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Women in Bahrain Breaks Hindu Idols

Why do Muslims always have to be Appeasers of islamaphobes while they are lynched and murdered like cattle in Hindutva India and nobody cries or makes any noise... Just so Muslims can keep their jobs?? Think about it.

This lady has not done anything to anyone, she has not desecrated any temple or killed anyone. She is 100% correct.

In an Islamic country, idols should not be sold in public in a supermarket.
The woman did the right thing. Hindus should support her as that store was trying to sell their god for 2 dinars.

And to the Muslims that are outraged by this woman. Go drown in your shame. This woman is concerned with pleasing Allah swt, not you appeasement monkeys. Though I do question her intentions by recording this, but I will give her the benefit of doubt as Allah swt knows best.

This reminds me of an incident with me in the late 90’s in the US. I went to the mall looking for sneakers or as you Desis like to call them ‘joggers’. Was looking through shoes at this black guys shop and saw that one of the sneakers had Allah etched in Arabic on the rubber sole of the shoe on the bottom. Now obviously this was done for aesthetics and design but I was pissed nonetheless. I calmly went up to the black guy with the shoe and asked him if he knew what was written on the bottom. He said no and then I explained it to him. I said if another Muslim sees this, they’ll probably burn down his shop as it is seen as very disrespectful. He apologized saying he had no idea and said he was gonna pull that shoe of the shelf and send it back to the company. I shook his hand and end of story.

Point is that Muslims on this board are so busy pleasing whites, liberals, hindus ect., that they forget that their main goal in life is to please Allah swt.

As they say in punjabi ‘aa dunya te char din’a da mela’.

In my opinion that woman should have made a video of complaining to the manager of the store and it would have been way more effective than breaking products and creating a scene, but what she did albeit tactless was not wrong.

Bravo! At least you are honest. And your mention that someone "would probably burn down the shop" takes the cake.

On a different note, I was in USA in late 90s & early 20s too. AFAIK, it is not India or Pak where you feel offended and you "burn down" something. You let the authorities know and they will decide how valid or invalid is your getting offended. In fact I had such nice personal experiences that I became such a fan of their law&order. In one such instance, me and my friend were driving and he slightly touched the vehicle in front of ours. There was absolutely no damage, but the American lady got down from the car & started creating a scene. My friend told her to pull the car over because the traffic was getting blocked. But she didnt budge. The cops came, first question they asked us was "why did you not pull over the vehicles to the side of the road". The moment my friend said that we are requesting her to pull over to the side but she is not listening, the cop asked us to leave and fined her.
In another instance, one black guy intimated my room mate. He (my room mate) called the cops who after questioning us & him, asked him (the black guy) to keep a distance of 50m from us. In next few days, the black guy vacated the neighbourhood.

Intimidation & threat to do a crime is a bigger crime than actually doing the crime. They will nip it in the bud right there. I dont know how this black guy apologised to you. He should have just informed the authorities about your threat which afaik does not work in US of A

Otherwise, your post is honest. Keep it up!!
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This land has seen idols after long long time. It's the land where Holy Prophet and Sahaba Ikram broke Idols them selves.
And now here comes some enlighted shaikhs.
People have not seen idols since last 1400 years on that land. The reaction is natural.
In my opinion, the shaikhs under supervision of whom this is happening, are already calling for Allah's wrath.
In my opinion, idols in Pakistan are OK, in Iran are OK, in Europe are OK, in America are OK, but Arab land, a big NO.
So I support this sister of mine. She did the right thing.
Bravo!! I said the same. Breaking idols is sunnat.
You should not consider idols ok ANYWHERE. Break them where-ever you can. Refrain from breaking them where you cant (because of possible repercussions). But do NOT consider them ok ANYWHERE. Remember what is sunnat and what is not.
Bravo!! I said the same. Breaking idols is sunnat.
You should not consider idols ok ANYWHERE. Break them where-ever you can. Refrain from breaking them where you cant (because of possible repercussions). But do NOT consider them ok ANYWHERE. Remember what is sunnat and what is not.
Yes, but holy prophet ordered that only for idols in and around Haramain. Not everywhere.
Maybe she was harassed online by Indians and that's the best she could do in retaliation.

Stress is very harmful to the epidermis

every jihadi apologists is a classic case
every jihadi apologists is a classic case

False flagger, you are so upset by these statues getting destroyed.
Yes, but holy prophet ordered that only for idols in and around Haramain. Not everywhere.

Let us not give the Hindu trolls legitimacy to their narrative, just leave them.

Jazirat al Arab is holy land, and it is an exception, like Vatican is to Catholics.
Here you and other liberals are passing value judgements on people as if you are mullahs.

Discuss the topic, not posters. Also refrain from personal attacks.
Yes i have full right to pass judgement as she is taking a dump on the image of Islam (a religion which i follow) infront of everyone, not keeping her religion private and appeasing extremists like you.
Why do Muslims always have to be Appeasers of islamaphobes while they are lynched and murdered like cattle in Hindutva India and nobody cries or makes any noise... Just so Muslims can keep their jobs?? Think about it.
Why are you even bringing dicrimantions against Muslims in India in this thread? Keep to topic of thread.
Let us not give the Hindu trolls legitimacy to their narrative, just leave them.

Jazirat al Arab is holy land, and it is an exception, like Vatican is to Catholics.
Are exceptions allowed only to people of the book?
Are the exceptions explicitly stated in the book?
Are exceptions allowed only to people of the book?
Are the exceptions explicitly stated in the book?

Idolatry is considered the most serious sin in Islam. It's Shirk, completely unacceptable in their way of life.

Other sins such as Zina (adultery), eating pork/drinking alcohol are considered forgivable, and even tolerated in certain circumstances. For example, a Muslim on the brink of starvation may consume pork to sustain himself provided he's in such an environment. Sure it's haraam but it's still forgivable.

But idolatry is the most serious sin. That is why they take strong exception to the building of any Hindu temple in GCC countries.

Even religious Christians and Jews (People of the Book) are anti-idolatry.
Yes i have full right to pass judgement as she is taking a dump on the image of Islam (a religion which i follow) infront of everyone, not keeping her religion private and appeasing extremists like you.

She did not seem very religious. I do not think you have any data to indicate otherwise.

Everyday Arab is just as anti-idolaters as Afghans, Iranians, and other ME people.

Indians think Pakistan are the absolute worse, but we are very tolerant to them and others compared to our more zealous cousins.

They even have Hindi as a common curse word in Arabic, Farsi, and Dari. You can see in the video she was calling them Hindoush.

You can Continue with the jihadi rampage

Negative points for totally losing focus. Jihad is one of the most important concepts of Islam which every Muslim undertakes to better him or herself. Jihad applies to every aspect of a Muslim's life, even mundane things like waking up for Fajr or keeping patience during fasting.

Here you have delegated Jihad to a curse word and insult.

Have you no shame?

Feel free to discuss your own Hindu faith, but please leave the labels concerning Islam out of this thread. I have reported you.

This word should be banned from this forum, as it means absolutely nothing.
Why are you even bringing dicrimantions against Muslims in India in this thread? Keep to topic of thread.

Future responses in Muslim lands against Hindutva Extremism are a result of Indian Terrorism against its Muslim minority.

Very relevant.
I think that is known to every tom dick & harry now. You made it look as if you are revealing a big secret. Nevermind.

Actually, it is so funny that a divine revelation is required to differentiate between "sin" & "not sin", "forgivable sin" & "unforgivable sin" and everything in between them & beyond. It actually means "dont apply mind".

What kind of humans need a revelation to know that "killing innocent is wrong"? Without this revelation, all humans will start killing innocents? If yes, kafirs should be killing 24x7.

May be applying mind falls under 'unforgivable sin'.

You are a newbie here. And I must warn you, your entire comment may be viewed as Islamophobic here. It may lead to warnings and bans so you should tread carefully. Rest is up to you.

I don't mind a discussion on comparative religions. But most of you Hindutvadis are extremely offensible creatures by habit.
Future responses in Muslim lands against Hindutva Extremism are a result of Indian Terrorism against its Muslim minority.

Very relevant.

They want Muslims to remain silent and continue like sheep to bear every injury.

We are not Indian Muslims, we are Pakistanis. We have teeth and claws.

As for Arabs, they have every right to set the discourse as far as what is acceptable in their countries and what is not. Domestic discontent will only start to rise from here. These things will become common.
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