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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

Is it? Seemed like the perfect analogy to expose the folly of your argument.

The publicly/officially/socially mandated killings of innocents in, say, Kashmir or India or any other part of the world are not mere crimes.

That is a naive statement. Humans in general are dishonest and self-serving. Hence the need for law, divine or otherwise. Hence the need for the Geneva Convention. Hence also the tens of thousands of murdered and forgotten innocent Kashmiris.

No worries. We try to run a tight ship but cannot prevent the inevitable leaks here and there. If you ever see such posts again, please report them and help us out. I'd also advise to read through the Forum Rules.
I think you consider Kashmir to be a "divinely ordained fight". I don't want to alter that belief of yours. Be happy. Except one point to ponder: if it was indeed a "divine fight", that particular "god" would be of a very low status trying to wrest a piece of land from mere mortals.

Other than above, I will only comment on the bold part. I agree that in general humans are dishonest & self-serving. Do you agree that in general humans are NOT killers? The verse is about "killing". Now add 1+1 and let me know if it is 2.
I think you consider Kashmir to be a "divinely ordained fight". I don't want to alter that belief of yours. Be happy. Except one point to ponder: if it was indeed a "divine fight", that particular "god" would be of a very low status trying to wrest a piece of land from mere mortals.

That is a dishonest statement, geared more towards straw man-ing an argument rather than an argument itself.

Other than above, I will only comment on the bold part. I agree that in general humans are dishonest & self-serving. Do you agree that in general humans are NOT killers? The verse is about "killing". Now add 1+1 and let me know if it is 2.

Would you like me to repeat ad nauseam that man is a killer who has already killed and continues to kill millions of innocents through systematic pogroms only to sooth something as fickle as his own idiotic sentiments and/or narratives?
That is a dishonest statement, geared more towards straw man-ing an argument rather than an argument itself.

Would you like me to repeat ad nauseam that man is a killer who has already killed and continues to kill millions of innocents through systematic pogroms only to sooth something as fickle as his own idiotic sentiments and/or narratives?
Why dont you just say "In general, humans kill". Why be round-about? I hope I have not touched a raw nerve.
(By "divinely ordained fight" I indirectly meant "raw nerve". Faith & divinity touches a raw nerve too)
Tell these stories to Indian Hindus fundamentalists who are issuing threats on the internet.

"Maybe, maybe not."

Beef of slaughtered cows is sold at the supermarket along with the idols.

Warning: Beef in the video

Already explained. It seems you have comprehension issues or are you just trolling?

I gave you the example of public lynchings in India to highlight the potential of violence this issue creates. Hence, many here are correctly suggesting it is best to have a dedicated space for the sale of these idols which seems respectful and is a step away from violence as well. The fact that you are not offended doesn't stop others from taking law into their hand. Is this too hard to understand?​

Unfortunate to see Indians have nothing constructive to add to the discussion, other than trolling.

They are cowards and they can only make such threats on social media, directed only the please fascist Hindu fan base.

If Arabs start sharing their comments and removing them from jobs, they start crying and asking for forgiveness.

They don't have guts to put any idol in Bahrain embassy, Arabs will kick them out wholesale.
Why dont you just say "In general, humans kill". Why be round-about?

Was it too complicated for you?

I hope I have not touched a raw nerve.
(By "divinely ordained fight" I indirectly meant "raw nerve". Faith & divinity touches a raw nerve too)

I mean no offense, but bud, frankly speaking, you don't have the reach to touch my nerves, raw or otherwise.

Now if either of the above were your attempts at deflecting the discussion because you are unable to answer the actual arguments, then I'd advise that you instead stay low and exit stage left.
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lol this actually reminds me of the early days here in Canada years ago.

I broke an idol of St.Mary in a thrift store the lady wouldn't dare point a finger at me for that since I was one of them 'oppressed' minorities.

Half of PDF is ready to title you Ghazi.
I salute that Arab lady for having zeal for our God. It seems the shopkeeper was some Desi Muslim. What a shame, selling your soul just to make some extra cash. This is why Arabs treat our people like trash in their countries. We have no sense of honor, our people will sell their own daughters for money.
Lmao. The excuses you people make is hilarious, it seems like a joke. Anything that goes basically.
How can someone put this as a fault of others, I don't know. She literally threw the idols on to the ground out of spite.

May I ask if you are a Hindu Pakistani?
If you are, you should know we Muslims hate idols and we will never condemn someone who breaks idols.
25 pages, and not one Indian posted anything useful.

What do you expect from Indian Hindus? That they will praise this act?

The thing which disturbs me is the reaction of so many so-called Pakistani Muslims who are condemning the actions of that great Arab lady. As I said, the shopkeeper selling idols was a Desi Muslim. Our own Muslims are selling idols of the elephant god because they will earn more money. They are selling their religion for a quick buck. That is how low we Muslims have fallen.
Pakistani Muslims who are condemning the actions of that great Arab lady. As I said, the shopkeeper selling idols was a Desi Muslim. Our own Muslims are selling idols of the elephant god because they will earn more money. They are selling their religion for a quick buck. That is how low we Muslims have fallen

That is why the azaab has fallen on our heads ..
May I ask if you are a Hindu Pakistani?
If you are, you should know we Muslims hate idols and we will never condemn someone who breaks idols.

I don't think he is Hindu brother, but he is definitely Pakistani from his posts and patriotic at that.

We just have some religious differences, they should be kept in their private place and not pushed on the forum.
I don't think he is Hindu brother, but he is definitely Pakistani from his posts and patriotic at that.

We just have some religious differences, they should be kept in their private place and not pushed on the forum.

Okay, it's just that I've never seen a Pakistani Muslim, even the most secular ones, defend Hindu idols so zealously and so passionately as him, I was compelled to think he must be a patriotic Pakistani but perhaps belonging to one of the minority communities.
Was it too complicated for you?

I mean no offense, but bud, frankly speaking, you don't have the reach to touch my nerves, raw or otherwise.

Now if either of the above were your attempts at deflecting the discussion because you are unable to answer the actual arguments, then I'd advise that you instead stay low and exit stage left.
Ok, still evading a clear answer to "Are human beings killers in general?"

It is actually not a complicated question. Anyone reading this post will understand.

Nevermind. It happens.

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