly lynched by Indian Hindu mobs were carrying buffalos for use in dairy. This has nothing to do with cows or slaughter. No point bringing up illegal cow slaughter here. It is irrelevant here.
Maybe, maybe not. You're the one who brought up selling cows and what not without any evidence. I don't even know if it's a large super market, but whatever.

Much worse happened during the Delhi riots or during the demolition of Babri mosque but that too is irrelevant to Bahrain. Again, I don't know why you are hellbent on trolling and bringing up completely irrelevant stuff.

I gave you the example of public lynchings in India to highlight the potential of violence this issue creates. Hence, many here are correctly suggesting it is best to have a dedicated space for the sale of these idols which seems respectful and is a step away from violence as well. The fact that you are not
offended doesn't stop others from taking law into their hand. Is this too hard to understand?
And what has lynching got to do with some lady destroying an idol in Bahrain, cow slaughter, lynching and what not. How's all these connected to this? I'm not the one hellbent on trolling and bringing up irrelevant stuff.

Let Bahrain decide on what to do, I'm not dictating terms here, neither should you.
Guys, stop feeding Indian trolls.
The Arabs need cheap slave labor and Super-Power-Rangers from India are happy to take these jobs from evil Muslims. Muslim rule made India great and provide the jobs for remmittances back to India. And what do Muslims get at home? Damnatio memoriae and a hostile environment with daily rapes and murder. Disgusting!!! You Indians are also a very ungrateful lot. Sad.

The Arabs know what we are. They are the ones who will decide.
Lol! This statue was probably made by someone who haven't taken a shower for week, who cares man.
Let Bahrain decide on what to do, I'm not dictating terms here, neither should you.

Tell these stories to Indian Hindus fundamentalists who are issuing threats on the internet.

Maybe, maybe not. You're the one who brought up selling cows and what not without any evidence. I don't even know if it's a large super market, but whatever.

"Maybe, maybe not."

Beef of slaughtered cows is sold at the supermarket along with the idols.

Warning: Beef in the video

And what has lynching got to do with some lady destroying an idol in Bahrain, cow slaughter, lynching and what not. How's all these connected to this? I'm not the one hellbent on trolling and bringing up irrelevant stuff.

Already explained. It seems you have comprehension issues or are you just trolling?

I gave you the example of public lynchings in India to highlight the potential of violence this issue creates. Hence, many here are correctly suggesting it is best to have a dedicated space for the sale of these idols which seems respectful and is a step away from violence as well. The fact that you are not offended doesn't stop others from taking law into their hand. Is this too hard to understand?​

Guys, stop feeding Indian trolls.

Unfortunate to see Indians have nothing constructive to add to the discussion, other than trolling.
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Tell these stories to Indian Hindus fundamentalists who are issuing threats on the internet.
Lol! Who cares man, it's in Bahrain, he's in India. Neither of them are probably never gonna meet. It's like Pakistanis threatening Israelis.

Already explained. It seems you have comprehension issues or are you just trolling?

I gave you the example of public lynchings in India to highlight the potential of violence this issue creates. Hence, many here are correctly suggesting it is best to have a dedicated space for the sale of these idols which seems respectful and is a step away from violence as well. The fact that you are not offended doesn't stop others from taking law into their hand. Is this too hard to understand?
Yawn! Whatever.
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