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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

That's not my point, what I'm trying to say is that in this age of technology people use other sources aside from translations.

YouTube videos, Facebook posts and WhatsApp forwards and what not.

People would rather rely on these things, instead of reading the actual Qur'an.

Just take a look at YouTube, so many people with so many opinions, branding themselves as men of God and confusing the masses.

One moulvi says one thing, another one draws another interpretation for the same worse, they contradict each other, the only one harmed in all this are the gullible masses.

Some of these YouTube mullahs even 'Diss' each other via videos, the real aim here is to gain views, not spread the word of God.

And I'm speaking of Bengali E-Moulvis here not idea about how it is on the Pakistani side.

I can never foresee you having any trouble with Indians, even the Sanghis.LOL, not that's a compliment in any way. The Sanghis have no concept of religious tolerance. They are very narrow-minded and prejudiced people.

My nani wanted me to be raised as a proper Muslim (I have a mixed Hindu-Muslm background). So I received an Urdu education as a child etc. But as early as age 12 or 13, I began to question a lot of things about organized religion. My mother was the main reason as she was a freethinker.

I was never raised as a proper Hindu therefore, I don't agree to certain things like idolatry. I do love reading the Rig Veda out of curiosity, very enlightening epic for openminded people.

However, this forum is probably not the best place to discuss these views which I share with you here.

Best regards
Same in Pakistan and Germany. It’s all about followers rather than enlightenment. Mullahs tend to invent new vocabulary in Islam and criticize the masses for not knowing their innovations. It’s a mess.

An educated person does not need another's interpretation of a written text. Yes, it's useful to discuss ideas with religious scholars to resolve any doubts. But one should not believe every self-described expert, or those with huge congregations. Someone like Dr. Zakir Naik is a huge celebrity, and I have been to his conclave and even interacted with him behind the scene. He's definitely very knowledgeable on his subject, but why sacrifice one's own critical inquiry?

If you're a believing Muslim, you should read the source and get insights on your own. The Holy Quran sounds very logical even with a critical mind. There's no need for external interpretations unless you want to consult someone and have them agree with you, a form of validation.
Idol worshipping is the biggest sin in Islam. Islam forbids this.

Telling a Muslim to worship idols or say that this is something ok... hmm how to explain it to you? It's like saying to these guys to take a shower with clean water and soap. Not a very nice thing to ask.
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In order to understand that you must have the intention to understand. Your whole purpuse here is just a personal vendetta against Muslims. So for the sake of simplicity. Different situation, different rules. Like tax evasion will get you incarceration and speeding a minor fine.

You are an idol-worshipper. What do you know about applying ones mind? If you would use your brain you wouldnt bow to inanimate idols!

You never opened a history book right? Forbidding unlawful killing was the start of civilization itself!

Are you that stupid??? Open a history book for further clarification!

Kafirs killed each other and kill each other all the time. That's the course of history.

Btw.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate

Kafirs lead the homicide rate. Funny, isn't it?



These little Hindoush (as the sister calls them) feel so bothered by an elderly Arab lady breaking idols in a supermarket, while they don't even blink when Muslims are lynched by mobs in the street for eating beef.

They think that they convince us or control what we say on a Pakistani forum.

You Indians are a very entitled lot. Being guests in a Pakistani forum and demanding a free pass to spread Hindu propaganda? This is not the Make-a-Wish-Foundation!

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

Exactly brother. Welcome to the cause which @Verve @Musings @Morpheus @PAKISTANFOREVER have been pushing for.

I hope more Pakistanis realize that there is nothing to be gained from back and forth and entertaining wild ideas of these trolls.

I can't agree with the act - it's basically a hate crime. People bring up the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) smashing idols - but I think the difference was they were told by Allah swt to smash those idols. Does the same command apply to us? If so why aren't non Muslim places of worship being attacked across Muslim lands? I don't think that rule applies to you and me. We were told not to worship the idols - not to smash them.

I believe there is hadith that states idol worship cannot be accepted on Arab lands anymore (please correct me if I'm wrong). I can't remember a reference, or the scope of it. The question should be put to these governments why they allow it (assuming I am correct).

The mistake (if there is any) of the govt and those Muslim businesses selling idols. Its unfair to smash them as it will have a negative effect on minorities.

Those stating the example of India and Babri masjid - I ask if we should follow the example of RSS hindu extremists? Is that suitable for followers of RasoolAllah (saws)?

The sahih hadith states that Prophet Muhammad saws said after destroying idols of Makkah and banning idolatry in Jazirat al Arab, that this day Shaytaan has lost all chance of making you (Arabs) come back to open shirk, but told for to be mindful of minor shirk.
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I assume you learn everything you know from first principle too? Do your own research, experiments? Never rely on principles established by someone else?

Do you not think that the copies of the Quran translated are checked and peer reviewed by those who know both Arabic and the language they're translated into?

Debating Non-Muslims is a lost cause. They can research themselves if they desire truth.

We are not here to have religious polemics on PDF.
To those interested in learning the Quran, having tafsir (commentary) available is imperative as Quran cannot be taken without Ahadith and Ijma' Ulema (consensus of traditional scholars.)

This is off topic, so let us swing back to the main topic again.

If anyone desires further knowledge, just tag me and I will explain it to you elsewhere.
Reported for personal attacks.

Discuss topic, not posters. That is against forum rules.

Also just because you are not a Muslim, it does not give you license to impose your beliefs on others on this forum.

You're imposing your belief that I am a non Muslim. That's a personal attack.
Are you even Muslim?

If your definition of a Muslim is someone who expresses hypocrisy, plays the victim card, and is intolerant to other people.

Then, no, I am not a Muslim.
But if your definition of a Muslim is that which is given in Quran, then I am a Muslim.
Sorry.. that's Hindutvaism

What is the woman doing? Lone wolf'ism? Or Radical Islamism?
What is the woman doing? Lone wolf'ism? Or Radical Islamism?

No such thing as radical islam... All Islam is radically awesome, dude!

She is doing tit-4-tat!... Showing Hindus that they don't belong in the Arab peninsula...
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You're imposing your belief that I am a non Muslim. That's a personal attack.

You are not. That is just reality.
This is not a personal attack.
Neither I am imposing my beliefs on others.

I am just calling this mentality shared by self declared peacefuls as a terrorist mentality. Problem?

So you are sticking to calling me that label. I will keep reporting you.

Then, no, I am not a Muslim.
But if your definition of a Muslim is that which is given in Quran, then I am a Muslim.

In what world are you Muslim, every post is an insult to Islam and Muslims? You think we are fools?

Mods have even banned you for it in the past, I believe.

BTW I have no issue with your religion, believe as you wish, but when you misrepresent Islam and Muslims, that is a problem.

What is the woman doing? Lone wolf'ism? Or Radical Islamism?

Inventing more labels just for an Arab aunty who got angry at seeing idols.
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No such thing as radical islam... All Islam is radically awesome, dude!

She is doing it for tat!... Showing Hindus that they don't belong in the Arab peninsula...

Tomorrow they will call it a overzealous Muslimist or anti-Taughutism.
I can never foresee you having any trouble with Indians, even the Sanghis.LOL, not that's a compliment in any way. The Sanghis have no concept of religious tolerance. They are very narrow-minded and prejudiced people.

What do you mean ?
Bravo! At least you are honest. And your mention that someone "would probably burn down the shop" takes the cake.

On a different note, I was in USA in late 90s & early 20s too. AFAIK, it is not India or Pak where you feel offended and you "burn down" something. You let the authorities know and they will decide how valid or invalid is your getting offended. In fact I had such nice personal experiences that I became such a fan of their law&order. In one such instance, me and my friend were driving and he slightly touched the vehicle in front of ours. There was absolutely no damage, but the American lady got down from the car & started creating a scene. My friend told her to pull the car over because the traffic was getting blocked. But she didnt budge. The cops came, first question they asked us was "why did you not pull over the vehicles to the side of the road". The moment my friend said that we are requesting her to pull over to the side but she is not listening, the cop asked us to leave and fined her.
In another instance, one black guy intimated my room mate. He (my room mate) called the cops who after questioning us & him, asked him (the black guy) to keep a distance of 50m from us. In next few days, the black guy vacated the neighbourhood.

Intimidation & threat to do a crime is a bigger crime than actually doing the crime. They will nip it in the bud right there. I dont know how this black guy apologised to you. He should have just informed the authorities about your threat which afaik does not work in US of A

Otherwise, your post is honest. Keep it up!!

Both of your stories sound made up. In the US if there is a vehicular accident you are discouraged from moving the vehicles until a police officer comes to investigate. Also in your second story the police cannot ask someone to stay away from a citizen unless they file for a restraining order. Nice try bharti, but you being completely ignorant of the laws of the US have outed yourself.

And I did not issue a threat, I genuinely informed the man that it was a possibility and if he had informed the police then nothing would have happened to either of us.
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